
84 lines
2.6 KiB

notice('MODULAR: detach-rabbitmq/rabbitmq_hiera_override.pp')
$detach_rabbitmq_plugin = hiera('detach-rabbitmq', undef)
$hiera_dir = '/etc/hiera/override'
$plugin_name = 'detach-rabbitmq'
$plugin_yaml = "${plugin_name}.yaml"
if ($detach_rabbitmq_plugin) {
$network_metadata = hiera_hash('network_metadata')
$rabbitmq_roles = [ 'standalone-rabbitmq' ]
$rabbit_nodes = get_nodes_hash_by_roles($network_metadata, $rabbitmq_roles)
$rabbit_address_map = get_node_to_ipaddr_map_by_network_role($rabbit_nodes, 'mgmt/messaging')
$amqp_port = hiera('amqp_port', '5673')
$rabbit_nodes_ips = values($rabbit_address_map)
$rabbit_nodes_names = keys($rabbit_address_map)
case hiera_array('roles', 'none') {
/rabbitmq/: {
$rabbit_enabled = true
$corosync_roles = $rabbitmq_roles
$deploy_vrouter = false
# Set to true HA
$corosync_nodes = $rabbit_nodes
default: {
$rabbit_enabled = false
$amqp_nodes = $rabbit_nodes_ips
$amqp_hosts = inline_template("<%= @amqp_nodes.map {|x| x + ':' + @amqp_port}.join ',' %>")
$calculated_content = inline_template('
amqp_hosts: <%= @amqp_hosts %>
enabled: <%= @rabbit_enabled %>
<% if @corosync_nodes -%>
<% require "yaml" -%>
<%= YAML.dump(@corosync_nodes).sub(/--- *$/,"") %>
<% end -%>
<% if @corosync_roles -%>
@corosync_roles.each do |crole|
%> - <%= crole %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
deploy_vrouter: <%= @deploy_vrouter %>
file {'/etc/hiera/override':
ensure => directory,
} ->
file { "${hiera_dir}/${plugin_yaml}":
ensure => file,
content => "${calculated_content}\n",
package {'ruby-deep-merge':
ensure => 'installed',
# hiera file changes between 7.0 and 8.0 so we need to handle the override the
# different yaml formats via these exec hacks. It should be noted that the
# fuel hiera task will wipe out these this update to the hiera.yaml
exec { "${plugin_name}_hiera_override_7.0":
command => "sed -i '/ - override\\/plugins/a\\ - override\\/${plugin_name}' /etc/hiera.yaml",
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
unless => "grep -q '^ - override/${plugin_name}' /etc/hiera.yaml",
onlyif => 'grep -q "^ - override/plugins" /etc/hiera.yaml'
exec { "${plugin_name}_hiera_override_8.0":
command => "sed -i '/ - override\\/plugins/a\\ - override\\/${plugin_name}' /etc/hiera.yaml",
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
unless => "grep -q '^ - override/${plugin_name}' /etc/hiera.yaml",
onlyif => 'grep -q "^ - override/plugins" /etc/hiera.yaml'