
960 lines
34 KiB

require 'augeas' if Puppet.features.augeas?
# Base Augeas provider
# Handles basics such as opening, accessing and saving changes via an Augeas
# handle, plus standard configuration from a Puppet resource (e.g. the `target`
# parameter).
# To use, include as parent provider:
# Puppet::Type.type(:example).provide(
# :augeas,
# :parent => Puppet::Type.type(:augeasprovider).provider(:default)
# ) do
# # [..]
# end
Puppet::Type.type(:augeasprovider).provide(:default) do
# Class methods automatically added to a Puppet provider by including the
# {AugeasProviders::Provider} mixin.
# Returns the Augeas version used
# @return [String] Augeas version in use
# @api public
def self.aug_version
@aug_version ||= Augeas.open(nil, nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD) { |aug| aug.get('/augeas/version') }
# Returns whether a feature is supported.
# The following features are currently supported:
# * `:regexpi`: whether Augeas supports an 'i' flag in regexp expressions
# * `:post_resource_eval`: whether Puppet supports `post_resource_eval` hooks
# @param [Symbol] feature the feature to check
# @return [Boolean] whether feature is supported
# @api public
def self.supported?(feature)
case feature
when :regexpi
Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(aug_version, '1.0.0') >= 0
when :post_resource_eval
Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(Puppet.version, '3.4.0') >= 0
raise Puppet::Error, "Unknown feature '#{feature}'"
# Returns a node label to use for creating a new entry in an Augeas sequence
# (seq), given the current list, e.g. '1' if it's the first. Supply
# aug.match('$target/*') or similar.
# @param [Array<String>] existing paths, from Augeas#match
# @return [String] new node label
def self.next_seq(matches)
last = matches.map {|p| path_label(nil, p).to_i }.max || 0
(last + 1).to_s
# Returns an Augeas handler.
# On Puppet >= 3.4, stores and returns a shared Augeas handler
# for all instances of the class
# @return [Augeas] Augeas shared Augeas handle
# @api private
def self.aug_handler
if supported?(:post_resource_eval)
@aug ||= Augeas.open(nil, loadpath, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD)
Augeas.open(nil, loadpath, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD)
# Close the shared Augeas handler.
# @param [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @api public
def self.augclose!(aug)
# Opens Augeas and returns a handle to use. It loads only the file
# identified by {#target} (and the supplied `resource`) using {#lens}.
# If called with a block, this will be yielded to and the Augeas handle
# closed after the block has executed (on Puppet < 3.4.0).
# Otherwise, the handle will be returned and not closed automatically.
# On Puppet >= 3.4, the handle will be closed by `post_resource_eval`.
# On older versions, the caller is responsible for closing it to free
# resources.
# If `yield_resource` is set to true, the supplied `resource` will be passed
# as a yieldparam to the block, after the `aug` handle. Any arguments passed
# after `yield_resource` will be added as yieldparams to the block.
# @param [Puppet::Resource] resource resource being evaluated
# @param [Boolean] yield_resource whether to send `resource` as a yieldparam
# @param [Splat] yield_params a splat of parameters to pass as yieldparams if `yield_resource` is true
# @return [Augeas] Augeas handle if no block is given
# @yield [aug, resource, *yield_params] block that uses the Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource the supplied Puppet resource, passed if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @yieldparam [Splat] *yield_params a splat of additional arguments sent to the block, if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if Augeas did not load the file
# @api public
def self.augopen(resource = nil, yield_resource = false, *yield_params, &block)
augopen_internal(resource, false, yield_resource, *yield_params, &block)
