#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 """ diff-coverage Copyright (c) 2012, Preston Holmes and other contributors. All rights reserved. Mainly from https://github.com/ptone/diff-coverage, with modifications to fit the daisycloud-core project directory arrangement. This module will, in a somewhat inflexible way, compare a diff coverage.py data to determine whether lines added or modified in the diff, were executed during a coverage session. requires http://python-patch.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/patch.py which is included in this package with attribution """ from collections import defaultdict from optparse import OptionParser import coverage import logging import os import patch import re import sys import webbrowser from pprint import pprint solution_path = os.path.abspath(".") coverage_html_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'diff_coverage_html') line_end = '(?:\n|\r\n?)' patch_logger = logging.getLogger('patch') patch_logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) PATH_FIX = '^[a|b]{1,2}/' # pattern to use to insert new stylesheet # this is currently pretty brittle - but lighterweight than doing something with # lxml and/or pyquery current_style = "" def parse_patch(patch_file, sub_code_path): """ returns a dictionary of {filepath:[lines patched]} """ patch_set = patch.fromfile(patch_file) for p in patch_set.items: print "patchset diff item (before filter): %s" % (p.target) target_files = set() target_files.update([os.path.join(solution_path, re.sub(PATH_FIX, '', p.target)) for p in patch_set.items]) target_files = [p for p in target_files if sub_code_path in p] # Add more excluded path here target_files = [p for p in target_files if 'tests' not in p] target_files = [p for p in target_files if 'docs' not in p] target_files = [p for p in target_files if os.path.exists(p)] print "patchset diff items set (after filter): %s" % (target_files) target_lines = defaultdict(list) for p in patch_set.items: source_file = os.path.join(solution_path, re.sub(PATH_FIX, '', p.target)) if source_file not in target_files: # skip files filtered out above continue source_lines = [] last_hunk_offset = 1 for hunk in p.hunks: patched_lines = [] line_offset = hunk.starttgt for hline in hunk.text: if hline.startswith('-'): continue if hline.startswith('+'): patched_lines.append(line_offset) line_offset += 1 target_lines[re.sub(PATH_FIX, '', p.target)].extend(patched_lines) return target_lines def generate_css(targets, target_lines): coverage_files = os.listdir(coverage_html_dir) for target in targets: target = re.sub(PATH_FIX, '', target) target_name = target.replace('/', '_') fname = target_name.replace(".py", ".css") html_name = target_name.replace(".py", ".html") css = ','.join(["#n%s" %l for l in target_lines[target]]) css += " {background: red;}" css_file = os.path.join(coverage_html_dir, fname) with open(css_file, 'w') as f: f.write(css) html_pattern = re.compile(html_name) html_file = [p for p in coverage_files if html_pattern.search(p)] if len(html_file) != 1: raise ValueError("Found wrong number of matching html files") html_file = os.path.join(coverage_html_dir,html_file[0]) html_source = open(html_file, 'r').read() style_start = html_source.find(current_style) new_html = html_source[:style_start] new_html += "\n" % fname new_html += html_source[style_start:] os.unlink(html_file) with open(html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(new_html) if __name__ == "__main__": print "code dir: %s" % (solution_path) opt = OptionParser() (options, args) = opt.parse_args() if not args: print "No patch file provided" sys.exit(1) patchfile = args[0] print "patch file: %s" % (patchfile) # generate daisy-api coverage reports daisy_api_path = os.path.join(solution_path, 'code/daisy/') target_lines = parse_patch(patchfile, daisy_api_path) print "patch file parse result: %r" % (target_lines) daisy_api_raw_result = os.path.join(daisy_api_path, '.coverage') print "daisy api coverage raw result file: %s" % (daisy_api_raw_result) cov = coverage.coverage(data_file = daisy_api_raw_result) cov.load() targets = [] errno = 0 for t in target_lines.keys(): path = os.path.join(solution_path, t) if not path.endswith('.py'): continue print "filtered python file to be checked: %s" % (path) f, exe, exl, mis, misr = cov.analysis2(path) uncovered_in_patch = set(mis) & set(target_lines[t]) if uncovered_in_patch: cover_rate = (len(target_lines[t]) - len(uncovered_in_patch)) * 100 / len(target_lines[t]) print "cover rate:%d persent" % (cover_rate) targets.append(t) target_lines[t] = list(uncovered_in_patch) missing_lines = ', '.join([str(x) for x in uncovered_in_patch]) print '{} missing: {}'.format(t, missing_lines) if cover_rate < 90: print "cover rate lower than 90!!!!!!!!!" errno = 1 # TODO: make them more useful #target_files = [os.path.join(solution_path, x) for x in targets] #cov.html_report(morfs=target_files, directory=coverage_html_dir) #generate_css(targets, target_lines) sys.exit(errno)