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# Copyright 2015 Tesora Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
import redis
from trove.tests.scenario.helpers.test_helper import TestHelper
from trove.tests.scenario.runners.test_runners import TestRunner
class RedisHelper(TestHelper):
def __init__(self, expected_override_name, report):
super(RedisHelper, self).__init__(expected_override_name, report)
self.key_patterns = ['user_a:%s', 'user_b:%s']
self.value_pattern = 'id:%s'
self.label_value = 'value_set'
self._ds_client_cache = dict()
def get_helper_credentials_root(self):
return {'name': '-', 'password': 'rootpass'}
def get_client(self, host, *args, **kwargs):
# We need to cache the Redis client in order to prevent Error 99
# (Cannot assign requested address) when working with large data sets.
# A new client may be created frequently due to how the redirection
# works (see '_execute_with_redirection').
# The old (now closed) connections however have to wait for about 60s
# (TIME_WAIT) before the port can be released.
# This is a feature of the operating system that helps it dealing with
# packets that arrive after the connection is closed.
# NOTE(zhaochao): when connecting to Redis server with a password,
# current cached client may not updated to use the same password,
# connection_kwargs of the ConnectPool object should be checked,
# if the new password is different, A new client instance will be
# created.
recreate_client = True
# NOTE(zhaochao): Another problem about caching clients is, when
# the 'requirepass' paramter of Redis server is changed, already
# connected client can still issue commands. If we want to make sure
# old passwords cannot be used to connect to the server, cached
# clients shouldn't be used, a new one should be created instead.
# We cannot easily tell whether the 'requirepass' paramter is changed.
# So we have to always recreate a client when a password is explicitly
# specified. The cached client is only used when no password
# specified(i.e. we're going to use the default password) and the
# cached password is same as the default one.
if (host in self._ds_client_cache and 'password' not in kwargs):
default_password = self.get_helper_credentials()['password']
cached_password = (self._ds_client_cache[host]
if cached_password == default_password:
recreate_client = False
if recreate_client:
self._ds_client_cache[host] = (
self.create_client(host, *args, **kwargs))
return self._ds_client_cache[host]
def create_client(self, host, *args, **kwargs):
user = self.get_helper_credentials()
password = kwargs.get('password', user['password'])
client = redis.Redis(password=password, host=host)
return client
# Add data overrides
# We use multiple keys to make the Redis backup take longer
def add_actual_data(self, data_label, data_start, data_size, host,
*args, **kwargs):
test_set = self._get_data_point(host, data_label, *args, **kwargs)
if not test_set:
for num in range(data_start, data_start + data_size):
for key_pattern in self.key_patterns:
key_pattern % str(num), self.value_pattern % str(num),
*args, **kwargs)
# now that the data is there, add the label
data_label, self.label_value,
*args, **kwargs)
def _set_data_point(self, host, key, value, *args, **kwargs):
def set_point(client, key, value):
return client.set(key, value)
host, set_point, [key, value], *args, **kwargs)
def _get_data_point(self, host, key, *args, **kwargs):
def get_point(client, key):
return client.get(key)
return self._execute_with_redirection(
host, get_point, [key], *args, **kwargs)
def _execute_with_redirection(self, host, callback, callback_args,
*args, **kwargs):
"""Redis clustering is a relatively new feature still not supported
in a fully transparent way by all clients.
The application itself is responsible for connecting to the right node
when accessing a key in a Redis cluster instead.
Clients may be redirected to other nodes by redirection errors:
redis.exceptions.ResponseError: MOVED 10778
This method tries to execute a given callback on a given host.
If it gets a redirection error it parses the new host from the response
and issues the same callback on this new host.
client = self.get_client(host, *args, **kwargs)
return callback(client, *callback_args)
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as ex:
response = str(ex)
if response:
tokens = response.split()
if tokens[0] == 'MOVED':
redirected_host = tokens[2].split(':')[0]
if redirected_host:
return self._execute_with_redirection(
redirected_host, callback, callback_args,
*args, **kwargs)
raise ex
# Remove data overrides
# We use multiple keys to make the Redis backup take longer
def remove_actual_data(self, data_label, data_start, data_size, host,
*args, **kwargs):
test_set = self._get_data_point(host, data_label, *args, **kwargs)
if test_set:
for num in range(data_start, data_start + data_size):
for key_pattern in self.key_patterns:
self._expire_data_point(host, key_pattern % str(num),
*args, **kwargs)
# now that the data is gone, remove the label
self._expire_data_point(host, data_label, *args, **kwargs)
def _expire_data_point(self, host, key, *args, **kwargs):
def expire_point(client, key):
return client.expire(key, 0)
host, expire_point, [key], *args, **kwargs)
# Verify data overrides
# We use multiple keys to make the Redis backup take longer
def verify_actual_data(self, data_label, data_start, data_size, host,
*args, **kwargs):
# make sure the data is there - tests edge cases and a random one
self._verify_data_point(host, data_label, self.label_value,
*args, **kwargs)
midway_num = data_start + int(data_size / 2)
random_num = random.randint(data_start + 2,
data_start + data_size - 3)
for num in [data_start,
data_start + 1,
data_start + data_size - 2,
data_start + data_size - 1]:
for key_pattern in self.key_patterns:
key_pattern % num,
self.value_pattern % num,
*args, **kwargs)
# negative tests
for num in [data_start - 1,
data_start + data_size]:
for key_pattern in self.key_patterns:
self._verify_data_point(host, key_pattern % num, None,
*args, **kwargs)
def _verify_data_point(self, host, key, expected_value, *args, **kwargs):
value = self._get_data_point(host, key, *args, **kwargs)
TestRunner.assert_equal(expected_value, value,
"Unexpected value '%s' returned from Redis "
"key '%s'" % (value, key))
def get_dynamic_group(self):
return {'hz': 15}
def get_non_dynamic_group(self):
return {'databases': 24}
def get_invalid_groups(self):
return [{'hz': 600}, {'databases': -1}, {'databases': 'string_value'}]
def ping(self, host, *args, **kwargs):
client = self.get_client(host, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
return False