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Copyright 2013 Rackspace
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from dateutil.parser import parse
import re
from IPy import IP
from cafe.engine.winrm.client import WinRMClient
from cafe.common.reporting import cclogging
from import PingClient
from cloudcafe.compute.common.clients.remote_instance.base_client import \
from cloudcafe.compute.common.exceptions import WinRMConnectionException, \
from cloudcafe.compute.common.models.dir_details \
import DirectoryDetails
from cloudcafe.compute.common.models.file_details \
import FileDetails
class WindowsClient(RemoteInstanceClient):
DEFAULT_XEN_CLIENT_PATH = 'C:\\Program Files\\Citrix\\XenTools'
def __init__(self, ip_address, username='administrator',
password=None, key=None, connection_timeout=600,
self.client_log = cclogging.getLogger(
# Verify the IP address has a valid format
except ValueError:
raise InvalidAddressFormat(ip_address)
# Verify the server can be pinged before attempting to connect
self.ip_address = ip_address
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.client = WinRMClient(
username=username, password=password, host=ip_address)
connected = self.client.connect_with_retries()
if not connected:
raise WinRMConnectionException(ip_address=ip_address)
def can_authenticate(self):
Verifies that a connection was made to the remote server
@return: Whether the connection was successful
@rtype: bool
return self.client.is_connected()
def get_hostname(self):
Gets the host name of the server
@return: The host name of the server
@rtype: string
output = self.client.execute_command('hostname')
if output.std_out:
return output.std_out.strip('\r\n').lower()
def get_allocated_ram(self):
Returns the amount of RAM the server has
@return: The RAM size in MB
@rtype: string
command = ('powershell gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem '
'-Property TotalPhysicalMemory')
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output.std_out:
return None
system_info = self._convert_powershell_list_to_dict(output.std_out)
return int(system_info.get('TotalPhysicalMemory', 0))/(1024 * 1024)
def get_disk_size(self, disk_path):
Returns the size of a given disk
@return: The disk size in GB
@rtype: int
disks = self.get_all_disks()
return disks.get(disk_path)
def get_number_of_cpus(self):
Return the number of CPUs assigned to the server
@return: The number of CPUs a server has
@rtype: int
command = ('powershell gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem '
'-Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors')
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output.std_out:
return None
cpu_info = self._convert_powershell_list_to_dict(output.std_out)
return int(cpu_info.get('NumberOfLogicalProcessors', 0))
def get_uptime(self):
Get the uptime time of the server.
@return: The uptime of the server in seconds
@rtype: int
output = self.client.execute_command(
'powershell [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::'
'ToDateTime((gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem).'
if not output.std_out:
return None
output = output.std_out.strip()
last_boot = parse(output)
now = self._get_system_current_datetime()
diff = now - last_boot
return diff.total_seconds()
def get_local_users(self):
Get a list of the local user accounts on the server
@return: A list of users
@rtype: List of strings
command = ('powershell gwmi Win32_UserAccount')
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output:
return None
raw_output = output.std_out.split('\r\n\r\n')
raw_users = [user for user in raw_output if user]
user_list = []
for user in raw_users:
user_info = self._convert_powershell_list_to_dict(user)
return user_list
def create_file(self, file_name, file_content, file_path):
Creates a new file with the provided content.
@param file_name: File name
@type file_name: string
@param file_content: File content
@type file_content: String
@rtype: FileDetails
'echo {file_content} >> {file_path}\\{file_name}'.format(
file_content=file_content, file_path=file_path,
return FileDetails(None, file_content, file_path)
def get_filesystem_permissions(self, path):
Returns a list of users with access to a file or directory.
