import os import re import yaml import testtools class TestNamespaces(testtools.TestCase): def get_list_of_classes(self): # TODO: should be fixed future with some common approach for all tests root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).rsplit('/', 1)[0] apps_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'murano-apps') class_names = [] for path, dirs, files in os.walk(apps_dir): if path.endswith('Classes'): names = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in files if f.endswith('.yaml')] class_names.extend(names) return class_names def get_namespaces(self, cls_name): # workaround for PyYAML bug: ############################### class YaqlYamlLoader(yaml.Loader): pass def yaql_constructor(loader, node): return YaqlYamlLoader.add_constructor(u'!yaql', yaql_constructor) ############################### # parse file parsed_data = '' with open(cls_name) as f: parsed_data = yaml.load(f, YaqlYamlLoader) n_spaces = parsed_data.get('Namespaces') if n_spaces is None: msg = 'File "%s" does not content "Namespaces" section' % cls_name raise ValueError(msg) # get only names of namespaces names = n_spaces.keys() # remove main namespace from the list names.remove('=') return names def check_name(self, namespace, cls_name, error_list): # read file data = '' with open(cls_name) as f: data = regexp_str = '%s:[A-Z]+' % namespace regexp = re.compile(regexp_str) if len(regexp.findall(data)) == 0: msg = ('Namespace "%s" is not used in the "%s" and should ' 'be removed from list of Namespaces' % (namespace, cls_name)) error_list.append(msg) def test_namespaces(self): error_list = [] for cls_name in self.get_list_of_classes(): for ns in self.get_namespaces(cls_name): self.check_name(ns, cls_name, error_list) error_string = "\n".join(error_list) msg = "Test detects follow list of errors: \n%s" % error_string self.assertEqual(0, len(error_list), msg)