from collections import deque from proboscis import test from proboscis.asserts import * from proboscis import after_class from proboscis import before_class import troveclient.compat from trove.tests.config import CONFIG from trove.tests.api.instances import instance_info from trove.tests.api.instances import VOLUME_SUPPORT from trove.tests.util.users import Requirements from trove.tests.util import create_dbaas_client import trove.tests.util as tests_utils from trove.common.utils import poll_until @test(groups=["dbaas.api.mgmt.malformed_json"]) class MalformedJson(object): @before_class def setUp(self): self.reqs = Requirements(is_admin=False) self.user = CONFIG.users.find_user(self.reqs) self.dbaas = create_dbaas_client(self.user) volume = None if VOLUME_SUPPORT: volume = {"size": 1} self.instance = self.dbaas.instances.create( name="qe_instance", flavor_id=instance_info.dbaas_flavor_href, volume=volume, databases=[{"name": "firstdb", "character_set": "latin2", "collate": "latin2_general_ci"}]) @after_class def tearDown(self): self.dbaas.instances.delete(self.instance) @test def test_bad_instance_data(self): databases = "foo" users = "bar" try: self.dbaas.instances.create("bad_instance", 3, 3, databases=databases, users=users) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Create instance failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) if not isinstance(self.dbaas.client, troveclient.compat.xml.TroveXmlClient): databases = "u'foo'" users = "u'bar'" assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: " "instance['databases'] %s is not of type 'array';" " instance['users'] %s is not of type 'array'; " "instance['volume'] 3 is not of type 'object'" % (databases, users)) @test def test_bad_database_data(self): tests_utils.skip_if_xml() _bad_db_data = "{foo}" try: self.dbaas.databases.create(, _bad_db_data) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Create database failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) if not isinstance(self.dbaas.client, troveclient.compat.xml.TroveXmlClient): _bad_db_data = "u'{foo}'" assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: " "databases %s is not of type 'array'" % _bad_db_data) @test def test_bad_user_data(self): def format_path(values): values = list(values) msg = "%s%s" % (values[0], ''.join(['[%r]' % i for i in values[1:]])) return msg _user = [] _user_name = "F343jasdf" _user.append({"name12": _user_name, "password12": "password"}) try: self.dbaas.users.create(, _user) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Create user failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) err_1 = format_path(deque(('users', 0))) assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: " "%(err_1)s 'name' is a required property; " "%(err_1)s 'password' is a required property" % {'err_1': err_1}) @test def test_bad_resize_instance_data(self): def _check_instance_status(): inst = self.dbaas.instances.get(self.instance) if inst.status == "ACTIVE": return True else: return False poll_until(_check_instance_status) try: self.dbaas.instances.resize_instance(, "bad data") except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Resize instance failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) @test def test_bad_resize_vol_data(self): def _check_instance_status(): inst = self.dbaas.instances.get(self.instance) if inst.status == "ACTIVE": return True else: return False poll_until(_check_instance_status) data = "bad data" try: self.dbaas.instances.resize_volume(, data) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Resize instance failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) data = "u'bad data'" assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: " "resize['volume']['size'] %s " "is not valid under any of the given schemas; " "%s is not of type 'integer'; " "%s does not match '[0-9]+'" % (data, data, data)) @test def test_bad_change_user_password(self): password = "" users = [{"name": password}] def _check_instance_status(): inst = self.dbaas.instances.get(self.instance) if inst.status == "ACTIVE": return True else: return False poll_until(_check_instance_status) try: self.dbaas.users.change_passwords(self.instance, users) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Change usr/passwd failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) if not isinstance(self.dbaas.client, troveclient.compat.xml.TroveXmlClient): password = "u''" assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: " "users[0] 'password' is a required property; " "users[0]['name'] %s is too short; " "users[0]['name'] %s does not match " "'^.*[0-9a-zA-Z]+.*$'" % (password, password)) @test def test_bad_grant_user_access(self): dbs = [] def _check_instance_status(): inst = self.dbaas.instances.get(self.instance) if inst.status == "ACTIVE": return True else: return False poll_until(_check_instance_status) try: self.dbaas.users.grant(self.instance, self.user, dbs) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Grant user access failed with code %s, exception " "%s" % (httpCode, e)) @test def test_bad_revoke_user_access(self): db = "" def _check_instance_status(): inst = self.dbaas.instances.get(self.instance) if inst.status == "ACTIVE": return True else: return False poll_until(_check_instance_status) try: self.dbaas.users.revoke(self.instance, self.user, db) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 404, "Revoke user access failed w/code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) assert_equal(e.message, "The resource could not be found.") @test def test_bad_body_flavorid_create_instance(self): tests_utils.skip_if_xml() flavorId = ["?"] try: self.dbaas.instances.create("test_instance", flavorId, 2) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Create instance failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) if not isinstance(self.dbaas.client, troveclient.compat.xml.TroveXmlClient): flavorId = [u'?'] assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: " "instance['flavorRef'] %s is not valid under any " "of the given schemas; " "%s is not of type 'string'; " "%s is not of type 'string'; " "%s is not of type 'integer'; " "instance['volume'] 2 is not of type 'object'" % (flavorId, flavorId, flavorId, flavorId)) @test def test_bad_body_datastore_create_instance(self): tests_utils.skip_if_xml() datastore = "*" datastore_version = "*" try: self.dbaas.instances.create("test_instance", 3, {"size": 2}, datastore=datastore, datastore_version=datastore_version) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Create instance failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) if not isinstance(self.dbaas.client, troveclient.compat.xml.TroveXmlClient): assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: instance['datastore']['type']" " u'%s' does not match '^.*[0-9a-zA-Z]+.*$'; " "instance['datastore']['version'] u'%s' does not" " match '^.*[0-9a-zA-Z]+.*$'" % (datastore, datastore_version)) @test def test_bad_body_volsize_create_instance(self): volsize = "h3ll0" try: self.dbaas.instances.create("test_instance", "1", volsize) except Exception as e: resp, body = self.dbaas.client.last_response httpCode = resp.status assert_equal(httpCode, 400, "Create instance failed with code %s, exception %s" % (httpCode, e)) if not isinstance(self.dbaas.client, troveclient.compat.xml.TroveXmlClient): volsize = "u'h3ll0'" assert_equal(e.message, "Validation error: " "instance['volume'] %s is not of type 'object'" % volsize)