@param path: Path to the file or directory
@type path: string
@return: A list of users
@rtype: List of strings
command = (
'powershell "&{{ (Get-Acl {path}).Access | ForEach-Object '
'{{$_.IdentityReference.ToString() }} }}"'.format(path=path))
output = self.client.execute_command(command).std_out
return output.splitlines() if output else None
def get_md5sum_for_remote_file(self, file_location, file_name):
@summary: Gets the md5sum of file on the server
if not file_location.endswith("\\"):
file_location = file_location + "\\"
command = (
'powershell "Get-Content {file_location}{file_name} | '
'Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5"'.format(
file_location=file_location, file_name=file_name))
response = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not response.std_out:
raise Exception("Unable to execute remote file md5 hash")
stdout = response.std_out.strip()
lines = stdout.splitlines()
data_line = lines[2]
raise Exception(
"Unexpected response format from remote file md5 hash")
match = re.match("^MD5\s*(\S*)", data_line)
groups = match.groups()
return groups[0]
raise Exception(
"Unable to find md5 hash in remote file md5 hash response")
def get_file_details(self, file_path):
Retrieves the contents of a file and its permissions.
@param file_path: Path to the file
@type file_path: string
@return: File details including permissions and content
@rtype: FileDetails
file_permissions = self.get_filesystem_permissions(path=file_path)
file_contents = self.client.execute_command(
'type {file_path}'.format(file_path=file_path)).std_out
return FileDetails(
file_permissions, file_contents.rstrip("\n"), file_path)
def is_file_present(self, file_path):
Verifies if the given file is present.
@param file_path: Path to the file
@type file_path: string
@return: True if File exists, False otherwise
@rtype: bool
cmd = '(if exist {file_path} (echo True) else (echo False))'.format(
output = self.client.execute_command(cmd)
if not output.std_out:
return None
file_exists = output.std_out
return file_exists.rstrip('\n').strip().lower() == "true"
def mount_disk(self, source_path, destination_path):
Mounts a disk to specified destination.
@param source_path: Path to file source
@type source_path: string
@param destination_path: Path to mount destination
@type destination_path: string
command = (
'powershell Set-Partition -DiskNumber '
'{disk} -PartitionNumber 2 '
'-NewDriveLetter {drive}').format(disk=source_path,
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
return output.std_out
def unmount_disk(self, disk_path):
command = (
'powershell Set-Disk -Number {disk_path} -IsOffline $true'.format(
return self.client.execute_command(command)
def get_xen_user_metadata(self, xen_client_path=DEFAULT_XEN_CLIENT_PATH):
Retrieves the user-metadata section from the XenStore.
@return: The contents of the user-metadata
@rtype: dict
client = '{path}\\xenstore_client.exe'.format(
# Check if there is user metadata set
command = '"{client}" dir vm-data'.format(client=client)
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output.std_out:
return {}
# If user-metadata is not one of the directories returned,
# then there is no metadata
meta_dirs = output.std_out.splitlines()
if 'user-metadata' not in meta_dirs:
return {}
command = '"{client}" dir vm-data/user-metadata'.format(client=client)
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if output.std_out:
keys = output.std_out.splitlines()
metadata = {}
for key in keys:
cmd = '"{client}" read vm-data/user-metadata/{key}'.format(
client=client, key=key)
output = self.client.execute_command(cmd)
if output.std_out:
metadata[key] = output.std_out.replace('"', '')
return metadata
return {}
def get_xenstore_disk_config_value(
self, xen_client_path=DEFAULT_XEN_CLIENT_PATH):
Returns the XenStore value for disk config.
@return: Whether the virtual machine uses auto disk config
@rtype: bool
client = '{path}\\xenstore_client.exe'.format(
command = '"{client}" read vm-data/auto-disk-config'.format(
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if output.std_out:
return output.std_out.lower() == 'true'
def create_directory(self, path):
Creates a directory at the specified path.
@param path: Directory path
@type path: string
command = (
'powershell New-Item -ItemType directory '
'-Path {path}'.format(path=path))
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
return output.std_out if output.std_out else None
def is_directory_present(self, directory_path):
Check if given directory exists.
@param directory_path: Path to the directory
@type directory_path: string
@return: Result of directory check
@rtype: bool
command = 'powershell Test-Path {directory_path}'.format(
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output:
return False
return output.std_out.strip().lower() == 'true'
def get_directory_details(self, dir_path):
Retrieves informational data about a directory.