# Opens Augeas and returns a handle to use. It loads only the file
# for the current Puppet resource using {AugeasProviders::Provider::ClassMethods#lens}.
# #augsave! is called after the block is evaluated.
# If called with a block, this will be yielded to and the Augeas handle
# closed after the block has executed (on Puppet < 3.4.0).
# Otherwise, the handle will be returned and not closed automatically.
# On Puppet >= 3.4, the handle will be closed by `post_resource_eval`.
# On older versions, the caller is responsible for closing it to free
# resources.
# If `yield_resource` is set to true, the supplied `resource` will be passed
# as a yieldparam to the block, after the `aug` handle. Any arguments passed
# after `yield_resource` will be added as yieldparams to the block.
# @param [Puppet::Resource] resource resource being evaluated
# @param [Boolean] yield_resource whether to send `resource` as a yieldparam
# @param [Splat] yield_params a splat of parameters to pass as yieldparams if `yield_resource` is true
# @return [Augeas] Augeas handle if no block is given
# @yield [aug, resource, *yield_params] block that uses the Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource the supplied Puppet resource, passed if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @yieldparam [Splat] *yield_params a splat of additional arguments sent to the block, if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if Augeas did not load the file
# @api public
def self.augopen!(resource = nil, yield_resource = false, *yield_params, &block)
augopen_internal(resource, true, yield_resource, *yield_params, &block)
# Saves all changes made in the current Augeas handle and checks for any
# errors while doing so.
# Reloads the tree afterwards to remove specific changes for next resource.
# @param [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @param [Boolean] reload whether to reload the tree after saving
# @raise [Augeas::Error] if saving fails
# @api public
def self.augsave!(aug, reload = false)
rescue Augeas::Error
errors = []
aug.match("/augeas//error").each do |errnode|
aug.match("#{errnode}/*").each do |subnode|
subvalue = aug.get(subnode)
errors << "#{subnode} = #{subvalue}"
debug("Save failure details:\n" + errors.join("\n"))
raise Augeas::Error, 'Failed to save Augeas tree to file. See debug logs for details.'
aug.load! if reload
# Define a method with a block passed to #augopen
# @param [Symbol] method the name of the method to create
# @yield [aug, resource, *args] block that uses the Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource the supplied Puppet resource
# @yieldparam [Splat] *args a splat of additional arguments sent to the block
# @api public
def self.define_aug_method(method, &block)
define_method(method) do |*args|
# We are calling the resource's augopen here, not the class
augopen(true, *args, &block)
# Define a method with a block passed to #augopen!
# @param [Symbol] method the name of the method to create
# @yield [aug, resource, *args] block that uses the Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource the supplied Puppet resource
# @yieldparam [Splat] *args a splat of additional arguments sent to the block
# @api public
def self.define_aug_method!(method, &block)
define_method(method) do |*args|
# We are calling the resource's augopen! here, not the class
augopen!(true, *args, &block)
# Defines a property getter with a provided implementation. It works from
# a node identified with the given `label` beneath the resource.
# Supports three implementations based on the type specified:
# :string causes the getter to return the value of the node below
# resource with the label given in opts
# :array causes the getter to return an array of values matching the label.
# If sublabel is given, values of matching nodes beneath the
# label node will be returned in an array. If sublabel is :seq, values of
# nodes matching a numbered seq will be returned.
# :hash causes the getter to return a hash of the value of each matching
# label node against the value of each sublabel node.
# @param [String] name the name of the property
# @param [Hash] opts the options to create the setter
# @option opts [String] label node label to match beneath resource, default is `name.to_s`. When the value is `:resource`, `$resource` will be used as the path to the node
# @option opts [Symbol] type either :string, :array or :hash
# @option opts [String] default default value for hash values if sublabel doesn't exist
# @option opts [String] sublabel label of next node(s) beneath node label, used in array and hash values, or :seq for array values representing a numbered seq
# @api public
def self.attr_aug_reader(name, opts = {})
label = opts[:label] || name.to_s
default = opts[:default] || nil
type = opts[:type] || :string
sublabel = opts[:sublabel] || nil
rpath = label == :resource ? '$resource' : "$resource/#{label}"
if type == :hash and sublabel.nil?
