#!/bin/bash # # Use this script to generate and save astute.yaml fixtures. # Should be executed on Fuel node with 'advanced' feature enabled # (see FEATURE_GROUPS list in /etc/nailgun/settings.yaml) CWD=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd -P) mkdir ./yamls rm -f ./yamls/* function generate_fake_nodes_fixtures { # $1 - first IP of admin network to start generate nodes from # $2 - number of nodes to generate # $3 - name of fixture $CWD/generate_nodes_fixtures.rb $1 $2 > $CWD/fixtures/${3}.json } function create_fake_nodes { manage.py loaddata $CWD/fixtures/${1}.json } function clean_fake_nodes { fuel2 node list | grep 'discover' | grep -q 'fnode-' && fuel2 node list | awk '/fnode-.* discover /{ print $2 }' } function admin_net_tpl { ruby -rjson -e 'print JSON.parse(ARGV[0]).find{|i| i["id"] == 1}["cidr"]' "`fuel network-group list --json`" } function id_of_role { env=$1 role=$2 yaml=`grep -rl node_roles: deployment_$env/*yaml | head -n1` ruby -ryaml -e ' astute = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) role = ARGV[1] node = astute["network_metadata"]["nodes"].find{|key, hash| hash["node_roles"].include?("#{role}") } puts node.last["uid"] ' $yaml $role } function enable_ceph { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["storage"]["images_ceph"]["value"] = true attr["editable"]["storage"]["objects_ceph"]["value"] = true attr["editable"]["storage"]["volumes_ceph"]["value"] = true attr["editable"]["storage"]["ephemeral_ceph"]["value"] = true attr["editable"]["storage"]["volumes_lvm"]["value"] = false attr["editable"]["storage"]["osd_pool_size"]["value"] = "2" attr["editable"]["storage"]["auth_s3_keystone_ceph"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload rm -rf "cluster_$1" } function enable_cblock { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["storage"]["volumes_block_device"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload rm -rf "cluster_$1" } function enable_murano_sahara_ceilometer { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["additional_components"]["sahara"]["value"] = true attr["editable"]["additional_components"]["murano"]["value"] = true attr["editable"]["additional_components"]["ceilometer"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload } function enable_ironic { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["additional_components"]["ironic"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload } function enable_neutron_l3ha { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["neutron_advanced_configuration"]["neutron_l3_ha"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload } function enable_neutron_dvr { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["neutron_advanced_configuration"]["neutron_dvr"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload } function enable_nova_quota { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["common"]["nova_quota"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload } function enable_public_ssl { fuel env --attributes --env $1 --download ruby -ryaml -e ' attr = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) attr["editable"]["public_ssl"]["services"]["value"] = true attr["editable"]["public_ssl"]["horizon"]["value"] = true File.open(ARGV[0], "w").write(attr.to_yaml)' "cluster_$1/attributes.yaml" fuel env --attributes --env $1 --upload } function enable_vms_conf { virt_node_ids=`fuel2 node list --env $1 2>/dev/null | grep virt | awk '{print $2}'` for id in $virt_node_ids ; do fuel2 node create-vms-conf $id --conf '{"id":3,"ram":2,"cpu":2}' done } function list_free_nodes { # list unused nodes from the list of fake nodes if [ -n "$1" ] ; then fuel2 node list 2>/dev/null | grep discover | grep None | grep 'fnode-' | grep $1 | awk '{print $2}' else fuel2 node list 2>/dev/null | grep discover | grep None | grep 'fnode-' | awk '{print $2}' fi } function save_yamls { envid=`fuel env | grep $1 | awk '{print $1}'` fuel deployment --default --env $envid 2>/dev/null } function envid { fuel env 2>/dev/null | grep $1 | awk '{print $1}' } function fix_node_names { file=$1 ruby -ryaml -e ' astute = YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0])) astute["network_metadata"]["nodes"].each do |key, hash| wrong = hash["name"] puts "\"s/#{wrong}/#{key}/g\"" end ' $file | xargs -I {} sed -e {} -i $file } function store_yamls { for role in $3 ; do id=`id_of_role $1 $role` src="deployment_$1/${id}.yaml" cp $src ./yamls/$2-$role.yaml fix_node_names ./yamls/$2-$role.yaml done } function generate_yamls { env=`envid $1` name=$2 