
751 lines
28 KiB

define(['angular','uiBootstrap'], function(ng, uiBootstrap) {
var servicesModule = angular.module('', ['ui.bootstrap']);
// stateService is used for dynamically add/edit state
/* .service('stateService', ['$state',
function($state) {
this.addStates = function(pendingStates) {
var existingStates = $state.get(); // get all the current existing states
var alreadyExist = false; // flag - if the pending state is already in the states
angular.forEach(pendingStates, function(pst) {
angular.forEach(existingStates, function(est) {
if ( == {
alreadyExist = true;
if (!alreadyExist) {
app.stateProvider.state(, {
url: pst.url,
//controller: pst.controller,
templateUrl: 'src/app/monitoring/' + pst.url.substring(1) + '.tpl.html'
alreadyExist = false;
// dataService is used for http calls
servicesModule.service('dataService', ['$http', 'settings', //settings is global constant
function($http, settings) {
this.login = function(user) {
return $ + '/users/login', angular.toJson(user));
this.logout = function(){
return $ + '/users/logout', null);
this.getWizardPreConfig = function() {
return $http.get(settings.metadataUrlBase + '/config.json');
this.getWizardSteps = function() {
return $http.get(settings.metadataUrlBase + '/wizard_steps.json');
this.getAdapterConfig = function() {
return $http.get(settings.metadataUrlBase + '/adapter_config');
// this.getMetricsQuery = function() {
// return $http.get(settings.metadataUrlBase + '/metrics.json');
// };
this.getAllMachineHosts = function(os) {
if (os) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/switches-machines-hosts?os_id=' + os);
} else {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/switches-machines-hosts');
this.getSwitches = function() {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/switches');
this.getSwitchById = function(id) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/switches/' + id);
this.postSwitches = function(sw) {
return $ + '/switches', angular.toJson(sw));
this.putSwitches = function(id, sw) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/switches/' + id, angular.toJson(sw));
this.postSwitchFilters = function(filters) {
return $ + '/switch-filters', angular.toJson(filters));
this.putSwitchFilters = function(id, filters) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/switch-filters/' + id, angular.toJson(filters));
this.postSwitchAction = function(id, action) {
return $ + '/switches/' + id + '/action', angular.toJson(action));
this.getSwitchMachines = function(id) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/switches/' + id + '/machines');
this.getServerColumns = function() {
return $http.get(settings.metadataUrlBase + '/machine_host_columns.json');
this.getMonitoringNav = function() {
return $http.get(settings.metadataUrlBase + '/monitoring_nav.json');
this.getAdapters = function() {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/adapters');
this.getAdapter = function(id) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/adapters/' + id);
this.createCluster = function(cluster) {
return $ + '/clusters', angular.toJson(cluster));
this.createUser = function(newUser) {
return $ + '/users', angular.toJson(newUser));
this.getUserSetting = function() {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/users');
this.getUserLog = function() {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/users/logs');
this.getClusters = function() {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters');
this.getClusterById = function(id) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id);
this.getClusterProgress = function(id) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id + '/state');
this.getClusterConfig = function(id) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id + '/config');
this.updateClusterConfig = function(id, config) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id + '/config', angular.toJson(config));
this.getClusterMetadata = function(id) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id + '/metadata');
this.getSubnetConfig = function() {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/subnets');
this.postSubnetConfig = function(subnet_config) {
return $ + '/subnets', angular.toJson(subnet_config));
this.putSubnetConfig = function(id, subnet_config) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/subnets/' + id, angular.toJson(subnet_config));
this.deleteSubnet = function(id) {
return $http.delete(settings.apiUrlBase + '/subnets/' + id);
// keep routing table for later use
this.postRoutingTable = function(id, routing_table) {
return $ + '/clusters/' + id + '/routing-table', angular.toJson(routing_table));
this.putRoutingTable = function(id, routingId, routing_table) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id + '/routing-table/' + routingId, angular.toJson(routing_table));
this.getTimezones = function() {
return $http.get(settings.metadataUrlBase + '/timezone.json');
this.postClusterActions = function(id, actions) {
return $ + '/clusters/' + id + '/action', angular.toJson(actions));
this.putHost = function(id, config) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/hosts/' + id, angular.toJson(config));
this.postHostNetwork = function(id, network) {
return $ + '/hosts/' + id + '/networks', angular.toJson(network));
this.putHostNetwork = function(id, networkId, network) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/hosts/' + id + '/networks/' + networkId, angular.toJson(network));
this.getClusterHosts = function(clusterId, hostId) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/hosts');
this.updateClusterHost = function(clusterId, hostId, data) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/hosts/' + hostId, angular.toJson(data));
this.updateClusterHostConfig = function(clusterId, hostId, config) {
return $http.put(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/hosts/' + hostId + '/config', angular.toJson(config));
this.getClusterHostProgress = function(clusterId, hostId) {
return $http.get(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/hosts/' + hostId + '/state');
