# Copyright (c) 2015, PLUMgrid Inc, http://plumgrid.com # This file contains the class that generates context for # PLUMgrid template files. from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack import context from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils import get_host_ip from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( relation_ids, related_units, relation_get, ) from socket import ( gethostname, getfqdn ) def _pg_dir_context(): ''' Inspects relation with PLUMgrid director. ''' ctxt = { 'opsvm_ip': '', 'director_ips': [], } for rid in relation_ids('plumgrid'): for unit in related_units(rid): rdata = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit) ctxt['director_ips' ].append(str(get_host_ip(rdata['private-address']))) if "opsvm_ip" in rdata: ctxt['opsvm_ip'] = \ rdata['opsvm_ip'] return ctxt class PGGwContext(context.NeutronContext): @property def plugin(self): ''' Over-riding function in NeutronContext Class to return 'plumgrid' as the neutron plugin. ''' return 'plumgrid' @property def network_manager(self): ''' Over-riding function in NeutronContext Class to return 'neutron' as the network manager. ''' return 'neutron' def _save_flag_file(self): ''' Over-riding function in NeutronContext Class. Function only needed for OVS. ''' pass def pg_ctxt(self): ''' Generated Config for all PLUMgrid templates inside the templates folder. ''' pg_ctxt = super(PGGwContext, self).pg_ctxt() if not pg_ctxt: return {} pg_dir_context = _pg_dir_context() pg_dir_ips = sorted(pg_dir_context['director_ips']) dir_count = len(pg_dir_ips) pg_ctxt['director_ips_string'] = (str(pg_dir_ips[0]) + ',' + str(pg_dir_ips[1]) + ',' + str(pg_dir_ips[2]) if dir_count == 3 else str(pg_dir_ips[0]) if dir_count == 1 else '') unit_hostname = gethostname() pg_ctxt['pg_hostname'] = unit_hostname pg_ctxt['pg_fqdn'] = getfqdn() from pg_gw_utils import ( get_mgmt_interface, get_gw_interfaces, get_fabric_interface ) pg_ctxt['interface'] = get_mgmt_interface() pg_ctxt['fabric_interface'] = get_fabric_interface() pg_ctxt['label'] = unit_hostname pg_ctxt['fabric_mode'] = 'host' pg_ctxt['ext_interfaces'] = get_gw_interfaces() pg_ctxt['opsvm_ip'] = pg_dir_context['opsvm_ip'] return pg_ctxt