roles=($3) # Create fake nodes for our fixtures generate_fake_nodes_fixtures $admin_first_ip 10 default_nodegroup create_fake_nodes default_nodegroup if [ "${name/ceph}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_ceph $env fi if [ "${name/murano.sahara.ceil}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_murano_sahara_ceilometer $env fi if [ "${name/nova_quota}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_nova_quota $env fi if [ "${name/ironic}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_ironic $env fi if [ "${name/l3ha}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_neutron_l3ha $env fi if [ "${name/dvr}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_neutron_dvr $env fi if [ "${name/public_ssl}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_public_ssl $env fi if [ "${name/cblock}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_cblock $env fi if [ "${name/multirack}" != "$name" ] ; then # move controllers to custom node group for id in `list_free_nodes 9.9.9` ; do if [ "${roles[0]}" = "controller" ] ; then fuel --env $env node set --node $id --role ${roles[0]} roles=("${roles[@]:1}") fi done fi for id in `list_free_nodes` ; do if [ -n "${roles[0]}" ] ; then fuel --env $env node set --node $id --role ${roles[0]} roles=("${roles[@]:1}") sleep 1 fi done #We need assigned "virt" role to enable vms_conf if [ "${name/vms_conf}" != "$name" ] ; then enable_vms_conf $env fi save_yamls $env store_yamls $env $name "$4" } function clean_env { env=`envid $1` if fuel env --env $env | grep $1 ; then fuel env --delete --env $env rm -rf "cluster_$env" rm -rf "deployment_$env" rm -f network_${env}.yaml sleep 80 fi clean_fake_nodes } function add_nodegroup { env=`envid $1` name=$2 fuel --env $env nodegroup --create --name $name } function update_default_nodegroup { env=`envid $1` fuel network --env $env download sed -e 's/172\.16\.0\./10.11.1./g' -i network_${env}.yaml sed -e 's/192\.168\.0\./10.11.2./g' -i network_${env}.yaml sed -e 's/192\.168\.1\./10.11.3./g' -i network_${env}.yaml sed -e 's/192\.168\.2\./10.11.4./g' -i network_${env}.yaml fuel network --env $env upload } clean_fake_nodes sleep 1 # Get some context admin_net=$(admin_net_tpl) admin_first_ip="${admin_net}.100" # Neutron vlan ceph fuel env --create --name test_neutron_vlan --rel 2 --net vlan generate_yamls 'test_neutron_vlan' 'neut_vlan.ceph' 'controller controller controller compute ceph-osd ceph-osd' 'primary-controller compute ceph-osd' clean_env 'test_neutron_vlan' # Neutron vlan addons fuel env --create --name test_neutron_vlan --rel 2 --net vlan generate_yamls 'test_neutron_vlan' 'neut_vlan.cblock.murano.sahara.ceil' 'controller controller compute mongo mongo cinder cinder-block-device' 'primary-controller controller compute primary-mongo mongo cinder cinder-block-device' clean_env 'test_neutron_vlan' # Neutron-dvr vlan fuel env --create --name test_neutron_vlan --rel 2 --net vlan generate_yamls 'test_neutron_vlan' 'neut_vlan.dvr' 'controller controller controller' 'primary-controller' clean_env 'test_neutron_vlan' # Neutron tun addons + ceph fuel env --create --name test_neutron_tun --rel 2 --net tun generate_yamls 'test_neutron_tun' 'neut_tun.ceph.murano.sahara.ceil' 'controller controller compute ceph-osd ceph-osd mongo mongo' 'primary-controller controller compute ceph-osd primary-mongo mongo' clean_env 'test_neutron_tun' # Neutron vlan ironic fuel env --create --name test_neutron_vlan --rel 2 --net vlan generate_yamls 'test_neutron_vlan' 'neut_tun.ironic' 'controller ironic' 'primary-controller ironic' clean_env 'test_neutron_vlan' # Neutron-l3ha tun + nova_quota fuel env --create --name test_neutron_tun --rel 2 --net tun generate_yamls 'test_neutron_tun' 'neut_tun.l3ha.nova_quota' 'controller controller controller' 'primary-controller' clean_env 'test_neutron_tun' # Neutron tun + vms_conf fuel env --create --name test_neutron_tun --rel 2 --net tun generate_yamls 'test_neutron_tun' 'neut_tun.vms_conf' 'virt compute' 'virt' clean_env 'test_neutron_tun' # Multirack, Neutron tun, addons, ceph, public and horizon ssl fuel env --create --name test_neutron_tun --rel 2 --net tun update_default_nodegroup 'test_neutron_tun' add_nodegroup 'test_neutron_tun' 'custom_group1' generate_fake_nodes_fixtures 5 custom_nodegroup create_fake_nodes custom_nodegroup generate_yamls 'test_neutron_tun' 'neut_tun.multirack.murano.sahara.ceil.ceph.public_ssl' 'controller controller controller mongo mongo compute ceph-osd ceph-osd' 'primary-controller compute ceph-osd primary-mongo' clean_env 'test_neutron_tun'