# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013-2014 Rackspace Hosting # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Model classes that form the core of instances functionality.""" import re from datetime import datetime from novaclient import exceptions as nova_exceptions from oslo.config.cfg import NoSuchOptError from trove.common import cfg from trove.common import exception from trove.common import template from trove.common.configurations import do_configs_require_restart import trove.common.instance as tr_instance from trove.common.remote import create_dns_client from trove.common.remote import create_guest_client from trove.common.remote import create_nova_client from trove.common.remote import create_cinder_client from trove.common import utils from trove.configuration.models import Configuration from trove.extensions.security_group.models import SecurityGroup from trove.db import get_db_api from trove.db import models as dbmodels from trove.datastore import models as datastore_models from trove.backup.models import Backup from trove.quota.quota import run_with_quotas from trove.instance.tasks import InstanceTask from trove.instance.tasks import InstanceTasks from trove.taskmanager import api as task_api from trove.openstack.common import log as logging from trove.openstack.common.gettextutils import _ CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def filter_ips(ips, white_list_regex, black_list_regex): """Return IPs matching white_list_regex and Filter out IPs matching black_list_regex. """ return [ip for ip in ips if re.search(white_list_regex, ip) and not re.search(black_list_regex, ip)] def load_server(context, instance_id, server_id): """ Loads a server or raises an exception. :param context: request context used to access nova :param instance_id: the trove instance id corresponding to the nova server (informational only) :param server_id: the compute instance id which will be retrieved from nova :type context: trove.common.context.TroveContext :type instance_id: unicode :type server_id: unicode :rtype: novaclient.v1_1.servers.Server """ client = create_nova_client(context) try: server = client.servers.get(server_id) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: LOG.debug("Could not find nova server_id(%s)" % server_id) raise exception.ComputeInstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_id, server_id=server_id) except nova_exceptions.ClientException as e: raise exception.TroveError(str(e)) return server class InstanceStatus(object): ACTIVE = "ACTIVE" BLOCKED = "BLOCKED" BUILD = "BUILD" FAILED = "FAILED" REBOOT = "REBOOT" RESIZE = "RESIZE" BACKUP = "BACKUP" SHUTDOWN = "SHUTDOWN" ERROR = "ERROR" RESTART_REQUIRED = "RESTART_REQUIRED" def validate_volume_size(size): if size is None: raise exception.VolumeSizeNotSpecified() max_size = CONF.max_accepted_volume_size if long(size) > max_size: msg = ("Volume 'size' cannot exceed maximum " "of %d GB, %s cannot be accepted." % (max_size, size)) raise exception.VolumeQuotaExceeded(msg) def load_simple_instance_server_status(context, db_info): """Loads a server or raises an exception.""" if 'BUILDING' == db_info.task_status.action: db_info.server_status = "BUILD" db_info.addresses = {} else: client = create_nova_client(context) try: server = client.servers.get(db_info.compute_instance_id) db_info.server_status = server.status db_info.addresses = server.addresses except nova_exceptions.NotFound: db_info.server_status = "SHUTDOWN" db_info.addresses = {} # Invalid states to contact the agent AGENT_INVALID_STATUSES = ["BUILD", "REBOOT", "RESIZE"] class SimpleInstance(object): """A simple view of an instance. This gets loaded directly from the local database, so its cheaper than creating the fully loaded Instance. As the name implies this class knows nothing of the underlying Nova Compute Instance (i.e. server) ----------- | | | i | | t n | | r s --------------------- | o t | datastore/guest | | v a --------------------- | e n | | c | | e | | | ----------- """ def __init__(self, context, db_info, datastore_status, root_password=None, ds_version=None, ds=None): """ :type context: trove.common.context.TroveContext :type db_info: trove.instance.models.DBInstance :type datastore_status: trove.instance.models.InstanceServiceStatus :type root_password: str """ self.context = context self.db_info = db_info self.datastore_status = datastore_status self.root_pass = root_password if ds_version is None: self.ds_version = (datastore_models.DatastoreVersion. load_by_uuid(self.db_info.datastore_version_id)) if ds is None: self.ds = (datastore_models.Datastore. load(self.ds_version.datastore_id)) @property def addresses(self): #TODO(tim.simpson): This code attaches two parts of the Nova server to # db_info: "status" and "addresses". The idea # originally was to listen to events to update this # data and store it in the Trove database. # However, it may have been unwise as a year and a # half later we still have to load the server anyway # and this makes the code confusing. if hasattr(self.db_info, 'addresses'): return self.db_info.addresses else: return None @property def created(self): return self.db_info.created @property def dns_ip_address(self): """Returns the IP address to be used with DNS.""" ips = self.get_visible_ip_addresses() if ips: return ips[0] @property def flavor_id(self): # Flavor ID is a str in the 1.0 API. return str(self.db_info.flavor_id) @property def hostname(self): return self.db_info.hostname def get_visible_ip_addresses(self): """Returns IPs that will be visible to the user.""" if self.addresses is None: return None IPs = [] for label in self.addresses: if (re.search(CONF.network_label_regex, label) and len(self.addresses[label]) > 0): IPs.extend([addr.get('addr') for addr in self.addresses[label]]) # Includes ip addresses that match the regexp pattern if CONF.ip_regex and CONF.black_list_regex: IPs = filter_ips(IPs, CONF.ip_regex, CONF.black_list_regex) return IPs @property def id(self): return self.db_info.id @property def tenant_id(self): return self.db_info.tenant_id @property def is_building(self): return self.status in [InstanceStatus.BUILD] @property def is_datastore_running(self): """True if the service status indicates datastore is up and running.""" return self.datastore_status.status in MYSQL_RESPONSIVE_STATUSES def datastore_status_matches(self, service_status): return self.datastore_status.status == service_status @property def name(self): return self.db_info.name @property def server_id(self): return self.db_info.compute_instance_id @property def datastore_status(self): """ Returns the Service Status for this instance. For example, the status of the mysql datastore which is running on the server...not the server status itself. :return: the current status of the datastore :rtype: trove.instance.models.InstanceServiceStatus """ return self.__datastore_status @datastore_status.setter def datastore_status(self, datastore_status): if datastore_status and not isinstance(datastore_status, InstanceServiceStatus): raise ValueError("datastore_status must be of type " "InstanceServiceStatus. Got %s instead." % datastore_status.__class__.__name__) self.__datastore_status = datastore_status @property def status(self): ### Check for taskmanager errors. if self.db_info.task_status.is_error: return InstanceStatus.ERROR ### Check for taskmanager status. action = self.db_info.task_status.action if 'BUILDING' == action: if 'ERROR' == self.db_info.server_status: return InstanceStatus.ERROR return InstanceStatus.BUILD if 'REBOOTING' == action: return InstanceStatus.REBOOT if 'RESIZING' == action: return InstanceStatus.RESIZE if 'RESTART_REQUIRED' == action: return InstanceStatus.RESTART_REQUIRED ### Check for server status. if self.db_info.server_status in ["BUILD", "ERROR", "REBOOT", "RESIZE"]: return self.db_info.server_status # As far as Trove is concerned, Nova instances in VERIFY_RESIZE should # still appear as though they are in RESIZE. if self.db_info.server_status in ["VERIFY_RESIZE"]: return InstanceStatus.RESIZE ### Check if there is a backup running for this instance if Backup.running(self.id): return InstanceStatus.BACKUP ### Report as Shutdown while deleting, unless there's an error. if 'DELETING' == action: if self.db_info.server_status in ["ACTIVE", "SHUTDOWN", "DELETED"]: return InstanceStatus.SHUTDOWN else: LOG.error(_("While shutting down instance (%(instance)s): " "server had status (%(status)s).") % {'instance': self.id, 'status': self.db_info.server_status}) return InstanceStatus.ERROR ### Check against the service status. # The service is only paused during a reboot. if tr_instance.ServiceStatuses.PAUSED == self.datastore_status.status: return InstanceStatus.REBOOT # If the service status is NEW, then we are building. if tr_instance.ServiceStatuses.NEW == self.datastore_status.status: return InstanceStatus.BUILD # For everything else we can look at the service status mapping. return self.datastore_status.status.api_status @property def updated(self): return self.db_info.updated @property def volume_id(self): return self.db_info.volume_id @property def volume_size(self): return self.db_info.volume_size @property def