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# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import webob.exc
from trove.common import cfg
from trove.common import exception
from trove.common import pagination
from trove.common import utils
from trove.common import wsgi
from trove.extensions.mysql.common import populate_validated_databases
from trove.extensions.mysql.common import populate_users
from trove.instance import models, views
from trove.datastore import models as datastore_models
from trove.backup.models import Backup as backup_model
from trove.backup import views as backup_views
from trove.openstack.common import log as logging
from trove.common.i18n import _
from trove.common.i18n import _LI
import trove.common.apischema as apischema
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InstanceController(wsgi.Controller):
"""Controller for instance functionality."""
schemas = apischema.instance.copy()
def get_action_schema(cls, body, action_schema):
action_type = body.keys()[0]
action_schema = action_schema.get(action_type, {})
if action_type == 'resize':
# volume or flavorRef
resize_action = body[action_type].keys()[0]
action_schema = action_schema.get(resize_action, {})
return action_schema
def get_schema(cls, action, body):
action_schema = super(InstanceController, cls).get_schema(action, body)
if action == 'action':
# resize or restart
action_schema = cls.get_action_schema(body, action_schema)
return action_schema
def action(self, req, body, tenant_id, id):
Handles requests that modify existing instances in some manner. Actions
could include 'resize', 'restart', 'reset_password'
:param req: http request object
:param body: deserialized body of the request as a dict
:param tenant_id: the tenant id for whom owns the instance
:param id: ???
LOG.debug("instance action req : '%s'\n\n", req)
if not body:
raise exception.BadRequest(_("Invalid request body."))
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
instance = models.Instance.load(context, id)
_actions = {
'restart': self._action_restart,
'resize': self._action_resize,
'reset_password': self._action_reset_password,
selected_action = None
action_name = None
for key in body:
if key in _actions:
selected_action = _actions[key]
action_name = key"Performing %(action_name)s action against "
"instance %(instance_id)s for tenant '%(tenant_id)s'"),
{'action_name': action_name, 'instance_id': id,
'tenant_id': tenant_id})
return selected_action(instance, body)
def _action_restart(self, instance, body):
return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
def _action_resize(self, instance, body):
Handles 2 cases
1. resize volume
body only contains {volume: {size: x}}
2. resize instance
body only contains {flavorRef: http.../2}
If the body has both we will throw back an error.
options = {
'volume': self._action_resize_volume,
'flavorRef': self._action_resize_flavor
selected_option = None
args = None
for key in options:
if key in body['resize']:
selected_option = options[key]
args = body['resize'][key]
return selected_option(instance, args)
def _action_resize_volume(self, instance, volume):
return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
def _action_resize_flavor(self, instance, flavorRef):
new_flavor_id = utils.get_id_from_href(flavorRef)
return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
def _action_reset_password(self, instance, body):
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented()
def index(self, req, tenant_id):
"""Return all instances.""""Listing database instances for tenant '%s'"), tenant_id)
LOG.debug("req : '%s'\n\n", req)
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
clustered_q = req.GET.get('include_clustered', '').lower()
include_clustered = clustered_q == 'true'
servers, marker = models.Instances.load(context, include_clustered)
view = views.InstancesView(servers, req=req)
paged = pagination.SimplePaginatedDataView(req.url, 'instances', view,
return wsgi.Result(, 200)
def backups(self, req, tenant_id, id):
"""Return all backups for the specified instance.""""Listing backups for instance '%s'"),
LOG.debug("req : '%s'\n\n", req)
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
backups, marker = backup_model.list_for_instance(context, id)
view = backup_views.BackupViews(backups)
paged = pagination.SimplePaginatedDataView(req.url, 'backups', view,
return wsgi.Result(, 200)
def show(self, req, tenant_id, id):
"""Return a single instance.""""Showing database instance '%(instance_id)s' for tenant "
{'instance_id': id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
LOG.debug("req : '%s'\n\n", req)
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
server = models.load_instance_with_guest(models.DetailInstance,
context, id)
return wsgi.Result(views.InstanceDetailView(server,
