
212 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import os
import yaml
import random
import string
import uuid
from oslo_log import log as logging
from daisy import i18n
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = i18n._
_LE = i18n._LE
_LI = i18n._LI
_LW = i18n._LW
# generate kolla's ansible inventory multinode file
def clean_inventory_file(file_path, filename):
LOG.info(_("begin to clean inventory file for kolla"))
fp = open('%s/kolla/ansible/inventory/%s' % (file_path, filename))
txt = fp.read()
node_names = ['control', 'network', 'compute', 'monitoring',
'storage', 'baremetal:children']
for section_name in node_names[0:5]:
next_name_index = node_names.index('%s' % section_name)
match = re.search(r"\[%s\](.*)\[%s\]" % (
txt, re.S)
txt = txt.replace(match.group(1), '\n\n')
fp = file('%s/kolla/ansible/inventory/%s' % (file_path, filename), 'w')
def update_inventory_file(file_path, filename, node_name, host_name,
num_of_host, connection_type):
LOG.info(_("begin to update inventory file for kolla..."))
fp = file('%s/kolla/ansible/inventory/%s' % (file_path, filename))
lines = []
for line in fp:
index_of_label = lines.index('[%s]\n' % node_name)
lines.insert(index_of_label + num_of_host,
'%s\n' % host_name)
s = ''.join(lines)
fp = file('%s/kolla/ansible/inventory/%s' % (file_path, filename), 'w')
def add_role_to_inventory(file_path, config_data):
LOG.info(_("add role to inventory file..."))
clean_inventory_file(file_path, 'multinode')
host_sequence = 1
for control_ip in config_data['Controller_ips']:
update_inventory_file(file_path, 'multinode', 'control',
control_ip.encode(), host_sequence, 'ssh')
host_sequence = host_sequence + 1
host_sequence = 1
for network_ip in config_data['Network_ips']:
update_inventory_file(file_path, 'multinode', 'network',
network_ip.encode(), host_sequence, 'ssh')
host_sequence = host_sequence + 1
host_sequence = 1
for compute_ip in config_data['Computer_ips']:
update_inventory_file(file_path, 'multinode', 'compute',
compute_ip.encode(), host_sequence, 'ssh')
host_sequence = host_sequence + 1
host_sequence = 1
for compute_ip in config_data['Computer_ips']:
update_inventory_file(file_path, 'multinode', 'monitoring',
compute_ip.encode(), host_sequence, 'ssh')
host_sequence = host_sequence + 1
host_sequence = 1
for storage_ip in config_data['Storage_ips']:
update_inventory_file(file_path, 'multinode', 'storage',
storage_ip.encode(), host_sequence, 'ssh')
host_sequence = host_sequence + 1
# generate kolla's globals.yml file
def update_globals_yml(config_data):
LOG.info(_("begin to update kolla's globals.yml file..."))
Version = config_data['Version'].encode()
Namespace = config_data['Namespace'].encode()
VIP = config_data['VIP'].encode()
local_ip = config_data['LocalIP'].encode()
IntIfMac = config_data['IntIfMac'].encode()
if config_data['vlans_id'].get('MANAGEMENT'):
IntIfMac = IntIfMac + '.' + \
ExtIfMac = config_data['ExtIfMac'].encode()
if config_data['vlans_id'].get('EXTERNAL'):
ExtIfMac = ExtIfMac + '.' + \
TulIfMac = config_data['TulIfMac'].encode()
if config_data['vlans_id'].get('DATAPLANE'):
TulIfMac = TulIfMac + '.' + \
PubIfMac = config_data['PubIfMac'].encode()
if config_data['vlans_id'].get('PUBLICAPI'):
PubIfMac = PubIfMac + '.' + \
StoIfMac = config_data['StoIfMac'].encode()
if config_data['vlans_id'].get('STORAGE'):
StoIfMac = StoIfMac + '.' + \
kolla_yml = {'openstack_release': '3.0.0',
'docker_registry': '',
'docker_namespace': 'kollaglue',
'kolla_internal_vip_address': '',
'network_interface': 'eth0',
'tunnel_interface': 'eth0',
'storage_interface': 'eth0',
'kolla_external_vip_interface': 'eth0',
'neutron_external_interface': 'eth1'
kolla_yml['openstack_release'] = Version
kolla_yml['docker_registry'] = local_ip
kolla_yml['docker_namespace'] = Namespace
kolla_yml['kolla_internal_vip_address'] = VIP
kolla_yml['network_interface'] = IntIfMac
kolla_yml['tunnel_interface'] = TulIfMac
kolla_yml['neutron_external_interface'] = ExtIfMac
kolla_yml['kolla_external_vip_interface'] = PubIfMac
kolla_yml['storage_interface'] = StoIfMac
yaml.dump(kolla_yml, file('/etc/kolla/globals.yml', 'w'),
# generate kolla's password.yml file
def generate_RSA(bits=2048):
new_key = RSA.generate(bits, os.urandom)
private_key = new_key.exportKey("PEM")
public_key = new_key.publickey().exportKey("OpenSSH")
return private_key, public_key
def update_password_yml():
LOG.info(_("begin to update kolla's passwd.yml file..."))
# These keys should be random uuids
uuid_keys = ['ceph_cluster_fsid', 'rbd_secret_uuid']
# SSH key pair
ssh_keys = ['nova_ssh_key']
# If these keys are None, leave them as None
blank_keys = ['docker_registry_password']
# generate the password of horizon
keystone_admin_password = ['keystone_admin_password']
# length of password
length = 40
with open('/etc/kolla/passwords.yml', 'r') as f:
passwords = yaml.load(f.read())
for k, v in passwords.items():
if (k in ssh_keys and
(v is None or
v.get('public_key') is None and
v.get('private_key') is None)):
private_key, public_key = generate_RSA()
passwords[k] = {
'private_key': private_key,
'public_key': public_key
if v is None:
if k in blank_keys:
if k in uuid_keys:
passwords[k] = str(uuid.uuid4())
if k in keystone_admin_password:
passwords[k] = "keystone"
passwords[k] = ''.join([
string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
for n in range(length)
with open('/etc/kolla/passwords.yml', 'w') as f:
f.write(yaml.dump(passwords, default_flow_style=False))