
239 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENCE file for license information.
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
cloud-init reporting framework
The reporting framework is intended to allow all parts of cloud-init to
report events in a structured manner.
from cloudinit.registry import DictRegistry
from cloudinit.reporting.handlers import available_handlers
'logging': {'type': 'log'},
class _nameset(set):
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self:
return name
raise AttributeError("%s not a valid value" % name)
status = _nameset(("SUCCESS", "WARN", "FAIL"))
class ReportingEvent(object):
"""Encapsulation of event formatting."""
def __init__(self, event_type, name, description):
self.event_type = event_type = name
self.description = description
def as_string(self):
"""The event represented as a string."""
return '{0}: {1}: {2}'.format(
self.event_type,, self.description)
def as_dict(self):
"""The event represented as a dictionary."""
return {'name':, 'description': self.description,
'event_type': self.event_type}
class FinishReportingEvent(ReportingEvent):
def __init__(self, name, description, result=status.SUCCESS):
super(FinishReportingEvent, self).__init__(
FINISH_EVENT_TYPE, name, description)
self.result = result
if result not in status:
raise ValueError("Invalid result: %s" % result)
def as_string(self):
return '{0}: {1}: {2}: {3}'.format(
self.event_type,, self.result, self.description)
def as_dict(self):
"""The event represented as json friendly."""
data = super(FinishReportingEvent, self).as_dict()
data['result'] = self.result
return data
def update_configuration(config):
"""Update the instanciated_handler_registry.
:param config:
The dictionary containing changes to apply. If a key is given
with a False-ish value, the registered handler matching that name
will be unregistered.
for handler_name, handler_config in config.items():
if not handler_config:
handler_name, force=True)
handler_config = handler_config.copy()
cls = available_handlers.registered_items[handler_config.pop('type')]
instance = cls(**handler_config)
instantiated_handler_registry.register_item(handler_name, instance)
def report_event(event):
"""Report an event to all registered event handlers.
This should generally be called via one of the other functions in
the reporting module.
:param event_type:
The type of the event; this should be a constant from the
reporting module.
for _, handler in instantiated_handler_registry.registered_items.items():
def report_finish_event(event_name, event_description,
"""Report a "finish" event.
See :py:func:`.report_event` for parameter details.
event = FinishReportingEvent(event_name, event_description, result)
return report_event(event)
def report_start_event(event_name, event_description):
"""Report a "start" event.
:param event_name:
The name of the event; this should be a topic which events would
share (e.g. it will be the same for start and finish events).
:param event_description:
A human-readable description of the event that has occurred.
event = ReportingEvent(START_EVENT_TYPE, event_name, event_description)
return report_event(event)
class ReportEventStack(object):
"""Context Manager for using :py:func:`report_event`
This enables calling :py:func:`report_start_event` and
:py:func:`report_finish_event` through a context manager.
:param name:
the name of the event
:param description:
the event's description, passed on to :py:func:`report_start_event`
:param message:
the description to use for the finish event. defaults to
:param parent:
:type parent: :py:class:ReportEventStack or None
The parent of this event. The parent is populated with
results of all its children. The name used in reporting
is <>/<name>
:param reporting_enabled:
Indicates if reporting events should be generated.
If not provided, defaults to the parent's value, or True if no parent
is provided.
:param result_on_exception:
The result value to set if an exception is caught. default
value is FAIL.
def __init__(self, name, description, message=None, parent=None,
reporting_enabled=None, result_on_exception=status.FAIL):
self.parent = parent = name
self.description = description
self.message = message
self.result_on_exception = result_on_exception
self.result = status.SUCCESS
# use parents reporting value if not provided
if reporting_enabled is None:
if parent:
reporting_enabled = parent.reporting_enabled
reporting_enabled = True
self.reporting_enabled = reporting_enabled
if parent:
self.fullname = '/'.join((parent.fullname, name,))
self.fullname =
self.children = {}
def __repr__(self):
return ("ReportEventStack(%s, %s, reporting_enabled=%s)" %
(, self.description, self.reporting_enabled))
def __enter__(self):
self.result = status.SUCCESS
if self.reporting_enabled:
report_start_event(self.fullname, self.description)
if self.parent:
self.parent.children[] = (None, None)
return self
def _childrens_finish_info(self):
for cand_result in (status.FAIL, status.WARN):
for name, (value, msg) in self.children.items():
if value == cand_result:
return (value, self.message)
return (self.result, self.message)
def result(self):
return self._result
def result(self, value):
if value not in status:
raise ValueError("'%s' not a valid result" % value)
self._result = value
def message(self):
if self._message is not None:
return self._message
return self.description
def message(self, value):
self._message = value
def _finish_info(self, exc):
# return tuple of description, and value
if exc:
return (self.result_on_exception, self.message)
return self._childrens_finish_info()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
(result, msg) = self._finish_info(exc_value)
if self.parent:
self.parent.children[] = (result, msg)
if self.reporting_enabled:
report_finish_event(self.fullname, msg, result)
instantiated_handler_registry = DictRegistry()