req=req).data(), 200)
def delete(self, req, tenant_id, id):
"""Delete a single instance.""""Deleting database instance '%(instance_id)s' for tenant "
{'instance_id': id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
LOG.debug("req : '%s'\n\n", req)
# TODO(hub-cap): turn this into middleware
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
instance = models.load_any_instance(context, id)
# TODO(cp16net): need to set the return code correctly
return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
def create(self, req, body, tenant_id):
# TODO(hub-cap): turn this into middleware"Creating a database instance for tenant '%s'"),
LOG.debug(logging.mask_password("req : '%s'\n\n", req))
LOG.debug(logging.mask_password("body : '%s'\n\n", body))
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
datastore_args = body['instance'].get('datastore', {})
datastore, datastore_version = (
image_id = datastore_version.image_id
name = body['instance']['name']
flavor_ref = body['instance']['flavorRef']
flavor_id = utils.get_id_from_href(flavor_ref)
configuration = self._configuration_parse(context, body)
databases = populate_validated_databases(
body['instance'].get('databases', []))
database_names = [database.get('_name', '') for database in databases]
users = None
users = populate_users(body['instance'].get('users', []),
except ValueError as ve:
raise exception.BadRequest(msg=ve)
if 'volume' in body['instance']:
volume_size = int(body['instance']['volume']['size'])
volume_size = None
if 'restorePoint' in body['instance']:
backupRef = body['instance']['restorePoint']['backupRef']
backup_id = utils.get_id_from_href(backupRef)
backup_id = None
availability_zone = body['instance'].get('availability_zone')
nics = body['instance'].get('nics')
slave_of_id = body['instance'].get('replica_of',
# also check for older name
instance = models.Instance.create(context, name, flavor_id,
image_id, databases, users,
datastore, datastore_version,
volume_size, backup_id,
availability_zone, nics,
configuration, slave_of_id)
view = views.InstanceDetailView(instance, req=req)
return wsgi.Result(, 200)
def _configuration_parse(self, context, body):
if 'configuration' in body['instance']:
configuration_ref = body['instance']['configuration']
if configuration_ref:
configuration_id = utils.get_id_from_href(configuration_ref)
return configuration_id
def update(self, req, id, body, tenant_id):
"""Updates the instance to attach/detach configuration.""""Updating database instance '%(instance_id)s' for tenant "
{'instance_id': id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
LOG.debug("req: %s", req)
LOG.debug("body: %s", body)
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
instance = models.Instance.load(context, id)
# If configuration is set, then we will update the instance to use the
# new configuration. If configuration is empty, we want to disassociate
# the instance from the configuration group and remove the active
# overrides file.
update_args = {}
configuration_id = self._configuration_parse(context, body)
if configuration_id:
update_args['configuration_id'] = configuration_id
return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
def edit(self, req, id, body, tenant_id):
Updates the instance to set or unset one or more attributes.
""""Editing instance for tenant id %s."), tenant_id)
LOG.debug(logging.mask_password("req: %s"), req)
LOG.debug(logging.mask_password("body: %s"), body)
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
instance = models.Instance.load(context, id)
if 'slave_of' in body['instance']:
LOG.debug("Detaching replica from source.")
# If configuration is set, then we will update the instance to
# use the new configuration. If configuration is empty, we
# want to disassociate the instance from the configuration
# group and remove the active overrides file.
# If instance name is set, then we will update the instance name.
edit_args = {}
if 'configuration' in body['instance']:
configuration_id = self._configuration_parse(context, body)
if configuration_id:
edit_args['configuration_id'] = configuration_id
if 'name' in body['instance']:
edit_args['name'] = body['instance']['name']
if edit_args:
return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
def configuration(self, req, tenant_id, id):
Returns the default configuration template applied to the instance.
""""Getting default configuration for instance %s"), id)
context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
instance = models.Instance.load(context, id)
LOG.debug("Server: %s", instance)
config = instance.get_default_configuration_template()
LOG.debug("Default config for instance %(instance_id)s is %(config)s",
{'instance_id': id, 'config': config})
return wsgi.Result(views.DefaultConfigurationView(
config).data(), 200)