- job: name: ara-web-unit-tests parent: nodejs-npm description: Run unit tests files: - src/.* - public/.* - package.json - package-lock.json - .zuul.yaml - zuul-playbooks/.* vars: node_version: 10 run: zuul-playbooks/test.yaml - job: name: ara-web-build-dashboard # https://zuul.openstack.org/job/build-javascript-content parent: build-javascript-content description: | Uses a Ubuntu Xenial VM with Node 8 to run "npm run build" and make the results available for browsing during code review on review.opendev.org. It sets the homepage parameter from package.json to the URL where logs will be uploaded and configures the API server to api.demo.recordsansible.org. success-url: 'npm/html/' files: - src/.* - public/.* - package.json - package-lock.json - .zuul.yaml - zuul-playbooks/.* vars: node_version: 10 npm_command: build javascript_content_dir: build pre-run: zuul-playbooks/pre.yaml run: zuul-playbooks/build-dashboard.yaml - job: name: ara-web-upload-git-mirror parent: upload-git-mirror description: Mirrors recordsansible/ara-web to ansible-community/ara-web allowed-projects: recordsansible/ara-web vars: git_mirror_repository: ansible-community/ara-web secrets: - name: git_mirror_credentials secret: ara_git_mirror_credentials pass-to-parent: true - project: check: jobs: - ara-web-unit-tests - ara-web-build-dashboard gate: jobs: - ara-web-unit-tests post: jobs: - ara-web-upload-git-mirror