require 'erb' module Noop class Manager COLUMN_WIDTH = 8 # Output a status string for this task. # Output examples to unless disables. # @param task [Noop::Task] def output_task_status(task) return if options[:report_only_failed] and task.success? line = task_status_string task line += "#{task.file_base_spec.to_s.ljust max_length_spec + 1}" line += "#{task.file_base_facts.to_s.ljust max_length_facts + 1}" line += "#{task.file_base_hiera.to_s.ljust max_length_hiera + 1}" output line output_task_examples task unless options[:report_only_tasks] end # Output examples report for this task # @param task [Noop::Task] def output_task_examples(task) return unless Hash examples =['examples'] return unless examples.is_a? Array examples.each do |example| description = example['description'] status = example['status'] next unless description and status next if options[:report_only_failed] and status == 'passed' line = " #{example_status_string status} #{description}" exception_message = example.fetch('exception', {}).fetch('message', nil) line += " (#{exception_message.colorize :cyan})" if exception_message output line end end # Get a colored string with status of this task # @param task [Noop::Task] # @return [String] def task_status_string(task) if task.pending? 'PENDING'.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :blue elsif task.success? 'SUCCESS'.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :green elsif task.failed? 'FAILED'.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :red else task.status end end # Colorize the example status string # @param status [String] # @return [String] def example_status_string(status) if status == 'passed' status.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :green elsif status == 'failed' status.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :red else status.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :blue end end # Return a string showing if the directory is present. # @param directory [Pathname] # @return [String] def directory_check_status_string(directory) if 'SUCCESS'.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :green else 'FAILED'.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :red end end # Find the length of the longest spec file name # @return [Integer] def max_length_spec return @max_length_spec if @max_length_spec @max_length_spec = do |task| task.file_base_spec.to_s.length end.max end # Find the length of the longest Hiera file name # @return [Integer] def max_length_hiera return @max_length_hiera if @max_length_hiera @max_length_hiera = do |task| task.file_base_hiera.to_s.length end.max end # Find the length of the longest facts file name # @return [Integer] def max_length_facts return @max_length_facts if @max_length_facts @max_length_facts = do |task| task.file_base_facts.to_s.length end.max end # Output a status string with tasks count def output_task_totals count = { :total => 0, :failed => 0, :pending => 0, } task_list.each do |task| next unless task.is_a? Noop::Task count[:pending] += 1 if task.pending? count[:failed] += 1 if task.failed? count[:total] += 1 end output_stats_string 'Tasks', count[:total], count[:failed], count[:pending] end # Output a status string with examples count def output_examples_total count = { :total => 0, :failed => 0, :pending => 0, } task_list.each do |task| next unless task.is_a? Noop::Task next unless task.has_report?['examples'].each do |example| count[:total] += 1 if example['status'] == 'failed' count[:failed] += 1 elsif example['status'] == 'pending' count[:pending] += 1 end end end output_stats_string 'Examples', count[:total], count[:failed], count[:pending] end # Format a status string of examples or tasks def output_stats_string(name, total, failed, pending) line = "#{name.to_s.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :yellow}" line += " Total: #{total.to_s.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :green}" line += " Failed: #{failed.to_s.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :red}" line += " Pending: #{pending.to_s.ljust(COLUMN_WIDTH).colorize :blue}" output line end # Show the main tasks report def tasks_report output Noop::Utils.separator task_list.each do |task| output_task_status task end output Noop::Utils.separator tasks_stats output Noop::Utils.separator end # Show the tasks and examples stats def tasks_stats output_examples_total unless options[:report_only_tasks] output_task_totals end # Show report with all defined filters content def show_filters if options[:filter_specs] options[:filter_specs] = [options[:filter_specs]] unless options[:filter_specs].is_a? Array output "Spec filter: #{options[:filter_specs].join(', ').colorize :green}" end if options[:filter_facts] options[:filter_facts] = [options[:filter_facts]] unless options[:filter_facts].is_a? Array output "Facts filter: #{options[:filter_facts].join(', ').colorize :green}" end if options[:filter_hiera] options[:filter_hiera] = [options[:filter_hiera]] unless options[:filter_hiera].is_a? Array output "Hiera filter: #{options[:filter_hiera].join(', ').colorize :green}" end if options[:filter_examples] options[:filter_examples] = [options[:filter_examples]] unless options[:filter_examples].is_a? Array output "Examples filter: #{options[:filter_examples].join(', ').colorize :green}" end end # Show the stats of discovered library objects def show_library template = <<-'eof' Tasks discovered: <%= task_file_names.length.to_s.colorize :green %> Specs discovered: <%= spec_file_names.length.to_s.colorize :green %> Hiera discovered: <%= hiera_file_names.length.to_s.colorize :green %> Facts discovered: <%= facts_file_names.length.to_s.colorize :green %> Tasks in graph metadata: <%= task_graph_metadata.length.to_s.colorize :yellow %> Tasks with spec metadata: <%= spec_run_metadata.length.to_s.colorize :yellow %> Total tasks to run: <%= task_list.count.to_s.colorize :yellow %> eof output, nil, '-').result(binding) end # Check the existence of main directories def check_paths paths = [ :dir_path_config, :dir_path_root, :dir_path_task_spec, :dir_path_modules_local, :dir_path_tasks_local, :dir_path_deployment, :dir_path_workspace, :dir_path_hiera, :dir_path_hiera_override, :dir_path_facts, :dir_path_facts_override, :dir_path_globals, :dir_path_reports, ] max_length = { |p| p.to_s.length }.max paths.each do |path| directory = Noop::Config.send path output "#{directory_check_status_string directory} #{path.to_s.ljust max_length} #{directory}" end end # Output a list of specs that have not been matched to any Hiera files # and will never run def list_unmatched_specs unmatched_specs = find_unmatched_specs.to_a if unmatched_specs.any? Noop::Utils.output 'There are specs which have not been matched to a YAML and will never run:'.colorize :red unmatched_specs.each do |spec| Noop::Utils.output "#{'*'.colorize :yellow} #{spec}" end end end # Output a list of tasks without a spec file # and a list of specs without a task file. def list_missing_tasks_and_specs tasks_without_specs = find_tasks_without_specs.to_a specs_without_tasks = find_specs_without_tasks.to_a if tasks_without_specs.any? Noop::Utils.output 'There are tasks without specs:'.colorize :red tasks_without_specs.each do |task| Noop::Utils.output "#{'*'.colorize :yellow} #{task}" end end if specs_without_tasks.any? Noop::Utils.output 'There are specs without tasks:'.colorize :red specs_without_tasks.each do |spec| Noop::Utils.output "#{'*'.colorize :yellow} #{spec}" end end end # Run all diagnostic procedures def self_check output Noop::Utils.separator 'Paths' check_paths if has_filters? output Noop::Utils.separator 'Filters' show_filters end output Noop::Utils.separator 'Missing' list_missing_tasks_and_specs output Noop::Utils.separator 'Unmatched' list_unmatched_specs output Noop::Utils.separator 'Library' show_library output Noop::Utils.separator 'End' end end end