Fix "signature detected" problem during lvcreate

Change-Id: I3ee8edf5c76a66df7498cb8f3e6906c9e6589840
This commit is contained in:
Oleksandr Berezovskyi 2016-03-29 18:29:04 +03:00
parent f94cf5ad14
commit e2dff1e745
1 changed files with 15 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -218,13 +218,23 @@ def lvcreate(vgname, lvname, size):
# on allocated volume. '--yes' should be passed to avoid waiting for
# user's confirmation:
# "WARNING: <signature> signature detected on <device>. Wipe it? [y/n]"
# NOTE(oberezovskyi): '--wipesignatures' should be passed to wipe
# signatures
# FIXME: the version of lvm2 shipped with Ubuntu 14.04 does not support
# --yes option. bareon should properly decomission the storage
# (Ubuntu installer does that just fine).
# --yes and --wipesignatures options. bareon should properly decomission
# the storage (Ubuntu installer does that just fine).
stdout, stderr = utils.execute('lvcreate', '--help')
force_opt = '--yes' if '--yes' in stdout else ''
cmd = 'lvcreate {force_opt} -L {size}m -n {lvname} {vgname}'.format(
size=size, lvname=lvname, vgname=vgname, force_opt=force_opt)
possible_force_opts = [('--yes', ''),
('--wipesignatures', 'y')]
force_opts = filter(lambda opt: opt[0] in stdout, possible_force_opts)
force_opts = ' '.join(map(' '.join, force_opts))
cmd = 'lvcreate {force_opts} -L {size}m -n {lvname} {vgname}'.format(
size=size, lvname=lvname, vgname=vgname,
utils.execute(*cmd.split(), check_exit_code=[0])