require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:cs_fencetopo) do subject do Puppet::Type.type(:cs_fencetopo) end $fence_topology = { 'node-1.test.local' => { '1' => [ 'ipmi_reset', ], '2' => [ 'psu_off','psu_on' ], }, 'node-2.test.local' => { '1' => [ 'ilo_reset', ], '2' => [ 'psu_snmp_off','psu_snmp_on' ], } } $nodes = [ 'node-1.test.local', 'node-2.test.local' ] $foo_topology = { '' => { '1' => [ 'ipmi_off', 'dirac_off', 'ilo_off' ], '2' => [ 'psu1_off','psu2_off' ], }, '' => { '1' => [ 'ipmi_off', 'dirac_off', 'ilo_off' ], '2' => [ 'psu1_off','psu2_off' ], }, '' => { '1' => [ 'ipmi_off', 'dirac_off', 'ilo_off' ], '2' => [ 'psu1_off','psu2_off' ], }, } $foo_nodes = [ '', '', '' ] it "should have a 'name' parameter" do => 'mock_resource')[:name].should == 'mock_resource' end describe "basic structure" do it "should be able to create a singleton instance" do provider_class = Puppet::Type::Cs_fencetopo.provider(Puppet::Type::Cs_fencetopo.providers[0]) Puppet::Type::Cs_fencetopo.expects(:defaultprovider).returns(provider_class) => "mock_resource").should_not be_nil end #it "should not be able to create other instances" do #TODO verify if fencetopo has a singleton nature #end [:cib, :name ].each do |param| it "should have a #{param} parameter" do subject.validparameter?(param).should be_true end it "should have documentation for its #{param} parameter" do subject.paramclass(param).doc.should be_instance_of(String) end end [ :nodes, :fence_topology ].each do |prop| it "should have a #{prop} property" do subject.validproperty?(prop).should be_true end it "should have documentation for its #{prop} property" do subject.propertybyname(prop).doc.should be_instance_of(String) end end end end