datastore_version(self): return self.ds_version @property def datastore(self): return self.ds @property def volume_support(self): return CONF.get(self.datastore_version.manager).volume_support @property def device_path(self): return CONF.get(self.datastore_version.manager).device_path @property def root_password(self): return self.root_pass @property def configuration(self): if self.db_info.configuration_id is not None: return Configuration.load(self.context, self.db_info.configuration_id) class DetailInstance(SimpleInstance): """A detailed view of an Instance. This loads a SimpleInstance and then adds additional data for the instance from the guest. """ def __init__(self, context, db_info, datastore_status): super(DetailInstance, self).__init__(context, db_info, datastore_status) self._volume_used = None self._volume_total = None @property def volume_used(self): return self._volume_used @volume_used.setter def volume_used(self, value): self._volume_used = value @property def volume_total(self): return self._volume_total @volume_total.setter def volume_total(self, value): self._volume_total = value def get_db_info(context, id): """ Retrieves an instance of the managed datastore from the persisted storage based on the ID and Context :param context: the context which owns the instance :type context: trove.common.context.TroveContext :param id: the unique ID of the instance :type id: unicode or str :return: a record of the instance as its state exists in persisted storage :rtype: trove.instance.models.DBInstance """ if context is None: raise TypeError("Argument context not defined.") elif id is None: raise TypeError("Argument id not defined.") try: db_info = DBInstance.find_by(context=context, id=id, deleted=False) except exception.NotFound: raise exception.NotFound(uuid=id) return db_info def load_any_instance(context, id): # Try to load an instance with a server. # If that fails, try to load it without the server. try: return load_instance(BuiltInstance, context, id, needs_server=True) except exception.UnprocessableEntity: LOG.warn("Could not load instance %s." % id) return load_instance(FreshInstance, context, id, needs_server=False) def load_instance(cls, context, id, needs_server=False): db_info = get_db_info(context, id) if not needs_server: # TODO(tim.simpson): When we have notifications this won't be # necessary and instead we'll just use the server_status field from # the instance table. load_simple_instance_server_status(context, db_info) server = None else: try: server = load_server(context, db_info.id, db_info.compute_instance_id) #TODO(tim.simpson): Remove this hack when we have notifications! db_info.server_status = server.status db_info.addresses = server.addresses except exception.ComputeInstanceNotFound: LOG.error("COMPUTE ID = %s" % db_info.compute_instance_id) raise exception.UnprocessableEntity("Instance %s is not ready." % id) service_status = InstanceServiceStatus.find_by(instance_id=id) LOG.info("service status=%s" % service_status.status) return cls(context, db_info, server, service_status) def load_instance_with_guest(cls, context, id): db_info = get_db_info(context, id) load_simple_instance_server_status(context, db_info) datastore_status = InstanceServiceStatus.find_by(instance_id=id) LOG.info("datastore status=%s" % datastore_status.status) instance = cls(context, db_info, datastore_status) load_guest_info(instance, context, id) return instance def load_guest_info(instance, context, id): if instance.status not in AGENT_INVALID_STATUSES: guest = create_guest_client(context, id) try: volume_info = guest.get_volume_info() instance.volume_used = volume_info['used'] instance.volume_total = volume_info['total'] except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) return instance class BaseInstance(SimpleInstance): """Represents an instance. ----------- | | | i --------------------- | t n | compute instance | | r s --------------------- | o t | | v a | | e n --------------------- | c | datastore/guest | | e --------------------- | | ----------- """ def __init__(self, context, db_info, server, datastore_status): """ Creates a new initialized representation of an instance composed of its state in the database and its state from Nova :param context: the request context which contains the tenant that owns this instance :param db_info: the current state of this instance as it exists in the db :param server: the current state of this instance as it exists in the Nova :param datastore_status: the current state of the datastore on this instance at it exists in the db :type context: trove.common.context.TroveContext :type db_info: trove.instance.models.DBInstance :type server: novaclient.v1_1.servers.Server :typdatastore_statusus: trove.instance.models.InstanceServiceStatus """ super(BaseInstance, self).