
88 lines
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# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
notice('fuel-plugin-influxdb-grafana: grafana_configuration.pp')
$deployment_id = hiera('deployment_id')
$master_ip = hiera('master_ip')
$influxdb_vip = hiera('lma::influxdb::vip')
$grafana_vip = hiera('lma::grafana::vip')
$influxdb_port = hiera('lma::influxdb::influxdb_port')
$grafana_link_created_file = '/var/cache/grafana_link_created_up_1.x'
$admin_username = hiera('lma::grafana::mysql::admin_username')
$admin_password = hiera('lma::grafana::mysql::admin_password')
$influxdb_username = hiera('lma::influxdb::username')
$influxdb_password = hiera('lma::influxdb::password')
$influxdb_database = hiera('lma::influxdb::dbname')
$lma_collector = hiera_hash('lma_collector', {})
$influxdb_mode = $lma_collector['influxdb_mode']
$import_influxdb = $influxdb_mode ? {
'local' => true,
default => false,
$elasticsearch_mode = $lma_collector['elasticsearch_mode']
$import_elasticsearch = $elasticsearch_mode ? {
'local' => true,
default => false,
if hiera('lma::grafana::tls::enabled') {
$protocol = 'https'
$grafana_hostname = hiera('lma::grafana::tls::hostname')
$grafana_link_data = "{\"title\":\"Grafana\",\
\"description\":\"Dashboard for visualizing metrics (${grafana_hostname}: ${protocol}://${grafana_vip})\",\
} else {
$protocol = 'http'
$grafana_link_data = "{\"title\":\"Grafana\",\
\"description\":\"Dashboard for visualizing metrics\",\
grafana_datasource { 'lma':
ensure => present,
url => "http://${influxdb_vip}:${influxdb_port}",
user => $influxdb_username,
password => $influxdb_password,
database => $influxdb_database,
access_mode => 'proxy',
is_default => true,
grafana_url => "${protocol}://${grafana_vip}",
grafana_user => $admin_username,
grafana_password => $admin_password,
class {'lma_monitoring_analytics::grafana_dashboards':
admin_username => $admin_username,
admin_password => $admin_password,
protocol => $protocol,
host => $grafana_vip,
port => hiera('lma::influxdb::grafana_frontend_port'),
import_elasticsearch => $import_elasticsearch,
import_influxdb => $import_influxdb,
require => Grafana_datasource['lma'],
exec { 'notify_grafana_url':
creates => $grafana_link_created_file,
command => "/usr/bin/curl -sL -w \"%{http_code}\" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '${grafana_link_data}' \
http://${master_ip}:8000/api/clusters/${deployment_id}/plugin_links \
-o /dev/null | /bin/grep 201 && touch ${grafana_link_created_file}",
require => Class['lma_monitoring_analytics::grafana_dashboards'],