# fuel-noop-fixtures -------------- ## Table of Contents 1. [Overview - What is the fuel-noop-fixtures?](#overview) 2. [Structure - What is in the fuel-noop-fixtures?](#structure) 3. [Development](#development) 4. [Core Reviers](#core-reviewers) 5. [Contributors](#contributors) ## Overview ----------- The fuel-noop-fixtures is a helper repo to store fixtures for Fuel Noop tests. ## Structure ------------ ### Basic Repository Layout ``` fuel-noop-fixtures ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── catalogs ├── doc ├── hiera ├── facts ├── noop_tests.rb ``` ### root The root level contains important repository documentation and license information. ### catalogs The catalogs directory contains a committed state of Fuel Library deployment data fixtures used for [data regression checks](https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/deployment-data-dryrun). ### doc Here live The Docs for the noop tests framework. From these, Fuel developers may find out how to write integration tests for supported composition layers. ### hiera This directory contains hiera data templates for integration [Fuel Library Noop tests](https://github.com/openstack/fuel-library/tree/master/tests/noop). ### facts This directory contains known facts for the Fuel Library Noop integration tests. ### lib This directory contains the noop tests framework itself. ### spec This directory contains unit tests for the noop tests framework. ### noop_tests.rb The main executable file. ## Development -------------- * [Fuel How to Contribute](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel/How_to_contribute) ## Core Reviewers ----------------- * [Fuel Noop Fixtures Cores](https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1205,members) ## Contributors --------------- * [Stackalytics](http://stackalytics.com/?release=all&project_type=all&module=fuel-noop-fixtures&metric=commits)