
298 lines
8.0 KiB

- version: '2013.2.1'
checkpoint: true
- name: bind_ip
type: string
default: ''
comment: 'New param'
- name: bind_port
type: string
default: '6001'
comment: 'New param'
- name: bind_timeout
type: string
default: '30'
comment: 'New param'
- name: backlog
type: string
default: '4096'
comment: 'New param'
- name: user
type: string
default: 'swift'
comment: 'New param'
- name: swift_dir
type: string
default: '/etc/swift'
comment: 'New param'
- name: devices
type: string
default: '/srv/node'
comment: 'New param'
- name: mount_check
type: string
default: 'true'
comment: 'New param'
- name: disable_fallocate
type: string
default: 'false'
comment: 'New param'
- name: workers
type: string
default: 'auto'
help: 'Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will accept connections.'
comment: 'New param'
- name: max_clients
type: string
default: '1024'
help: 'Maximum concurrent requests per worker'
comment: 'New param'
- name: allowed_sync_hosts
type: string
default: ''
help: 'This is a comma separated list of hosts allowed in the X-Container-Sync-To field for containers.'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-sync.log_name
type: string
default: 'container-sync'
help: "You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):"
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-sync.log_facility
type: string
default: 'LOG_LOCAL0'
help: "You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):"
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-sync.log_level
type: string
default: 'INFO'
help: "You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):"
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-sync.log_address
type: string
default: '/dev/log'
help: "You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):"
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_custom_handlers
type: string
default: ''
help: 'comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers. functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger, adapted_logger'
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_udp_host
type: string
default: ''
help: 'If set, log_udp_host will override log_address'
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_udp_port
type: string
default: '514'
help: 'If set, log_udp_host will override log_address'
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_statsd_host
type: host
default: 'localhost'
help: 'You can enable StatsD logging here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_statsd_port
type: string
default: '8125'
help: 'You can enable StatsD logging here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_statsd_default_sample_rate
type: string
default: '1.0'
help: 'You can enable StatsD logging here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_statsd_sample_rate_factor
type: string
default: '1.0'
help: 'You can enable StatsD logging here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: log_statsd_metric_prefix
type: string
default: ''
help: 'You can enable StatsD logging here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: db_preallocation
type: string
default: 'off'
help: "If you don't mind the extra disk space usage in overhead, you can turn this on to preallocate disk space with SQLite databases to decrease fragmentation."
comment: 'New param'
- name: eventlet_debug
type: string
default: 'false'
comment: 'New param'
- name: fallocate_reserve
type: string
default: '0'
help: "You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not."
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'pipeline:main.pipeline'
type: string
default: 'healthcheck recon container-server'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'filter:recon.use'
type: string
default: 'egg:swift#recon'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.set log_name'
type: string
default: 'container-server'
help: 'You can override the default log routing for this app here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.set log_facility'
type: string
default: 'LOG_LOCAL0'
help: 'You can override the default log routing for this app here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.set log_level'
type: string
default: 'INFO'
help: 'You can override the default log routing for this app here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.set log_requests'
type: string
default: 'true'
help: 'You can override the default log routing for this app here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.set log_address'
type: string
default: '/dev/log'
help: 'You can override the default log routing for this app here:'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-updater.node_timeout
type: string
default: '3'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-updater.conn_timeout
type: string
default: '0.5'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.allow_versions'
type: string
default: 'false'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.auto_create_account_prefix'
type: string
default: '.'
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'app:container-server.replication_server'
type: string
default: 'false'
help: "Configure parameter for creating specific server To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify 'replication_server' (this is the default). To only handle replication, set to a True value (e.g. 'True' or '1'). To handle only non-replication verbs, set to 'False'. Unless you have a separate replication network, you should not specify any value for 'replication_server'."
comment: 'New param'
- name: 'filter:healthcheck.disable_path'
type: string
default: ''
help: "An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck URL to return '503 Service Unavailable' with a body of 'DISABLED BY FILE'"
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-auditor.recon_cache_path
type: string
default: '/var/cache/swift'
help: 'containers_per_second = 200'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-replicator.vm_test_mode
type: string
default: 'no'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-replicator.per_diff
type: string
default: '1000'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-replicator.max_diffs
type: string
default: '100'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-updater.concurrency
type: string
default: '4'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-sync.interval
type: string
default: '300'
help: 'Will sync each container at most once per interval'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-replicator.reclaim_age
type: string
default: '604800'
help: 'The replicator also performs reclamation'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-replicator.run_pause
type: string
default: '30'
help: 'Time in seconds to wait between replication passes'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-updater.slowdown
type: string
default: '0.01'
help: 'slowdown will sleep that amount between containers'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-updater.account_suppression_time
type: string
default: '60'
help: 'Seconds to suppress updating an account that has generated an error'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-sync.sync_proxy
type: string
default: ''
help: 'If you need to use an HTTP Proxy, set it here; defaults to no proxy.'
comment: 'New param'
- name: container-sync.container_time
type: string
default: '60'
help: 'Maximum amount of time to spend syncing each container per pass'
comment: 'New param'
# ====================================================