__init__(context, db_info, datastore_status) self.server = server self._guest = None self._nova_client = None self._volume_client = None def get_guest(self): return create_guest_client(self.context, self.db_info.id) def delete(self): def _delete_resources(): if self.is_building: raise exception.UnprocessableEntity("Instance %s is not ready." % self.id) LOG.debug(" ... deleting compute id = %s" % self.db_info.compute_instance_id) LOG.debug(" ... setting status to DELETING.") self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.DELETING, configuration_id=None) task_api.API(self.context).delete_instance(self.id) deltas = {'instances': -1} if self.volume_support: deltas['volumes'] = -self.volume_size return run_with_quotas(self.tenant_id, deltas, _delete_resources) def _delete_resources(self, deleted_at): """Implemented in subclass.""" pass def delete_async(self): deleted_at = datetime.utcnow() self._delete_resources(deleted_at) LOG.debug("Setting instance %s to be deleted..." % self.id) # Delete guest queue. try: guest = self.get_guest() guest.delete_queue() except Exception as ex: LOG.warn(ex) self.update_db(deleted=True, deleted_at=deleted_at, task_status=InstanceTasks.NONE) self.set_servicestatus_deleted() # Delete associated security group if CONF.trove_security_groups_support: SecurityGroup.delete_for_instance(self.db_info.id, self.context) @property def guest(self): if not self._guest: self._guest = self.get_guest() return self._guest @property def nova_client(self): if not self._nova_client: self._nova_client = create_nova_client(self.context) return self._nova_client def update_db(self, **values): self.db_info = DBInstance.find_by(id=self.id, deleted=False) for key in values: setattr(self.db_info, key, values[key]) self.db_info.save() def set_servicestatus_deleted(self): del_instance = InstanceServiceStatus.find_by(instance_id=self.id) del_instance.set_status(tr_instance.ServiceStatuses.DELETED) del_instance.save() @property def volume_client(self): if not self._volume_client: self._volume_client = create_cinder_client(self.context) return self._volume_client def reset_task_status(self): LOG.info(_("Setting task status to NONE on instance %s...") % self.id) self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.NONE) class FreshInstance(BaseInstance): @classmethod def load(cls, context, id): return load_instance(cls, context, id, needs_server=False) class BuiltInstance(BaseInstance): @classmethod def load(cls, context, id): return load_instance(cls, context, id, needs_server=True) class Instance(BuiltInstance): """Represents an instance. The life span of this object should be limited. Do not store them or pass them between threads. """ @classmethod def get_root_on_create(cls, datastore_manager): try: root_on_create = CONF.get(datastore_manager).root_on_create return root_on_create except NoSuchOptError: LOG.debug("root_on_create not configured for %s," " hence defaulting the value to False" % datastore_manager) return False @classmethod def create(cls, context, name, flavor_id, image_id, databases, users, datastore, datastore_version, volume_size, backup_id, availability_zone=None, nics=None, configuration_id=None, slave_of_id=None): datastore_cfg = CONF.get(datastore_version.manager) client = create_nova_client(context) try: flavor = client.flavors.get(flavor_id) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: raise exception.FlavorNotFound(uuid=flavor_id) deltas = {'instances': 1} volume_support = datastore_cfg.volume_support if volume_support: validate_volume_size(volume_size) deltas['volumes'] = volume_size else: if volume_size is not None: raise exception.VolumeNotSupported() ephemeral_support = datastore_cfg.device_path if ephemeral_support: if flavor.ephemeral == 0: raise exception.LocalStorageNotSpecified(flavor=flavor_id) if backup_id is not None: backup_info = Backup.get_by_id(context, backup_id) if backup_info.is_running: raise exception.BackupNotCompleteError(backup_id=backup_id) if not backup_info.check_swift_object_exist( context, verify_checksum=CONF.verify_swift_checksum_on_restore): raise exception.BackupFileNotFound( location=backup_info.location) if (backup_info.datastore_version_id and backup_info.datastore.name != datastore.name): raise exception.BackupDatastoreMismatchError( datastore1=backup_info.datastore.name, datastore2=datastore.name) if slave_of_id: replication_support = datastore_cfg.replication_strategy