
266 lines
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# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from troveclient.compat import exceptions
from proboscis import before_class
from proboscis import test
from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal
from proboscis.asserts import assert_raises
from proboscis.check import Check
from proboscis import SkipTest
from trove.tests.config import CONFIG
from trove.tests.util import create_client
from trove.tests.util import create_dbaas_client
from trove.tests.util.users import Requirements
from trove.tests.util.check import CollectionCheck
from trove.tests.util.check import TypeCheck
from trove.tests.api.instances import CreateInstance
from trove.tests.api.instances import instance_info
from trove.tests.api.instances import GROUP_START
from trove.tests.api.instances import GROUP_TEST
from trove.common.utils import poll_until
GROUP = "dbaas.api.mgmt.instances"
def mgmt_index_requires_admin_account():
""" Verify that an admin context is required to call this function. """
client = create_client(is_admin=False)
# These functions check some dictionaries in the returned response.
def flavor_check(flavor):
with CollectionCheck("flavor", flavor) as check:
check.has_element("id", basestring)
check.has_element("links", list)
def datastore_check(datastore):
with CollectionCheck("datastore", datastore) as check:
check.has_element("type", basestring)
check.has_element("version", basestring)
def guest_status_check(guest_status):
with CollectionCheck("guest_status", guest_status) as check:
check.has_element("state_description", basestring)
def volume_check(volume):
with CollectionCheck("volume", volume) as check:
check.has_element("id", basestring)
check.has_element("size", int)
check.has_element("used", float)
@test(depends_on_groups=[GROUP_START], groups=[GROUP, GROUP_TEST])
def mgmt_instance_get():
""" Tests the mgmt instances index method. """
reqs = Requirements(is_admin=True)
user = CONFIG.users.find_user(reqs)
client = create_dbaas_client(user)
mgmt =
# Grab the created by the main instance test which is stored in
# a global.
id =
api_instance =
# Print out all fields for extra info if the test fails.
for name in dir(api_instance):
print(str(name) + "=" + str(getattr(api_instance, name)))
with TypeCheck("instance", api_instance) as instance:
instance.has_field('created', basestring)
instance.has_field('deleted', bool)
# If the instance hasn't been deleted, this should be false... but
# lets avoid creating more ordering work.
instance.has_field('deleted_at', (basestring, None))
instance.has_field('flavor', dict, flavor_check)
instance.has_field('datastore', dict, datastore_check)
instance.has_field('guest_status', dict, guest_status_check)
instance.has_field('id', basestring)
instance.has_field('links', list)
instance.has_field('name', basestring)
#instance.has_field('server_status', basestring)
instance.has_field('status', basestring)
instance.has_field('tenant_id', basestring)
instance.has_field('updated', basestring)
# Can be None if no volume is given on this instance.
if CONFIG.trove_volume_support:
instance.has_field('volume', dict, volume_check)
instance.has_field('volume', None)
#TODO(tim-simpson): Validate additional fields, assert
# no extra fields exist.
if api_instance.server is not None:
print "the real content of server: %s" % dir(api_instance.server)
print "the type of server: %s" % type(api_instance.server)
print "the real content of api_instance: %s" % dir(api_instance)
print "the type of api_instance: %s" % type(api_instance)
print hasattr(api_instance, "server")
with CollectionCheck("server", api_instance.server) as server:
server.has_element("addresses", dict)
server.has_element("deleted", bool)
server.has_element("deleted_at", (basestring, None))
server.has_element("host", basestring)
server.has_element("id", basestring)
server.has_element("local_id", int)
server.has_element("name", basestring)
server.has_element("status", basestring)
server.has_element("tenant_id", basestring)
if (CONFIG.trove_volume_support and
with CollectionCheck("volume", api_instance.volume) as volume:
volume.has_element("attachments", list)
volume.has_element("availability_zone", basestring)
volume.has_element("created_at", (basestring, None))
volume.has_element("id", basestring)
volume.has_element("size", int)
volume.has_element("status", basestring)
@test(groups=["fake." + GROUP])
class WhenMgmtInstanceGetIsCalledButServerIsNotReady(object):
def set_up(self):
"""Create client for mgmt instance test (2)."""
if not CONFIG.fake_mode:
raise SkipTest("This test only works in fake mode.")
self.client = create_client(is_admin=True)
self.mgmt =
# Fake nova will fail a server ending with 'test_SERVER_ERROR'."
# Fake volume will fail if the size is 13.
# TODO(tim.simpson): This would be a lot nicer looking if we used a
# traditional mock framework.
body = None
if CONFIG.trove_volume_support:
body = {'size': 13}
response = self.client.instances.create(
poll_until(lambda: self.client.instances.get(,
lambda instance: instance.status == 'ERROR',
time_out=10) =
def mgmt_instance_get(self):
"""Tests the mgmt get call works when the Nova server isn't ready."""
api_instance =
# Print out all fields for extra info if the test fails.
for name in dir(api_instance):
print(str(name) + "=" + str(getattr(api_instance, name)))
# Print out all fields for extra info if the test fails.
for name in dir(api_instance):
print(str(name) + "=" + str(getattr(api_instance, name)))
with TypeCheck("instance", api_instance) as instance:
instance.has_field('created', basestring)
instance.has_field('deleted', bool)
# If the instance hasn't been deleted, this should be false... but
# lets avoid creating more ordering work.
instance.has_field('deleted_at', (basestring, None))
instance.has_field('flavor', dict, flavor_check)
instance.has_field('datastore', dict, datastore_check)
instance.has_field('guest_status', dict, guest_status_check)
instance.has_field('id', basestring)
instance.has_field('links', list)
instance.has_field('name', basestring)
#instance.has_field('server_status', basestring)
instance.has_field('status', basestring)
instance.has_field('tenant_id', basestring)
instance.has_field('updated', basestring)
# Can be None if no volume is given on this instance.
instance.has_field('server', None)
instance.has_field('volume', None)
#TODO(tim-simpson): Validate additional fields,
# assert no extra fields exist.
@test(depends_on_classes=[CreateInstance], groups=[GROUP])
class MgmtInstancesIndex(object):
""" Tests the mgmt instances index method. """
def setUp(self):
"""Create client for mgmt instance test."""
reqs = Requirements(is_admin=True)
self.user = CONFIG.users.find_user(reqs)
self.client = create_dbaas_client(self.user)
def test_mgmt_instance_index_fields_present(self):
Verify that all the expected fields are returned by the index method.
expected_fields = [
if CONFIG.trove_volume_support:
index =
if not hasattr(index, "deleted"):
raise SkipTest("instance index must have a "
"deleted label for this test")
for instance in index:
with Check() as check:
for field in expected_fields:
check.true(hasattr(instance, field),
"Index lacks field %s" % field)
def test_mgmt_instance_index_check_filter(self):
Make sure that the deleted= filter works as expected, and no instances
are excluded.
if not hasattr(, 'deleted'):
raise SkipTest("instance index must have a deleted "
"label for this test")
instance_counts = []
for deleted_filter in (True, False):
filtered_index =
for instance in filtered_index:
# Every instance listed here should have the proper value
# for 'deleted'.
assert_equal(deleted_filter, instance.deleted)
full_index =
# There should be no instances that are neither deleted or not-deleted.
assert_equal(len(full_index), sum(instance_counts))