Installation Guide ================== This guide describes installation on top of OpenStack Kilo release. The ``bare_swift_ipmi`` driver used as example. 1. Install bareon_ironic package 2. Patch Nova service with bareon patch ``(patches/patch-nova-stable-kilo)`` 3. Restart nova compute-service 4. Patch Ironic service with bareon patch ``(patches/patch-ironic-stable-kilo)`` 5. Enable the driver: add ``bare_swift_ipmi`` to the list of ``enabled_drivers`` in ``[DEFAULT]`` section of ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf``. 6. Update ironic.conf using bareon sample ``(etc/ironic/ironic.conf.bareon_sample)`` 7. Restart ``ironic-api`` and ``ironic-conductor`` services 8. Build a Bareon ramdisk: 8.1 Get Bareon source code ([1]_) 8.2 Run build .. code-block:: console $ cd bareon && bash bareon/tests_functional/image_build/ Resulting images and SSH private key needed to access it will appear at /tmp/rft_image_build/. 9. Upload kernel and initrd images to the Glance image service. 10. Create a node in Ironic with ``bare_swift_ipmi`` driver and associate port with the node .. code-block:: console $ ironic node-create -d bare_swift_ipmi $ ironic port-create -n -a 11. Set IPMI address and credentials as described in the Ironic documentation [2]_. 12. Setup nova flavor as described in the Ironic documentation [2]_. 13. Set Bareon related driver's parameters for the node .. code-block:: console $ KERNEL= $ INITRD= $ PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=/tmp/rft_image_build/fuel_key $ ironic node-update add driver_info/deploy_kernel=$KERNEL \ driver_info/deploy_ramdisk=$INITRD \ driver_info/bareon_key_filename=$PRIVATE_KEY_PATH 14. Issue ironic validate command to check for errors .. code-block:: console $ ironic node-validate After steps above the node is ready for deploying. User can invoke ``nova boot`` command and link appropriate deploy_config as described in User Guide .. [1] .. [2]