if not replication_support: raise exception.ReplicationNotSupported( datastore=datastore.name) if not nics: nics = [] if CONF.default_neutron_networks: nics = [{"net-id": net_id} for net_id in CONF.default_neutron_networks] + nics def _create_resources(): db_info = DBInstance.create(name=name, flavor_id=flavor_id, tenant_id=context.tenant, volume_size=volume_size, datastore_version_id= datastore_version.id, task_status=InstanceTasks.BUILDING, configuration_id=configuration_id, slave_of_id=slave_of_id) LOG.debug("Tenant %(tenant)s created new " "Trove instance %(db)s..." % {'tenant': context.tenant, 'db': db_info.id}) # if a configuration group is associated with an instance, # generate an overrides dict to pass into the instance creation # method overrides = Configuration.get_configuration_overrides( context, configuration_id) datastore_status = InstanceServiceStatus.create( instance_id=db_info.id, status=tr_instance.ServiceStatuses.NEW) if CONF.trove_dns_support: dns_client = create_dns_client(context) hostname = dns_client.determine_hostname(db_info.id) db_info.hostname = hostname db_info.save() root_password = None if cls.get_root_on_create( datastore_version.manager) and not backup_id: root_password = utils.generate_random_password() task_api.API(context).create_instance(db_info.id, name, flavor, image_id, databases, users, datastore_version.manager, datastore_version.packages, volume_size, backup_id, availability_zone, root_password, nics, overrides, slave_of_id) return SimpleInstance(context, db_info, datastore_status, root_password) return run_with_quotas(context.tenant, deltas, _create_resources) def get_flavor(self): client = create_nova_client(self.context) return client.flavors.get(self.flavor_id) def get_default_configuration_template(self): flavor = self.get_flavor() LOG.debug("flavor: %s" % flavor) config = template.SingleInstanceConfigTemplate( self.ds_version, flavor, id) return config.render_dict() def resize_flavor(self, new_flavor_id): self.validate_can_perform_action() LOG.debug("resizing instance %s flavor to %s" % (self.id, new_flavor_id)) # Validate that the flavor can be found and that it isn't the same size # as the current one. client = create_nova_client(self.context) try: new_flavor = client.flavors.get(new_flavor_id) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: raise exception.FlavorNotFound(uuid=new_flavor_id) old_flavor = client.flavors.get(self.flavor_id) new_flavor_size = new_flavor.ram old_flavor_size = old_flavor.ram if self.volume_support: if new_flavor.ephemeral != 0: raise exception.LocalStorageNotSupported() if new_flavor_size == old_flavor_size: raise exception.CannotResizeToSameSize() elif self.device_path is not None: # ephemeral support enabled if new_flavor.ephemeral == 0: raise exception.LocalStorageNotSpecified(flavor=new_flavor_id) if (new_flavor_size == old_flavor_size and new_flavor.ephemeral == new_flavor.ephemeral): raise exception.CannotResizeToSameSize() elif new_flavor_size == old_flavor_size: # uses local storage raise exception.CannotResizeToSameSize() # Set the task to RESIZING and begin the async call before returning. self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.RESIZING) LOG.debug("Instance %s set to RESIZING." % self.id) task_api.API(self.context).resize_flavor(self.id, old_flavor, new_flavor) def resize_volume(self, new_size): def _resize_resources(): self.validate_can_perform_action() LOG.info("Resizing volume of instance %s..." % self.id) old_size = self.volume_size if int(new_size) <= old_size: raise exception.BadRequest(_("The new volume 'size' must be " "larger than the current volume " "size of '%s'") % old_size) # Set the task to Resizing before sending off to the taskmanager self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.RESIZING) task_api.API(self.context).resize_volume(new_size, self.id) if not self.volume_size: raise exception.BadRequest(_("Instance %s has no volume.") % self.id) new_size_l = long(new_size) validate_volume_size(new_size_l) return run_with_quotas(self.tenant_id, {'volumes': new_size_l - self.volume_size}, _resize_resources) def reboot(self): self.validate_can_perform_action() LOG.info("Rebooting instance %s..." % self.id) self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.REBOOTING) task_api.API(self.context).reboot(self.id) def restart(self): self.validate_can_perform_action() LOG.info("Restarting MySQL on instance %s..." % self.id) # Set our local status since Nova might not change it quick enough. #TODO(tim.simpson): Possible bad stuff can happen if this service # shuts down before it can set