fail "You must provide a sublabel for type hash"
unless [:string, :array, :hash].include? type
fail "Invalid type: #{type}"
# Class getter method using an existing aug handler
# Emulate define_singleton_method for Ruby 1.8
metaclass = class << self; self; end
metaclass.send(:define_method, "attr_aug_reader_#{name}") do |aug, *args|
case type
when :string
when :array
aug.match(rpath).map do |p|
if sublabel.nil?
if sublabel == :seq
sp = "#{p}/*[label()=~regexp('[0-9]+')]"
sp = "#{p}/#{sublabel}"
aug.match(sp).map { |spp| aug.get(spp) }
when :hash
values = {}
aug.match(rpath).each do |p|
sp = "#{p}/#{sublabel}"
values[aug.get(p)] = aug.get(sp) || default
# Instance getter method for the instance
define_method("attr_aug_reader_#{name}") do |aug, *args|
self.class.send("attr_aug_reader_#{name}", aug, *args)
# We are calling the resource's augopen here, not the class
define_method(name) do |*args|
augopen do |aug|
self.send("attr_aug_reader_#{name}", aug, *args)
# Defines a property setter using #augopen
# @param [String] name the name of the property
# @param [Hash] opts the options to create the setter
# @option opts [String] label node label to match beneath resource, default is `name.to_s`. When the value is `:resource`, `$resource` will be used as the path to the node
# @option opts [Symbol] type either :string, :array or :hash
# @option opts [String] default default value for hash values if sublabel doesn't exist
# @option opts [String] sublabel label of next node(s) beneath node label, used in array and hash values, or :seq for array values representing a numbered seq
# @option opts [Boolean] purge_ident whether to purge other matches (keeps the last one only)
# @option opts [Boolean] rm_node whether setting a string value to `nil` removes the node (default is to clear its value)
# @api public
def self.attr_aug_writer(name, opts = {})
label = opts[:label] || name.to_s
default = opts[:default] || nil
type = opts[:type] || :string
sublabel = opts[:sublabel] || nil
purge_ident = opts[:purge_ident] || false
rm_node = opts[:rm_node] || false
rpath = label == :resource ? '$resource' : "$resource/#{label}"
if type == :hash and sublabel.nil?
fail "You must provide a sublabel for type hash"
unless [:string, :array, :hash].include? type
fail "Invalid type: #{type}"
# Class setter method using an existing aug handler
# Emulate define_singleton_method for Ruby 1.8
metaclass = class << self; self; end
metaclass.send(:define_method, "attr_aug_writer_#{name}") do |aug, *args|
aug.rm("#{rpath}[position() != 1]") if purge_ident
case type
when :string
if args[0]
aug.set(rpath, args[0].to_s)
elsif rm_node
when :array
if args[0].nil?
if sublabel.nil?
count = 0
args[0].each do |v|
count += 1
aug.set("#{rpath}[#{count}]", v)
elsif sublabel == :seq
# Make sure only our values are used
count = 0
args[0].each do |v|
count += 1
aug.set("#{rpath}/#{count}", v)
# Make sure only our values are used
count = 0
args[0].each do |v|
count += 1
aug.set("#{rpath}/#{sublabel}[#{count}]", v)
when :hash
# First get rid of all entries
args[0].each do |k, v|
aug.set("#{rpath}[.='#{k}']", k)
unless v == default
aug.set("#{rpath}[.='#{k}']/#{sublabel}", v)
# Instance setter method for the instance
define_method("attr_aug_writer_#{name}") do |aug, *args|
self.class.send("attr_aug_writer_#{name}", aug, *args)
# We are calling the resource's augopen here, not the class
define_method("#{name}=") do |*args|
augopen! do |aug|
self.send("attr_aug_writer_#{name}", aug, *args)
# Define getter and setter for a property
# @param [Symbol] name the name of the property
# @param [Hash] opts the options to create the setter
# @option opts [String] label node label to match beneath resource, default is `name.to_s`. When the value is `:resource`, `$resource` will be used as the path to the node
# @option opts [Symbol] type either :string, :array or :hash
# @option opts [String] default default value for hash values if sublabel doesn't exist
# @option opts [String] sublabel label of next node(s) beneath node label, used in array and hash values, or :seq for array values representing a numbered seq
# @option opts [Boolean] purge_ident whether to purge other matches (keeps the last one only)
# @api public
def self.attr_aug_accessor(name, opts = {})
attr_aug_reader(name, opts)
attr_aug_writer(name, opts)