@param dir_path: Path to the directory
@type dir_path: string
@return: Directory details
@rtype: DirectoryDetails
permissions = self.get_filesystem_permissions(dir_path)
size = self._get_directory_size(dir_path)
return DirectoryDetails(
name=dir_path, size=size, absolute_permissions=permissions)
def get_all_disks(self):
Returns a list of all block devices for a server.
@return: The accessible block devices
@rtype: dict
command = 'powershell "&{ Get-Disk | Format-List }"'
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output.std_out:
return None
raw_output = output.std_out.split('\r\n\r\n')
raw_disks = [disk for disk in raw_output if disk]
disks = {}
for disk in raw_disks:
disk_info = self._convert_powershell_list_to_dict(disk)
disks[disk_info['Number']] = int(disk_info['Size'].split()[0])
return disks
def get_all_disk_details(self):
Returns all details for all block devices for a server.
@return: The accessible block devices
@rtype: dict
command = 'powershell "&{ Get-Disk | Format-List }"'
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output.std_out:
return None
raw_output = output.std_out.split('\r\n\r\n')
raw_disks = [disk for disk in raw_output if disk]
disks = []
for disk in raw_disks:
disk_info = self._convert_powershell_list_to_dict(disk)
return disks
def format_disk(self, disk, filesystem_type):
Formats a disk to the provided filesystem type.
@param disk: The path to the disk to be formatted
@type disk: string
@param filesystem_type: The filesystem type to format the disk to
@type filesystem_type: string
@return: Output of command execution
@rtype: string
command = (
'powershell Set-Disk -Number {disk} '
'-IsOffline $false').format(disk=disk)
command = (
'powershell Set-Disk -Number {disk} '
'-IsReadOnly $false').format(disk=disk)
command = (
'powershell Clear-Disk -Number {disk} '
'-RemoveData -Confirm:$false').format(disk=disk)
command = 'powershell Initialize-Disk -Number {disk}'.format(disk=disk)
command = ('powershell "&{{ New-Partition -DiskNumber {disk} '
'-UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume -FileSystem {disk_type} '
'-Confirm:$false }}').format(disk=disk,
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
return output.std_out
def get_disk_fstype(self, drive_letter):
command = (
'powershell "Get-Volume -DriveLetter {0} | '
'Select -ExpandProperty FileSystem"'.format(drive_letter))
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
return output.std_out
def generate_mountpoint(self):
""" Returns the next available drive letter """
command = (
'powershell "ls function:[c-z]: -n | ?{!(test-path $_)} '
'| select -First 1"')
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
return output.std_out[0]
def get_distribution_and_version(self):
Gets the distribution and version of a server
@return: Full name of the distribution
@rtype: str
output = self.client.execute_command(
'powershell gwmi win32_operatingsystem |% caption')
if output.std_out:
return output.std_out
return ''
def filesystem_sync(self):
# This works as a non-powershell command, but it may not
# be installed on all versions of windows.
# gwmi
def _convert_powershell_list_to_dict(response):
data = {}
for line in response.splitlines():
if line and ':' in line:
key, value = line.split(':', 1)
if key is not None:
key = key.strip()
value = value.strip() if value else None
data[key] = value
return data
def _get_directory_size(self, path):
Returns of the size all files under a directory
@param path: Path to the directory
@type path: string
@return: The size of all files in bytes
@rtype: FileDetails
command = (
'powershell "&{{ (Get-ChildItem {path} -recurse | '
'Measure-Object -property length -sum).Sum }}"').format(path=path)
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output.std_out:
return 0
size_in_bytes = int(output.std_out)/8.0
return size_in_bytes
def _get_system_current_datetime(self):
Get the current time from the server.
@return: The current time for the server
@rtype: DateTime
command = 'powershell Get-Date'
output = self.client.execute_command(command)
if not output.std_out:
return None
return parse(output.std_out)