status to NONE. # We need a last updated time to mitigate this; # after some period of tolerance, we'll assume the # status is no longer in effect. self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.REBOOTING) task_api.API(self.context).restart(self.id) def migrate(self, host=None): self.validate_can_perform_action() LOG.info("Migrating instance id = %s, to host = %s" % (self.id, host)) self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.MIGRATING) task_api.API(self.context).migrate(self.id, host) def validate_can_perform_action(self): """ Raises exception if an instance action cannot currently be performed. """ # cases where action cannot be performed if self.db_info.server_status != 'ACTIVE': status = self.db_info.server_status elif (self.db_info.task_status != InstanceTasks.NONE and self.db_info.task_status != InstanceTasks.RESTART_REQUIRED): status = self.db_info.task_status elif not self.datastore_status.status.action_is_allowed: status = self.status elif Backup.running(self.id): status = InstanceStatus.BACKUP else: # action can be performed return msg = ("Instance is not currently available for an action to be " "performed (status was %s)." % status) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(msg) def _validate_can_perform_assign(self): """ Raises exception if a configuration assign cannot currently be performed """ # check if the instance already has a configuration assigned if self.db_info.configuration_id: raise exception.ConfigurationAlreadyAttached( instance_id=self.id, configuration_id=self.db_info.configuration_id) # check if the instance is not ACTIVE or has tasks status = None if self.db_info.server_status != InstanceStatus.ACTIVE: status = self.db_info.server_status elif self.db_info.task_status != InstanceTasks.NONE: status = self.db_info.task_status.action if status: raise exception.InvalidInstanceState(instance_id=self.id, status=status) def unassign_configuration(self): LOG.debug("Unassigning the configuration from the instance %s" % self.id) if self.configuration and self.configuration.id: LOG.debug("Unassigning the configuration id %s" % self.configuration.id) flavor = self.get_flavor() config_id = self.configuration.id LOG.debug("Configuration being unassigned; " "marking restart required") self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.RESTART_REQUIRED) task_api.API(self.context).unassign_configuration(self.id, flavor, config_id) else: LOG.debug("No configuration found on instance. Skipping.") def assign_configuration(self, configuration_id): self._validate_can_perform_assign() try: configuration = Configuration.load(self.context, configuration_id) except exception.ModelNotFoundError: raise exception.NotFound( message='Configuration group id: %s could not be found' % configuration_id) config_ds_v = configuration.datastore_version_id inst_ds_v = self.db_info.datastore_version_id if (config_ds_v != inst_ds_v): raise exception.ConfigurationDatastoreNotMatchInstance( config_datastore_version=config_ds_v, instance_datastore_version=inst_ds_v) overrides = Configuration.get_configuration_overrides( self.context, configuration.id) LOG.info(overrides) self.update_overrides(overrides) self.update_db(configuration_id=configuration.id) def update_overrides(self, overrides): LOG.debug("Updating or removing overrides for instance %s" % self.id) need_restart = do_configs_require_restart( overrides, datastore_manager=self.ds_version.manager) LOG.debug("config overrides has non-dynamic settings, " "requires a restart: %s" % need_restart) if need_restart: self.update_db(task_status=InstanceTasks.RESTART_REQUIRED) task_api.API(self.context).update_overrides(self.id, overrides) def create_server_list_matcher(server_list): # Returns a method which finds a server from the given list. def find_server(instance_id, server_id): matches = [server for server in server_list if server.id == server_id] if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] elif len(matches) < 1: # The instance was not found in the list and # this can happen if the instance is deleted from # nova but still in trove database raise exception.ComputeInstanceNotFound( instance_id=instance_id, server_id=server_id) else: # Should never happen, but never say never. LOG.error(_("Server %(server)s for instance %(instance)s was" "found twice!") % {'server': server_id, 'instance': instance_id}) raise exception.TroveError(uuid=instance_id) return find_server class Instances(object): DEFAULT_LIMIT = CONF.instances_page_size @staticmethod def load(context): def load_simple_instance(context, db, status, **kwargs): return