this.deleteHost = function(id) {
return $http.delete(settings.apiUrlBase + '/hosts/' + id);
this.deleteHost = function(clusterId, hostId) {
return $http.delete(settings.apiUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/hosts/' + hostId);
this.monitorHosts = function(id) {
// This differ from the main hosts API because it has status/alert information
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/hosts
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id + '/hosts');
/* this.monitorProxy = function(px_url) {
// Leave for now may delete later
// /monit/api/proxy/<path:url>
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/proxy/' + px_url);
/*this.monitorMetrics = function() {
// This returns a flat json list of metrics currently or historically have been collected
// /monit/api/metrics
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/metrics');
this.monitorMetricsName = function() {
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/metricnames');
this.monitorMetricsTagName = function(id, selectedMetrics) {
var metrics = '{"metrics":[{"tags":{},"name":"'+selectedMetrics+'"}],"cache_time":0,"start_absolute":0}';
return $ + '/clusters/'+ id +'/datapointtags',metrics);
this.monitorMetricsQuery = function(clusterId,query) {
return $ + '/clusters/'+clusterId+'/datapoints',query);
this.monitorMetricsTree = function() {
// This will also order the metrics in a tree
// /monit/api/metricstree
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/metrictree');
this.monitorHostMetric = function(clusterId, hostName, metricName) {
// Returns a single metric for a cluster host
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/host/<hostname>/metric/<metricname>
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/hosts/' + hostName + '/metric/' + metricName);
this.monitorHostGroupMetric = function(clusterId, groupName, metricName) {
// Returns a single metric for a cluster hostgroup
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/hostgroup/<hostgroup>/metric/<metricname>
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/hostgroups/' + groupName + '/metric/' + metricName);
this.monitorClusterMetric = function(clusterId, metricName) {
// Returns a single metric for a cluster hostgroup
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/metric/<metricname>
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/metrics/' + metricName);
this.monitorAlarms = function(clusterId) {
// Returns all alarm data for a cluster host
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/alarms
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/alarms');
this.monitorEvents = function(id) {
// Reurns all event data for a cluster host
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/events
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + id + '/events');
this.monitorTopology = function(clusterId) {
// Returns a nested json of networks and servers
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/topology
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/topology');
this.monitorServiceTopology = function(clusterId) {
// Returns a nested json of servers, roles and metrics
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/servicetopology
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/servicetopology');
this.monitorOverview = function(clusterId) {
// Returns a nested json for constructing the overview page
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/overview
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/overview');
this.monitorUsers = function(clusterId) {
// Returns a flat json list of all cluster users
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/users
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/users');
this.monitorUser = function(clusterId, userName) {
// Returns json information on a particliar user
// /monit/api/cluster/<id>/user/<username>
return $http.get(settings.monitoringUrlBase + '/clusters/' + clusterId + '/user' + userName);
servicesModule.service('sortingService', function() {
this.ipAddressPre = function(a) {
var m = a.split("."),
x = "";
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
var item = m[i];
if (item.length == 1) {
x += "00" + item;
} else if (item.length == 2) {
x += "0" + item;
} else {
x += item;
return x;
servicesModule.factory('metricsFactory', ['dataService',
function(dataService) {
var metrics = {};
metrics.init = function() {
metrics.selectedMetrics = [];
metrics.selectedMetricsQuery = [];
metrics.displayData = [];
metrics.start_relative = {
value: "1",
unit: "hours"
metrics.end_relative = {
value: null,
unit: null
metrics.selectedSize = 0;
metrics.getIndex = function(metricsName) {
for (var i = 0; i < metrics.selectedMetrics.length; i++) {
if (metrics.selectedMetrics[i] == metricsName) {
return i;
metrics.getSelectedSize = function() {
return this.selectedSize;
/* ================ relative time ====================*/
metrics.setStartRelative = function(new_start_relative) {
metrics.start_relative.value = new_start_relative.value;
metrics.start_relative.unit = new_start_relative.unit;
metrics.setEndRelative = function(new_end_relative) {
metrics.end_relative.value = new_end_relative.value;
metrics.end_relative.unit = new_end_relative.unit;
/* ================= selected Metrics ================*/
metrics.addSelectedMetrics = function(metricsName) {
return metrics.selectedMetrics.length - 1;
metrics.removeSelectedMetrics = function(metricsName) {
for (var i = 0; i < metrics.selectedMetrics.length; i++) {
if (metrics.selectedMetrics[i] == metricsName) {
metrics.selectedMetrics.splice(i, 1);
/* ============== selected Metrics Query ===============*/
metrics.addSelectedMetricsQuery = function(metricsName) {
var query = {
metrics: [{
tags: {},
name: "",
aggregators: [{
name: "sum",
align_sampling: true,
sampling: {
value: "1",
unit: "milliseconds"
cache_time: 0,
start_relative: {
value: "1",
unit: "hours"
query.start_relative = metrics.start_relative;
if (metrics.end_relative.value != null && metrics.end_relative.unit != null) {
query.end_relative = metrics.end_relative;