# Setter for the default file path managed by the provider.
# Takes a block to store, but doesn't yield. Will be called when it's
# needed.
# @yield block that identifies the default file path managed by the provider
# @yieldreturn [String] default file path
# @api public
def self.default_file(&block)
@default_file_block = block
# Getter and setter for the Augeas lens used for this provider.
# When called with a block, will only store the block - it doesn't yield.
# When called without a block, expects `resource` parameter which is
# passed into the block, which returns the lens to be used.
# @param resource [Puppet::Resource] required for getter, resource being evaluated
# @yield [resource] block that identifies the lens to use
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource resource being evaluted
# @yieldreturn [String] Augeas lens to use, e.g. `'Hosts.lns'`
# @return [String] Augeas lens to use, e.g. `'Hosts.lns'`
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if no block has been set when getting
# @api public
def self.lens(resource = nil, &block)
if block_given?
@lens_block = block
fail 'Lens is not provided' unless @lens_block
# Wrapper around aug.label for older versions of Augeas
# and values not found in the tree.
# @param [Augeas] aug Augeas handler
# @param [String] path expression to get the label from
# @return [String] label of the given path
# @api public
def self.path_label(aug, path)
if aug.respond_to? :label
label = aug.label(path)
# Fallback
label || path.split("/")[-1].split("[")[0]
# Determine which quote is needed
# @param [String] value the value to quote
# @param [String] oldvalue the optional old value, used to auto-detect existing quoting
# @return [String] the quoted value
# @api public
def self.whichquote(value, resource = nil, oldvalue = nil)
oldquote = readquote oldvalue
if resource and resource.parameters.include? :quoted
quote = resource[:quoted]
quote = :auto
if quote == :auto
quote = if oldquote
elsif value =~ /[|&;()<>\s]/
case quote
when :double
when :single
# Automatically quote a value
# @param [String] value the value to quote
# @param [String] oldvalue the optional old value, used to auto-detect existing quoting
# @return [String] the quoted value
# @api public
def self.quoteit(value, resource = nil, oldvalue = nil)
quote = whichquote(value, resource, oldvalue)
# Detect what type of quoting a value uses
# @param [String] value the value to be analyzed
# @return [Symbol] the type of quoting used (:double, :single or nil)
# @api public
def self.readquote(value)
if value =~ /^(["'])(.*)(?:\1)$/
case $1
when '"' then :double
when "'" then :single
else nil end
# Getter and setter for the Augeas path expression representing an
# individual resource inside a file, that's managed by this provider.
# When called with a block, will only store the block - it doesn't yield.
# The block is later used to generate the path expression.
# When called without a block, expects `resource` parameter which is
# passed into the block, which returns the path expression representing
# the supplied resource.
# If no block has already been set, it returns the path expression
# representing the top-level of the file.
# @param resource [Puppet::Resource] required for getter, resource being evaluated
# @yield [resource] block that identifies the path expression
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource resource being evaluted
# @yieldreturn [String] Augeas path expression, e.g. `'/files/etc/hosts/1'`
# @return [String] Augeas path expression to use, e.g. `'/files/etc/hosts/1'`
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if no default file block is set and no resource is passed
# @see AugeasProviders::Provider#resource_path
# @see #target
# @api public
def self.resource_path(resource = nil, &block)
if block_given?
