# Overview MapReduce as a Service: * Spin up a Hadoop cluster on HPCloud * Submit MapReduce jobs to a cluster * Store job results in Swift * Tear down clusters # Prerequisites * for the command line clients: $ sudo gem install json && sudo gem install httparty # Running The Application Run MRaaS with the following commands: * To package: mvn package * To setup the h2 database: ./bin/setup_db * To start the service: ./bin/server * A rest client which exercises the service: ./bin/client --help # Setting up eclipse * mvn eclipse:eclipse # Submitting Code All merges to master go through Gerritt (https://review.stackforge.org/): git review -v # Gotchas Public IPs are re-used, which can cause ssh to complain. To prevent this, add the following to ~/.ssh/config: Host 15.185.*.* UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null StrictHostKeyChecking no