query.metrics[0].name = metricsName;
metrics.removeSelectedMetricsQuery = function(index) {
metrics.selectedMetricsQuery.splice(index, 1);
metrics.updateStartRelativeInQuery = function(index) {
if (metrics.end_relative.value != null && metrics.end_relative.unit != null) {
this.selectedMetricsQuery[index].end_relative = metrics.end_relative;
} else if (this.selectedMetricsQuery[index].end_relative) {
delete this.selectedMetricsQuery[index].end_relative;
metrics.getSelectedMetricsQuery = function(index) {
return metrics.selectedMetricsQuery[index];
/* ================== display data on the char ====================*/
metrics.addDisplayData = function(data) {
var tempObj = {};
tempObj.key = data.queries[0].results[0].name;
tempObj.values = data.queries[0].results[0].values;
return metrics.displayData.length - 1;
metrics.updateDisplayData = function(data) {
return -1;
var index = metrics.getIndex(data.queries[0].results[0].name);
metrics.displayData[index].values = data.queries[0].results[0].values;
return index;
metrics.getDisplayData = function(index) {
return metrics.displayData[index];
metrics.removeDisplayData = function(index) {
metrics.displayData.splice(index, 1);
return metrics;
servicesModule.factory('wizardFactory', [
function() {
var wizard = {};
wizard.init = function() {
wizard.cluster = {};
wizard.steps = [];
wizard.commit = {};
wizard.servers = [];
wizard.allServers = [];
//wizard.adapter = {}; //
wizard.generalConfig = {};
wizard.subnetworks = [];
wizard.routingtable = [];
wizard.generalConfig = {};
wizard.interfaces = {};
wizard.partition = {};
wizard.server_credentials = {};
wizard.service_credentials = {};
wizard.console_credentials = {};
wizard.network_mapping = {};
wizard.ceph_config = {};
wizard.preConfig = function(config) {
if (config.ceph_config) {
wizard.setClusterInfo = function(cluster) {
wizard.cluster = cluster;
wizard.getClusterInfo = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.cluster);
wizard.setSteps = function(steps) {
wizard.steps = steps;
wizard.getSteps = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.steps);
wizard.setCommitState = function(commitState) {
wizard.commit = commitState;
wizard.getCommitState = function() {
return wizard.commit;
wizard.setAllMachinesHost = function(server) {
wizard.allServers = server;
wizard.getAllMachinesHost = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.allServers);
wizard.setServers = function(servers) {
wizard.servers = servers;
wizard.getServers = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.servers);
wizard.setAdapter = function(adapter) { ////
wizard.adapter = adapter;
wizard.getAdapter = function() { /////
return angular.copy(wizard.adapter);
wizard.setGeneralConfig = function(config) {
wizard.generalConfig = config;
wizard.getGeneralConfig = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.generalConfig);
wizard.setSubnetworks = function(subnetworks) {
wizard.subnetworks = subnetworks;
wizard.getSubnetworks = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.subnetworks);
// keey routing table for later use
wizard.setRoutingTable = function(routingTb) {
wizard.routingtable = routingTb;
wizard.getRoutingTable = function() {
return wizard.routingtable;
wizard.setInterfaces = function(interfaces) {
wizard.interfaces = interfaces;
wizard.getInterfaces = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.interfaces);
wizard.setPartition = function(partition) {
wizard.partition = partition;
wizard.getPartition = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.partition);
wizard.setServerCredentials = function(credentials) {
wizard.server_credentials = credentials;
wizard.getServerCredentials = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.server_credentials);
wizard.setServiceCredentials = function(credentials) {
wizard.service_credentials = credentials;
wizard.getServiceCredentials = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.service_credentials);
wizard.setConsoleCredentials = function(credentials) {
wizard.console_credentials = credentials;
wizard.getConsoleCredentials = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.console_credentials);
wizard.setNetworkMapping = function(mapping) {
wizard.network_mapping = mapping;
wizard.getNetworkMapping = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.network_mapping);
wizard.setCephConfig = function(cephConfig) {
wizard.ceph_config = cephConfig;
wizard.getCephConfig = function() {
return angular.copy(wizard.ceph_config);
return wizard;
servicesModule.service('authService', ['$http', 'dataService','rememberMe',
function($http, dataService,rememberMe) {
this.isAuthenticated = false;
this.setLogin = function(remember) {
this.isAuthenticated = true;
this.setLogout = function(){
this.isAuthenticated = false;
rememberMe.setCookies("isAuthenticated", "false", -30);
this.login = function(user) {
return dataService.login(user);
this.logout = function() {
return dataService.logout();
servicesModule.service('modalService',function($modal){ = function(message){
return ${
templateUrl: 'messagemodal.html',
controller: 'errorHandlingModalController',
message: function(){
return message;
servicesModule.factory('authenticationInterceptor', ['$q', '$location','$injector',
function($q, $location, $injector) {
return {
response: function(response) {
return response;
responseError: function(rejection) {
if (rejection.status == 401) {
console.log("Response Error 401", rejection);
if(rejection.config.url && rejection.config.url != "/api/users/login")
var modal = $injector.get("modalService");;
return $q.reject(rejection);
servicesModule.service('rememberMe', function() {
this.setCookies = function(key, value, exdays, remember) {
if (remember) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = key + "=" + value + "; " + expires;
} else {
document.cookie = key + "=" + value;
this.getCookie = function(key) {
var name = key + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ')
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) != -1)
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";