@resource_path_block = block
if @resource_path_block
path = "/files#{target(resource)}"
# Sets useful Augeas variables for the session.
# * `$target` points to the root of the target file
# * `$resource` points to path defined by #resource_path
# It also sets `/augeas/context` to the target file so
# relative paths can be used, before the variables are set.
# If supplied with a resource, it will be used to determine the
# path to the used file.
# @param [Augeas] aug Augeas handle
# @param [Puppet::Resource] resource resource being evaluated
# @see #resource_path
# @api public
def self.setvars(aug, resource = nil)
aug.set('/augeas/context', "/files#{target(resource)}")
aug.defnode('target', "/files#{target(resource)}", nil)
aug.defvar('resource', resource_path(resource)) if resource
# Gets the path expression representing the file being managed.
# If supplied with a resource, this will represent the file identified by
# the resource, else the default file that the provider manages.
# @param [Puppet::Resource] resource resource being evaluated
# @return [String] path expression representing the file being managed
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if no default block is set and no resource is passed
# @see AugeasProviders::Provider#target
# @see #resource_path
# @api public
def self.target(resource = nil)
file = @default_file_block.call if @default_file_block
file = resource[:target] if resource and resource[:target]
fail 'No target file given' if file.nil?
# Automatically unquote a value
# @param [String] value the value to unquote
# @return [String] the unquoted value
# @api public
def self.unquoteit(value)
if value =~ /^(["'])(.*)(?:\1)$/
# Returns whether text is parsed as path using lens
# @param [String] text the text to test
# @param [String] path the relative path to test
# @param [String] lens the lens to use for parsing
# @return [Boolean] whether the path was found when parsing text with lens
# @api public
def self.parsed_as?(text, path, lens)
Augeas.open(nil, nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD) do |aug|
if aug.respond_to? :text_store
aug.set('/input', text)
if aug.text_store(lens, '/input', '/parsed')
return aug.match("/parsed/#{path}").any?
# ruby-augeas < 0.5 doesn't support text_store
Tempfile.open('aug_text_store') do |tmpfile|
:lens => lens,
:name => 'Text_store',
:incl => tmpfile.path.to_s,
:excl => []
return aug.match("/files#{tmpfile.path.to_s}/#{path}").any?
return false
# Sets the post_resource_eval class hook for Puppet
# This is only used with Puppet > 3.4.0
# and allows to clean the shared Augeas handler.
def self.post_resource_eval
@aug = nil
# Returns a set of load paths to use when initialising Augeas.
# @return [String] colon-separated string of module paths, or nil if defaults are to be used
def self.loadpath
loadpath = nil
plugins = File.join(Puppet[:libdir], 'augeas', 'lenses')
if File.exists?(plugins)
loadpath = loadpath.to_s.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).push(plugins).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
# Opens Augeas and returns a handle to use. It loads only the file
# identified by {#target} (and the supplied `resource`) using {#lens}.
# If called with a block, this will be yielded to and the Augeas handle
# closed after the block has executed (on Puppet < 3.4.0).
# Otherwise, the handle will be returned and not closed automatically.
# On Puppet >= 3.4, the handle will be closed by `post_resource_eval`.
# On older versions, the caller is responsible for closing it to free
# resources.
# If `yield_resource` is set to true, the supplied `resource` will be passed
# as a yieldparam to the block, after the `aug` handle. Any arguments passed
# after `yield_resource` will be added as yieldparams to the block.
# @param [Puppet::Resource] resource resource being evaluated
# @param [Boolean] autosave whether to call augsave! automatically after the block evaluation
# @param [Boolean] yield_resource whether to send `resource` as a yieldparam
# @param [Splat] yield_params a splat of parameters to pass as yieldparams if `yield_resource` is true
# @return [Augeas] Augeas handle if no block is given
# @yield [aug, resource, *yield_params] block that uses the Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource the supplied Puppet resource, passed if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @yieldparam [Splat] *yield_params a splat of additional arguments sent to the block, if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if Augeas did not load the file
# @api private
def self.augopen_internal(resource = nil, autosave = false, yield_resource = false, *yield_params, &block)
aug = aug_handler
file = target(resource)
lens_name = lens[/[^\.]+/]
if aug.match("/augeas/load/#{lens_name}").empty?
