Version: 2 Application: ?: type: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app.CiCdEnvironment name: 'CI/CD' ldapRootUser: $.appConfiguration.ldapRootUser ldapRootPass: $.appConfiguration.ldapRootPass ldapRootEmail: $.appConfiguration.ldapRootEmail ldapUser: $.appConfiguration.ldapUser ldapPass: $.appConfiguration.ldapPass ldapEmail: $.appConfiguration.ldapEmail userSSH: $.appConfiguration.userSSH zuulNodepoolHelper: $.appConfiguration.zuulNodepoolHelper instance_name: generateHostname($.instanceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern, 1) flavor: $.instanceConfiguration.flavor image: $.instanceConfiguration.osImage keyname: $.instanceConfiguration.keyPair availabilityZone: $.instanceConfiguration.availabilityZone assignFloatingIp: true systemConfigRepo: $.appConfiguration.systemConfigRepo Forms: - appConfiguration: fields: - name: ldapRootUser type: string initial: root label: Root Username descriptionTitle: Root Username description: > Please, provide name for root user - name: ldapRootPass type: password initial: Openst@ck0 label: Root Password descriptionTitle: Root Password description: > Please, provide password for root user - name: ldapRootEmail type: string initial: regexpValidator: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$' errorMessages: invalid: Please provide valid email address. label: Root User Email descriptionTitle: Root User Email description: > Please, provide email for root user - name: ldapUser type: string initial: user label: Username required: false descriptionTitle: Regular User Name description: > Please, provide name for regular user - name: ldapPass type: password initial: P@ssw0rd label: Password required: false descriptionTitle: Regular User Password description: > Please, provide password for regular user - name: ldapEmail type: string initial: regexpValidator: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$' errorMessages: invalid: Please provide valid email address. label: Email required: false descriptionTitle: Regular user Email description: > Please, provide regular user email - name: userSSH type: string initial: '' label: User ssh key required: false descriptionTitle: User public ssh key description: > Please, provide user public ssh key. - name: systemConfigRepo type: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app.puppet.SystemConfig label: system-config Url required: false descriptionTitle: system-config Url description: > Please, provide url for system-config repository. - name: zuulNodepoolHelper type: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app.ZuulNodepoolHelper label: Zuul and Nodepool required: false descriptionTitle: Zuul and Nodepool description: > Specify Zuul and Nodepool parameters if needed. - instanceConfiguration: fields: - name: title type: string required: false hidden: true description: Specify some instance parameters on which the application would be created - name: flavor type: flavor label: Instance flavor description: > Select registered in Openstack flavor. Consider that application performance depends on this parameter. initial: m1.medium required: false - name: osImage type: image imageType: linux label: Instance image description: > Select a valid image for the application. Image should already be prepared and registered in glance. - name: keyPair type: keypair label: Key Pair description: > Select a Key Pair to control access to instances. You can login to instances using this KeyPair after the deployment of application. required: false - name: availabilityZone type: azone label: Availability zone description: Select availability zone where the application would be installed. required: false - name: unitNamingPattern type: string label: Instance Naming Pattern required: false maxLength: 200 regexpValidator: '^[-_\w]+$' errorMessages: invalid: Just letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are allowed. helpText: Just letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are allowed. description: > Specify a string, that will be used in instance hostname. Just A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash and underline are allowed.