# Tests to be completed for the install-and-check.sh script minimal and short workloads are performed # to confirm functionality. browbeat: cloud_name: {{ browbeat_cloud_name }} rerun: 1 rerun_type: iteration ansible: hosts: ansible/hosts metadata_playbook: ansible/gather/site.yml ssh_config: ansible/ssh-config elasticsearch: enabled: {{ elastic_enabled }} host: {{ elastic_host }} port: 9200 regather: false metadata_files: - name: hardware-metadata file: metadata/hardware-metadata.json - name: environment-metadata file: metadata/environment-metadata.json - name: software-metadata file: metadata/software-metadata.json - name: version file: metadata/version.json grafana: enabled: {{ grafana_enabled }} host: {{ grafana_host }} port: 3000 dashboards: - openstack-general-system-performance perfkit: sleep_before: 0 sleep_after: 0 default: image: centos7 machine_type: m1.small os_type: rhel openstack_image_username: centos openstack_floating_ip_pool: browbeat_public openstack_network: browbeat_private timing_measurements: runtimes ignore_package_requirements: true rally: sleep_before: 0 sleep_after: 0 plugins: - netcreate-boot: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot shaker: server: port: 5555 flavor: m1.small join_timeout: 600 sleep_before: 0 sleep_after: 0 shaker_region: regionOne external_host: yoda: instackenv: "/home/stack/instackenv.json" stackrc: "/home/stack/stackrc" workloads: - name: introspect-{{ overcloud_size }}-batch-5 enabled: true type: yoda yoda_type: introspection method: individual times: 3 timeout: 1800 batch_size: 5 - name: introspect-{{ overcloud_size }}-bulk enabled: true type: yoda yoda_type: introspection method: bulk times: 3 timeout: 1800 - name: HA-Max-Compute-{{ overcloud_size }}-stack-update enabled: true type: yoda yoda_type: overcloud ntp_server: pool.ntp.org timeout: 600 templates: - "" step: 1 keep_stack: true times: 1 cloud: - node: "compute" start_scale: {{ overcloud_size | int - 3 }} end_scale: {{ overcloud_size | int - 3 }} - node: "control" start_scale: 3 end_scale: 3