#!/bin/bash # function for checking directories function check_dir () { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "ERROR: No directory name provided." exit fi if [[ ! -d "${1}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Folder '${1}' doesn't exist." exit fi } DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source_dir="murano-apps" destination_dir="." refresh_existing_packages=false upload=false build_packages=true action_for_dependency='s' HOST='example.com' DEP_OPTS='s a u' help_string="$(basename "$0") [-h] [-s source_dir] [-d destination_dir] [-p package_name] -- script to build packages for downloading to Murano where: -h show this help message. build packages options: -S flag to skip building of packages. if it's specified - script will not build new packages. -r flag to update existing packages, if these files are already in the destination directory. Without this flag old packages will be removed. -s set the path to directory with list of source packages. (default is: $source_dir) -d set the path to output directory, where zipped packages should be placed. (default is: $destination_dir) -p set package name, which need to archive. (default is: $DEFAULT_PACKAGES_LIST) -H Ip address of the Openstack used in endpoints upload packages options (they require muranoclient installation): -U upload new packages to specified tenant from directory specified with -d option if this option is set, old packages will be removed from tenant and new will be imported instead. -a Default action when a dependency package already exists: (s)kip, (u)pdate, (a)bort. Default value is: (s)kip. -e name of environment, which will be created For using muranoclient please also specify necessary credentials in environment: export OS_USERNAME=user export OS_PASSWORD=password export OS_TENANT_NAME=tenant To use non default backend please export follow option. Default value is defined in /etc/murano/murano.conf export MURANO_PACKAGES_SERVICE=glare Follow endpoints will be set automatially, with provided $HOST (variable mentioned with -H option), if they are not exported already: export GLARE_URL=http://$HOST:9494/ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://$HOST:5000/v2.0 export MURANO_URL=http://$HOST:8082/ Examples -------- Build Gerrit and Jenkins: ./tools/prepare_packages.sh -s $source_dir -d $destination_dir -p Gerrit -p Jenkins Build all packages with default settings: ./tools/prepare_packages.sh -s $source_dir -d $destination_dir or ./tools/prepare_packages.sh Upload existing packages without building them: ./tools/prepare_packages.sh -S -U -d $destination_dir " while getopts ':hUSs:d:p:e:a:H:' option; do case "$option" in h) echo "$help_string" exit ;; H) HOST=$OPTARG ;; e) env_name=$OPTARG ;; a) action_for_dependency=$OPTARG if ! [[ $DEP_OPTS =~ $OPTARG ]] ; then echo "ERROR: action should be one of the '$DEP_OPTS'." exit 1 fi ;; r) refresh_existing_packages=true ;; s) source_dir=$OPTARG ;; d) destination_dir=$OPTARG ;; p) packages+=("$OPTARG") ;; U) upload=true ;; S) build_packages=false ;; :) printf "missing argument for -%s\n" "$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; \?) printf "illegal option: -%s\n" "$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if [ "$HOST" = 'example.com' ] ; then echo "ERROR: please specify correct HOST (option -H) to get access to Openstack APIs" exit 1 fi # check and define endpoints : "${MURANO_URL:?MURANO_URL is not set. Try to execute command: export MURANO_URL=http://$HOST:8082/}" : "${GLARE_URL:?GLARE_URL is not set. Try to execute command: export GLARE_URL=http=http://$HOST:9494/}" : "${OS_AUTH_URL:?OS_AUTH_URL is not set. Try to execute command: export OS_AUTH_URL=http=http://$HOST:5000/v2.0}" # import default packages_list, if exist if [ -f "${DIR}/default_packages_list.sh" ]; then if [ -z "${DEFAULT_PACKAGES_LIST}" ]; then source "${DIR}/default_packages_list.sh" echo "INFO: Packages list has been imported from default_packages_list.sh file" fi fi # set default value for packages if [ ${#packages[@]} -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${#DEFAULT_PACKAGES_LIST[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "ERROR: No Packages list has been passed!Please check help\n${help_string}" exit 1 fi packages="${DEFAULT_PACKAGES_LIST}" fi # make sure, that we need upload or build packages # if - yes, then define destination dir if $build_packages || $upload ; then # check destination dir check_dir "$destination_dir" # set distination dir # if it's absolute - it will not be changed, otherwise # will be used: current_user_rdir+destination_dir if [[ "$destination_dir" = /* ]] ; then destination_dir=$destination_dir else destination_dir="$(pwd)/$destination_dir" fi else echo "INFO: Packages will not be built or uploaded. So remove -S or use -U to make any action." fi ### BUILDING PACKAGES ### if $build_packages ; then # check source dir check_dir "$source_dir" # zip necessary apps pushd "$source_dir" for d in ${packages[*]}; do # check that package is realy existed check_dir "$d" # get FQN for creating package package_name="$(grep FullName "$d/package/manifest.yaml" | awk '{print $2}')" filename="$destination_dir/$package_name.zip" pushd "$d/package" # check that file exist and remove it or create new version if [ -f "$filename" ] ; then if ! $refresh_existing_packages ; then rm "$filename" fi fi zip -r "$filename" ./* popd done popd fi ### UPLOADING PACKAGES ### # Follow part uses Murano client, so let's # check, that muranoclient is available if ! hash murano 2>/dev/null; then echo "INFO: Murano client is not available, please install it if you want to use it." exit 1 fi # upload packages if $upload ; then # to have ability upload one package independently we need to remove it # via client and then upload it without updating its dependencies val="${packages[@]}" for d in $val; do filename="$(find "$destination_dir" -maxdepth 1 -name "*$d*")" pkg_id=$(murano package-list --owned | grep "$d" | awk '{print $2}') murano package-delete "$pkg_id" murano package-import "$filename" --exists-action s --dep-exists-action "$action_for_dependency" done fi # if env name is specified, then create environment if [ ! -z "$env_name" ] ; then murano environment-create "$env_name" fi