attributes: nagios_password: value: generator: 'password' label: 'Nagios HTTP password' description: 'The password to access the Nagios Web Interface (username: "nagiosadmin")' weight: 42 type: "password" regex: source: '\S' error: "Invalid value" notify_critical: type: "checkbox" weight: 43 value: true label: "Receive CRITICAL notifications by email" notify_warning: type: "checkbox" weight: 44 value: true label: "Receive WARNING notifications by email" notify_unknown: type: "checkbox" weight: 45 value: true label: "Receive UNKNOWN notifications by email" notify_recovery: type: "checkbox" weight: 46 value: true label: "Receive RECOVERY notifications by email" send_to: value: '' label: 'The recipient email address' description: 'The recipient for the alert notifications' weight: 47 type: "text" regex: &email source: '[a-z0-9!#$%&*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.?)?[a-z0-9]?(?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?' error: "Invalid Email" restrictions: &disable_notifications - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_critical.value == false and settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_warning.value == false and settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_unknown.value == false and settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_recovery.value == false" action: "disable" send_from: value: '' label: 'The sender email address' description: '' weight: 48 type: "text" regex: *email restrictions: *disable_notifications smtp_host: value: '' label: 'External SMTP server and port' description: 'IP address (or fully qualified domain name) and port of the external SMTP server. Leave empty to use the local MTA service.' weight: 49 type: "text" regex: source: '^$|[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-Z\d_\-.]+(:[0-9]+)?$' error: 'Invalid address or name' restrictions: *disable_notifications smtp_auth: type: "radio" weight: 50 value: "none" label: "SMTP authentication method" values: - data: "none" label: "None" - data: "login" label: "Login" - data: "plain" label: "Plain" - data: "cram-md5" label: "CRAMMD5" restrictions: *disable_notifications smtp_user: value: '' label: 'SMTP user' description: '' weight: 51 type: "text" restrictions: &no_auth - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.smtp_auth.value == 'none'" action: "disable" - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_critical.value == false and settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_warning.value == false and settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_unknown.value == false and settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.notify_recovery.value == false" action: "disable" smtp_password: value: '' label: 'SMTP password' description: '' weight: 52 type: "password" restrictions: *no_auth tls_enabled: value: false label: 'Enable TLS for Nagios' description: '' weight: 60 type: "checkbox" nagios_hostname: value: 'nagios.fuel.local' label: 'DNS hostname for Nagios UI' description: 'Your DNS entries should point to this name' weight: 61 type: "text" restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.tls_enabled.value == false" action: "hide" nagios_ssl_cert: value: '' label: 'Certificate for Nagios UI' description: 'Certificate and private key data, concatenated into a single file' weight: 62 type: "file" restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.tls_enabled.value == false" action: "hide" # LDAP Settings: BEGIN ldap_enabled: value: false label: 'Use LDAP for Nagios authentication' description: '' weight: 100 type: "checkbox" ldap_protocol: type: "radio" value: 'ldap' weight: 110 label: 'LDAP protocol' values: - data: "ldap" label: "LDAP" - data: "ldaps" label: "LDAPS" restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide ldap_servers: value: '' label: 'LDAP servers' description: 'Specify one or several LDAP servers separated by space.' weight: 120 type: "text" regex: source: '^\w[\w\-\s.]+$' error: "You must provide a hostname or IP" restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_server_port: value: '' label: 'Port' description: 'If empty, the default value is 389 for LDAP and 636 for LDAPS.' weight: 130 type: "text" regex: source: '^\d{0,5}$' error: "You must provide a valid port number" restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_bind_dn: value: '' label: 'Bind DN' description: 'DN used to bind to the server when searching for entries.' weight: 140 type: "text" regex: ¬_empty_parameter source: '\S' error: "Invalid value" restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_bind_password: value: '' label: 'Bind password' description: 'Password to use in conjunction with the bind DN.' weight: 150 type: "password" regex: *not_empty_parameter restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_user_search_base_dns: value: '' label: 'User search base DN' description: 'The base DN to search for users.' weight: 160 type: "text" regex: *not_empty_parameter restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_user_attribute: value: 'uid' label: 'User attribute to search for' description: "It's a good idea to choose an attribute that will be unique across all entries." weight: 165 type: "text" regex: *not_empty_parameter restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_user_search_filter: value: '(objectClass=*)' label: 'User search filter' description: 'A valid LDAP search filter.' weight: 170 type: "text" regex: *not_empty_parameter restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_authorization_enabled: value: false label: 'Enable group-based authorization' description: 'It allows to authorized only users for a specific group.' weight: 200 type: "checkbox" restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide ldap_group_attribute: value: 'memberUid' label: 'LDAP group attribute' description: 'LDAP attribute used to identify the user members of group.' weight: 205 type: "text" regex: *not_empty_parameter restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_authorization_enabled.value == false" action: disable ldap_admin_group_dn: value: '' label: 'Group DN mapping to the Admins role' description: '' weight: 210 type: "text" regex: *not_empty_parameter restrictions: - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: hide - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_enabled.value == false" action: disable - condition: "settings:lma_infrastructure_alerting.ldap_authorization_enabled.value == false" action: disable # LDAP Settings: END