
66 lines
2.2 KiB

# Tasks to get facts
- name: Check for the config - container
become: true
stat: path="container_config_paths[item].config"
register: config_containers
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is defined
with_items: "{{ container_config_paths }}"
- name: Check for the config
become: true
stat: path="{{hostvars[inventory_hostname]['config_path']}}nova/nova.conf"
register: config
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is not defined
- name: Create tmp dir
become: true
shell: mktemp -d -p /tmp -t XXX-metadata
register: tmp
- name: Parse config - containers
become: true
shell: "python /tmp/ {{item}} {{container_config_paths[item].config}} {{tmp.stdout}}/{{item}}.yml"
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is defined
ignore_errors: true
with_items: "{{ container_config_paths }}"
- name: Parse config
become: true
shell: python /tmp/ {{config_paths[item]}} {{hostvars[inventory_hostname]['config_path']}}/nova/nova.conf /tmp/out.yml
when: config.stat.exists and hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is not defined
ignore_errors: true
- name: Create local tmp dir
become: false
local_action: shell mktemp -d -p /tmp -t XXX-metadata
register: localtmp
- name: Fetch output - containers
fetch: src={{tmp.stdout}}/{{item}}.yml dest={{localtmp.stdout}}/{{item}}.yml flat=yes
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is defined
ignore_errors: true
with_items: "{{ container_config_paths }}"
- name: Assemble metadata - containers
local_action: assemble src="{{localtmp.stdout}}" dest="{{localtmp.stdout}}/out.yml"
- name: Load configuration variables - containers
include_vars: "{{localtmp.stdout}}/out.yml"
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is defined
ignore_errors: true
- name: Fetch output
fetch: src=/tmp/out.yml dest=/tmp/out-{{ inventory_hostname }}.yml flat=yes
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is not defined
ignore_errors: true
- name: Load configuration variables
include_vars: /tmp/out-{{ inventory_hostname }}.yml
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['containers'] is not defined
ignore_errors: true