:lens => lens,
:name => lens_name,
:incl => file,
:excl => []
elsif aug.match("/augeas/load/#{lens_name}/incl[.='#{file}']").empty?
# Only add missing file
aug.set("/augeas/load/#{lens_name}/incl[.='#{file}']", file)
if File.exist?(file) && aug.match("/files#{file}").empty?
message = aug.get("/augeas/files#{file}/error/message")
unless aug.match("/augeas/files#{file}/error/pos").empty?
line = aug.get("/augeas/files#{file}/error/line")
char = aug.get("/augeas/files#{file}/error/char")
message += " (line:#{line}, character:#{char})"
from = loadpath.nil? ? '' : " from #{loadpath}"
fail("Augeas didn't load #{file} with #{lens}#{from}: #{message}")
if block_given?
setvars(aug, resource)
if yield_resource
block.call(aug, resource, *yield_params)
autosave = false
if aug && block_given? && !supported?(:post_resource_eval)
augsave!(aug) if autosave
# Returns the Augeas version used
# @return [String] Augeas version in use
# @api public
def aug_version
# Returns whether a feature is supported.
# The following features are currently supported:
# * `:regexpi`: whether Augeas supports an 'i' flag in regexp expressions
# * `:post_resource_eval`: whether Puppet supports `post_resource_eval` hooks
# @param [Symbol] feature the feature to check
# @return [Boolean] whether feature is supported
# @api public
def supported?(feature)
# Opens Augeas and returns a handle to use. It loads only the file
# for the current Puppet resource using {AugeasProviders::Provider::ClassMethods#lens}.
# If called with a block, this will be yielded to and the Augeas handle
# closed after the block has executed (on Puppet < 3.4.0).
# Otherwise, the handle will be returned and not closed automatically.
# On Puppet >= 3.4, the handle will be closed by `post_resource_eval`.
# On older versions, the caller is responsible for closing it to free
# resources.
# If `yield_resource` is set to true, the supplied `resource` will be passed
# as a yieldparam to the block, after the `aug` handle. Any arguments passed
# after `yield_resource` will be added as yieldparams to the block.
# @return [Augeas] Augeas handle if no block is given
# @yield [aug, resource, *yield_params] block that uses the Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource the supplied Puppet resource, passed if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @yieldparam [Splat] *yield_params a splat of additional arguments sent to the block, if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if Augeas did not load the file
# @api public
def augopen(yield_resource = false, *yield_params, &block)
self.class.augopen(self.resource, yield_resource, *yield_params, &block)
# Opens Augeas and returns a handle to use. It loads only the file
# for the current Puppet resource using {AugeasProviders::Provider::ClassMethods#lens}.
# #augsave! is called after the block is evaluated.
# If called with a block, this will be yielded to and the Augeas handle
# closed after the block has executed (on Puppet < 3.4.0).
# Otherwise, the handle will be returned and not closed automatically.
# On Puppet >= 3.4, the handle will be closed by `post_resource_eval`.
# On older versions, the caller is responsible for closing it to free
# resources.
# @return [Augeas] Augeas handle if no block is given
# @yield [aug, resource, *yield_params] block that uses the Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @yieldparam [Puppet::Resource] resource the supplied Puppet resource, passed if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @yieldparam [Splat] *yield_params a splat of additional arguments sent to the block, if `yield_resource` is set to true
# @raise [Puppet::Error] if Augeas did not load the file
# @api public
def augopen!(yield_resource = false, *yield_params, &block)
self.class.augopen!(self.resource, yield_resource, *yield_params, &block)