SimpleInstance(context, db, status) if context is None: raise TypeError("Argument context not defined.") client = create_nova_client(context) servers = client.servers.list() db_infos = DBInstance.find_all(tenant_id=context.tenant, deleted=False) limit = int(context.limit or Instances.DEFAULT_LIMIT) if limit > Instances.DEFAULT_LIMIT: limit = Instances.DEFAULT_LIMIT data_view = DBInstance.find_by_pagination('instances', db_infos, "foo", limit=limit, marker=context.marker) next_marker = data_view.next_page_marker find_server = create_server_list_matcher(servers) for db in db_infos: LOG.debug("Checking for db [id=%s, compute_instance_id=%s]" % (db.id, db.compute_instance_id)) ret = Instances._load_servers_status(load_simple_instance, context, data_view.collection, find_server) return ret, next_marker @staticmethod def _load_servers_status(load_instance, context, db_items, find_server): ret = [] for db in db_items: server = None try: #TODO(tim.simpson): Delete when we get notifications working! if InstanceTasks.BUILDING == db.task_status: db.server_status = "BUILD" db.addresses = {} else: try: server = find_server(db.id, db.compute_instance_id) db.server_status = server.status db.addresses = server.addresses except exception.ComputeInstanceNotFound: db.server_status = "SHUTDOWN" # Fake it... db.addresses = {} #TODO(tim.simpson): End of hack. #volumes = find_volumes(server.id) datastore_status = InstanceServiceStatus.find_by( instance_id=db.id) if not datastore_status.status: # This should never happen. LOG.error(_("Server status could not be read for " "instance id(%s)") % db.id) continue LOG.info(_("Server api_status(%s)") % datastore_status.status.api_status) except exception.ModelNotFoundError: LOG.error(_("Server status could not be read for " "instance id(%s)") % db.id) continue ret.append(load_instance(context, db, datastore_status, server=server)) return ret class DBInstance(dbmodels.DatabaseModelBase): """Defines the task being executed plus the start time.""" #TODO(tim.simpson): Add start time. _data_fields = ['name', 'created', 'compute_instance_id', 'task_id', 'task_description', 'task_start_time', 'volume_id', 'deleted', 'tenant_id', 'datastore_version_id', 'configuration_id', 'slave_of_id'] def __init__(self, task_status, **kwargs): """ Creates a new persistable entity of the Trove Guest Instance for purposes of recording its current state and record of modifications :param task_status: the current state details of any activity or error that is running on this guest instance (e.g. resizing, deleting) :type task_status: trove.instance.tasks.InstanceTask """ kwargs["task_id"] = task_status.code kwargs["task_description"] = task_status.db_text kwargs["deleted"] = False super(DBInstance, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.set_task_status(task_status) def _validate(self, errors): if InstanceTask.from_code(self.task_id) is None: errors['task_id'] = "Not valid." if self.task_status is None: errors['task_status'] = "Cannot be None." def get_task_status(self): return InstanceTask.from_code(self.task_id) def set_task_status(self, value): self.task_id = value.code self.task_description = value.db_text task_status = property(get_task_status, set_task_status) class InstanceServiceStatus(dbmodels.DatabaseModelBase): _data_fields = ['instance_id', 'status_id', 'status_description', 'updated_at'] def __init__(self, status, **kwargs): kwargs["status_id"] = status.code kwargs["status_description"] = status.description super(InstanceServiceStatus, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.set_status(status) def _validate(self, errors): if self.status is None: errors['status'] = "Cannot be None." if tr_instance.ServiceStatus.from_code(self.status_id) is None: errors['status_id'] = "Not valid." def get_status(self): """ Returns the current enumerated status of the Service running on the instance :return: a ServiceStatus reference indicating the currently stored status of the service :rtype: trove.common.instance.ServiceStatus """ return tr_instance.ServiceStatus.from_code(self.status_id) def set_status(self, value): """ Sets the status of the hosted service :param value: current state of the hosted service :type value: trove.common.instance.ServiceStatus """ self.status_id = value.code self.status_description = value.description def save(self): self['updated_at'] = utils.utcnow() return get_db_api().save(self) status = property(get_status, set_status) def persisted_models(): return { 'instance': DBInstance, 'service_statuses': InstanceServiceStatus, } MYSQL_RESPONSIVE_STATUSES = [tr_instance.ServiceStatuses.RUNNING]