
202 lines
5.6 KiB

- name: install base packages
yum: name={{ item }} state=present
- wget
- git
- name: check epel presence
command: rpm -q epel-release
register: epel_presence
ignore_errors: yes
- name: check atomic repo presence
command: rpm -q atomic-release
register: atomic_presence
ignore_errors: yes
#- name: get epel version
# command: 'wget -q {{ epel_base_url }} -O - |grep -oE "(href=\"epel-release-6-[0-9,.].*)" | cut -d'"' -f2'
# register: epel_file_name
# when: epel_presence.rc != 0
- name: install epel
yum: name={{ epel_base_url }}/{{ epel_file_name }} state=present
when: epel_presence.rc != 0
- name: install atomic repo
yum: name={{ atomic_base_url }}/{{ atomic_file_name }} state=present
when: atomic_presence.rc != 0
- name: yum update
yum: name=* state=latest
- name: install essentials
yum: name={{ item }} state=present
- git
- python-setuptools
- python-devel
- mysql-devel
- httpd
- mysql-server
- mysql
- MySQL-python
- redis
- mod_wsgi
- rabbitmq-server
- name: stop iptables
service: name=iptables state=stopped enabled=no
- name: disable selinux
selinux: state=disabled
- name: disable selinux real time
shell: echo 0 > /selinux/enforce
# TODO: currently compass use root user and group, apache has to
# be in root group to write wsgi logs in /var/log/compass/, need
# to run compass as its own user in the future.
# - name: append compass group to apache user groups
# user: name=apache groups=root append=yes
- name: start mysqld
service: name=mysqld state=started enabled=yes
- name: start rabbitmq server
service: name=rabbitmq-server state=started enabled=yes
- name: initialize mysql password
mysql_user: user={{ compass_db_user }} password={{ compass_db_pass }}
priv=compass.*:ALL,GRANT state=present
- name: create compass database
mysql_db: name=compass state=present
- name: install pip
easy_install: name=pip
- name: install virtualenv
pip: name=virtualenv
- name: cloning compass-core
git: repo=
dest={{ COMPASS_PATH }}
- name: pip install compass into virtualenv
pip: name={{ COMPASS_PATH }} virtualenv={{ COMPASS_PATH }}/venv
- name: create compass directories
file: path={{ item }} state=directory
- /etc/compass
- /opt/compass/bin
- /var/www/compass
- /var/www/compass_web
- name: create /var/log/compass
file: path=/var/log/compass mode=0777 state=directory
- name: write python home into switch virtualenv
lineinfile: dest={{ COMPASS_PATH }}/bin/
regexp="^virtual\_env\ \=\ \'\$PythonHome\'"
line="virtual_env = '/opt/compass-core/venv'"
- name: rename switch_virtualenv template
command: cp {{ COMPASS_PATH }}/bin/ {{ COMPASS_PATH }}/bin/
- name: copy compass config files
shell: cp -rf {{ COMPASS_PATH }}/conf/* /etc/compass/
- name: copy service init file
shell: cp -rf {{ COMPASS_PATH }}/service/* /etc/init.d/
- name: copy compass bin file
shell: cp -rf {{ COMPASS_PATH }}/bin/*.py /opt/compass/bin/
- name: copy compass shell script
shell: cp -rf {{ COMPASS_PATH }}/bin/*.sh /opt/compass/bin/
- name: copy compass executable
shell: cp {{ COMPASS_PATH }}/bin/compassd /usr/bin/
- name: link compass check
file: src=/opt/compass/bin/ dest=/usr/bin/compass state=link
- name: link compass wsgi
file: src=/opt/compass/bin/ dest=/var/www/compass/compass.wsgi state=link
- name: change celery env
shell: echo "export C_FORCE_ROOT=1" > /etc/profile.d/
- name: change file mode
file: path=/etc/profile.d/ mode=0755
- name: pip install compass into virtualenv
pip: name={{ COMPASS_PATH }} virtualenv={{ COMPASS_PATH }}/venv
- name: add compass setting
template: src=compass.setting.j2 dest=/etc/compass/setting
- restart compass service
- restart http service
tags: debug
- name: add cobbler setting
template: src=cobbler.conf.nodocker.j2 dest=/etc/compass/os_installer/cobbler.conf
- restart compass service
- restart http service
- name: link celery bin file
file: src={{ COMPASS_PATH }}/venv/bin/celery dest=/opt/compass/bin/celery state=link
- restart compass service
- restart http service
- name: create redis folders
file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner=redis group=root
- /var/log/redis
- /var/lib/redis
- /var/run/redis
- name: make sure redis service not running
command: killall -9 redis-server
ignore_errors: yes
- name: restart redis service
service: name=redis state=restarted enabled=yes
- name: initialize db for compass
shell: /opt/compass/bin/ createdb
run_once: True
- name: copy ods-server httpd config
copy: src=ods-server.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf.d/ods-server.conf
restart http service
- name: clone compass web
git: repo=
- name: copy web ui files
shell: cp -rf /opt/compass-web/v2 /var/www/compass_web/
- name: create switch file if test mode enabled
template: src=switch_machines_file.j2
when: test is defined and test == True
- name: inject switches and mac addresses
shell: /opt/compass/bin/ set_switch_machines --switch_machines_file /etc/compass/switch_machines_file
when: test is defined and test == True
#- name: run compass check
# command: compass check