# Saves all changes made in the current Augeas handle and checks for any
# errors while doing so.
# @param [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @param [Boolean] reload whether to reload the tree after saving
# @raise [Augeas::Error] if saving fails
# @api public
def augsave!(aug, reload = false)
self.class.augsave!(aug, reload)
# Close the shared Augeas handler.
# @param [Augeas] aug open Augeas handle
# @api public
def augclose!(aug)
# Returns an Augeas handler.
# On Puppet >= 3.4, stores and returns a shared Augeas handler
# for all instances of the class
# @return [Augeas] Augeas shared Augeas handle
# @api private
def aug_handler
# Wrapper around Augeas#label for older versions of Augeas
# @param [Augeas] aug Augeas handler
# @param [String] path expression to get the label from
# @return [String] label of the given path
# @api public
def path_label(aug, path)
self.class.path_label(aug, path)
# Determine which quote is needed
# @param [String] value the value to quote
# @param [String] oldvalue the optional old value, used to auto-detect existing quoting
# @return [String] the quoted value
# @api public
def whichquote(value, oldvalue = nil)
self.class.whichquote(value, self.resource, oldvalue)
# Automatically quote a value
# @param [String] value the value to quote
# @param [String] oldvalue the optional old value, used to auto-detect existing quoting
# @return [String] the quoted value
# @api public
def quoteit(value, oldvalue = nil)
self.class.quoteit(value, self.resource, oldvalue)
# Detect what type of quoting a value uses
# @param [String] value the value to be analyzed
# @return [Symbol] the type of quoting used (:double, :single or nil)
# @api public
def readquote(value)
# Gets the Augeas path expression representing the individual resource inside
# the file, that represents the current Puppet resource.
# If no block was set by the provider's class method, it returns the path
# expression representing the top-level of the file.
# @return [String] Augeas path expression to use, e.g. `'/files/etc/hosts/1'`
# @see AugeasProviders::Provider::ClassMethods#resource_path
# @see #target
# @api public
def resource_path
# Sets useful Augeas variables for the session:
# * `$target` points to the root of the target file
# * `$resource` points to path defined by #resource_path
# It also sets `/augeas/context` to the target file so
# relative paths can be used, before the variables are set.
# If supplied with a resource, it will be used to determine the
# path to the used file.
# @param [Augeas] aug Augeas handle
# @see #resource_path
# @api public
def setvars(aug)
self.class.setvars(aug, self.resource)
# Gets the path expression representing the file being managed for the
# current Puppet resource.
# @return [String] path expression representing the file being managed
# @see AugeasProviders::Provider::ClassMethods#target
# @see #resource_path
# @api public
def target
# Automatically unquote a value
# @param [String] value the value to unquote
# @return [String] the unquoted value
# @api public
def unquoteit(value)
# Returns whether text is parsed as path using lens
# @param [String] text the text to test
# @param [String] path the relative path to test
# @param [String] lens the lens to use for parsing
# @return [Boolean] whether the path was found when parsing text with lens
# @api public
def parsed_as?(text, path, lens = nil)
lens ||= self.class.lens(self.resource)
self.class.parsed_as?(text, path, lens)
# Default method to determine the existence of a resource
# can be overridden if necessary
def exists?
augopen do |aug|
not aug.match('$resource').empty?
# Default method to destroy a resource
# can be overridden if necessary
def destroy
augopen! do |aug|
# Default method to flush a resource
# On Puppet >= 3.4, this takes care of
# saving the tree for the shared Augeas handler.
# This method can be overridden in your provider
# but you should make sure to call `super`
# to ensure that the tree will be saved in Puppet >= 3.4
def flush
augsave!(aug_handler, true) if supported?(:post_resource_eval)
# Returns a node label to use for creating a new entry in an Augeas sequence
# (seq), given the current list, e.g. '1' if it's the first. Supply
# aug.match('$target/*') or similar.
# @param [Array<String>] existing paths, from Augeas#match
# @return [String] new node label
def next_seq(matches)