attributes: domain: value: '' label: 'Domain name' description: 'Name of the Keystone domain' weight: 20 type: "text" regex: source: '^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$' error: "Domain name contains unexpected value. Must only contain letters, numbers and characters . / _ / -" url: value: '' label: 'LDAP URL' description: 'URL for connecting to the LDAP server.' weight: 25 type: "text" regex: source: '^ldap[si]?:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)(:[0-9]+)?$' error: "LDAP URL is not valid. Should be e.g. 'ldap://'." ldap_proxy: value: false label: "LDAP proxy" description: "Enable LDAP proxy." weight: 26 type: "checkbox" use_tls: value: false label: "Use TLS" description: "Enable TLS for communicating with the LDAP server." weight: 27 type: "checkbox" ca_chain: type: "textarea" weight: 28 value: '' label: "CA Chain" description: "CA trust chain in PEM format." restrictions: - condition: 'settings:ldap.use_tls.value == false' action: "disable" regex: source: '^(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----)(.*[\r\n])+(-----END CERTIFICATE-----[\s\S]*?)$|^$' error: "Please provide certificate in PEM format or leave this field empty" suffix: value: 'cn=example,cn=com' label: 'LDAP Suffix' description: 'LDAP server suffix.' weight: 29 type: "text" user: value: 'cn=admin,dc=local' label: 'LDAP User' description: 'User BindDN to query the LDAP server.' weight: 30 type: "text" password: value: '' label: 'LDAP User Password' description: 'Password for the BindDN to query the LDAP server.' weight: 35 type: "password" regex: source: '^\S+$' error: "Password must not contain spaces." query_scope: value: 'one' label: 'LDAP Query Scope' description: 'The LDAP scope for queries.' weight: 40 type: "radio" values: - data: 'one' label: 'one' description: 'onelevel/singleLevel scope for LDAP queries' - data: 'sub' label: 'sub' description: 'subtree/wholeSubtree scope for LDAP queries' user_tree_dn: value: 'ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com' label: 'Users Tree DN' description: 'Search base for users.' weight: 45 type: "text" user_filter: value: '' label: 'User Filter' description: 'LDAP search filter for users.' weight: 46 type: "text" user_objectclass: value: 'inetOrgPerson' label: 'User Object Class' description: 'LDAP objectclass for users.' weight: 50 type: "text" user_id_attribute: value: 'cn' label: 'User ID Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute mapped to user id.' weight: 55 type: "text" user_name_attribute: value: 'sn' label: 'User Name Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute mapped to user name.' weight: 60 type: "text" user_pass_attribute: value: 'userPassword' label: 'User Password Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute mapped to password.' weight: 65 type: "text" user_enabled_attribute: value: 'enabled' label: 'User Enabled/Disabled Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute mapped to enabled/disabled.' weight: 66 type: "text" group_tree_dn: value: 'ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com' label: 'Groups Tree DN' description: 'Search base for groups.' weight: 75 type: "text" group_filter: value: '' label: 'Group Filter' description: 'LDAP search filter for groups.' weight: 80 type: "text" group_objectclass: value: 'groupOfNames' label: 'Group Object Class' description: 'LDAP objectclass for groups.' weight: 85 type: "text" group_id_attribute: value: 'cn' label: 'Group ID Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute mapped to group id.' weight: 90 type: "text" group_name_attribute: value: 'ou' label: 'Group Name Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute mapped to group name.' weight: 95 type: "text" group_member_attribute: value: 'member' label: 'Group Member Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute that maps user to group.' weight: 100 type: "text" group_desc_attribute: value: 'description' label: 'Group description Attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute mapped to description.' weight: 105 type: "text" page_size: value: '0' label: 'Page Size Attribute' description: 'Maximum results per page.' weight: 110 type: "text" regex: source: '^[0-9]+$' error: "Page size contains unexpected value. It must contain only numbers." chase_referrals: value: 'False' label: 'Chase referrals Attribute' description: 'Referral chasing behavior for queries.' weight: 115 type: "text" regex: source: '^[Ff]alse$|^[Tt]rue$' error: "Chase referrals must contains boolean values: False or True." additional_domains: type: "textarea" weight: 120 value: '' label: "List of additional Domains" description: "Blocks of additional domains/parameters that should be created." ldap_proxy_custom_conf: type: "textarea" weight: 125 value: '' label: "List of custom LDAP proxy configs" description: "List of custom LDAP proxy configs."