attributes: backup_gcs_project_id: value: '' label: 'GCS project ID' description: '' weight: 10 type: "text" regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' backup_gcs_bucket: value: '' label: 'GCS bucket name' description: '' weight: 15 type: "text" regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' backup_gcs_storage_class: value: 'NEARLINE' label: 'GCS storage class' weight: 40 type: 'select' description: 'Storage class of GCS bucket' values: - data: 'NEARLINE' label: 'NEARLINE' - data: 'STANDARD' label: 'STANDARD' - data: 'DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY' label: 'DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY' backup_gcs_bucket_location: type: "text" weight: 50 value: "US" label: "GCS bucket location" description: "Enter GCS bucket location" regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' gcs_account_type: label: "GCS Account type" description: "type parameter value from the GCS credentials file" type: text weight: 51 value: 'service_account' regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$' error: 'The value should not be empty. Only letters, digits, underscore and dash symbols are allowed.' gcs_private_key_id: label: "Private Key ID" description: "Private_key_id parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 51 value: '' regex: source: '^[A-Za-z\d]+$' error: 'Only alphanumberic charaters are allowed' gcs_private_key: label: "Private Key" description: "Private_key parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: password weight: 52 value: '' regex: source: '^.+$' error: 'Should not be empty' gcs_client_email: label: "Client E-mail" description: "Client_email parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 53 value: '' regex: source: '^.+@(.*\..+)+$' error: 'Please enter correct e-mail address' gcs_client_id: label: "Client ID" description: "Client_id parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 54 value: '' regex: source: '^\d+$' error: 'Only integers [1-9] are allowed' gcs_auth_uri: label: "Auth URI" description: "Auth_uri parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 55 value: '' regex: source: '^https:\/\/.+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' gcs_token_uri: label: "Token URI" description: "Token_uri parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 56 value: '' regex: source: '^https:\/\/.+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' gcs_auth_provider_x509_cert_url: label: "Auth Provider X509 Cert URL" description: "Auth_provider_x509_cert_url parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 57 value: '' regex: source: '^https:\/\/.+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' gcs_client_x509_cert_url: label: "Client X509 Cert URL" description: "Client_x509_cert_url parameter value from the GCS credentials file." type: text weight: 58 value: '' regex: source: '^https:\/\/.+$' error: 'Please enter valid URI' backup_gcs_advanced_settings: type: "checkbox" weight: 60 value: False label: 'Show advanced settings' description: 'When selected all GCS Cinder driver settings are shown' backup_gcs_object_size: label: 'GCS Object Size' description: 'The size in bytes of GCS backup objects in bytes, must be a multiple of GCS block size value, default: 52428800' type: text value: '52428800' weight: 80 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^[1-9]\d*$' error: 'Must be a possitive integer' backup_gcs_block_size: label: 'GCS Block Size' description: 'The size in bytes that changes are tracked for incremental backups, default: 32768' type: text value: '32768' weight: 75 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^[1-9]\d*$' error: 'Must be a possitive integer' backup_gcs_user_agent: label: 'HTTP User-Agent' description: 'HTTP User-Agent string for the GCS API, default: gcscinder' type: text value: 'gcscinder' weight: 85 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" backup_gcs_writer_chunk_size: label: 'GCS writer Chunk Size' description: 'Chunk size for GCS object uploads in bytes, -1 for single chunk, default value: 2097152, maximum value: 52428800' type: text value: '2097152' weight: 90 regex: source: '^((-1$)|(([1-9])\d{0,7}$))' error: 'Must be a possitive integer or -1' restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" backup_gcs_reader_chunk_size: label: 'GCS Reader Chunk Size' description: 'Chunk size for GCS object downloads in bytes, default: 2097152' type: text value: '2097152' weight: 95 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^((-1$)|(([1-9])\d*$))' error: 'Must be a possitive integer' backup_gcs_retry_error_codes: label: 'GCS Retry Error Codes' description: "List of GCS error codes for which to initiate a retry, default: 429" type: text value: '429' weight: 100 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^([4-5][0-9]{2})(,\s{1}[4-5][0-9]{2})*$' error: "Enter list of valid error codes, example: 403, 404, 503" backup_gcs_num_retries: label: 'GCS Retries Number' description: 'Number of times to retry transfers' type: text value: '3' weight: 105 restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide" regex: source: '^[1-9]\d{0,2}$' error: 'Must be an integer in range of 1-999' backup_gcs_enable_progress_timer: type: "checkbox" weight: 110 value: True label: "GCS progress update timer" description: "Timer to send the periodic progress notifications to Ceilometer when backing up the volume." restrictions: - condition: "not ( settings:fuel-plugin-cinder-gcs.backup_gcs_advanced_settings.value == true )" action: "hide"