Fix IB installation over Ubuntu HA

Change NIC to use connected mode over MLNX_OFED
latest eIPoIB daemon

Change-Id: Ic1778d55c715863d44dc32f091f8691d0a5791c6
This commit is contained in:
Aviram Bar-Haim 2016-01-17 18:37:49 +02:00
parent 4dd7266601
commit 4d203269d2
2 changed files with 88 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -30,15 +30,16 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
import libxml2
import signal
VERSION = "2.3-2.0.8"
VERSION = "3.2-0.0.1"
# Global parameters
logger = None
SCRIPT = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
DESC = "Run daemon for Child nics managment."
XEN_MANAGMENT = "/usr/bin/xenstore"
VIRSH_MANAGMENT = "/usr/bin/virsh"
OVS_MANAGMENT = "/etc/init.d/openvswitch"
XEN_MANAGEMENT = "/usr/bin/xenstore"
VIRSH_MANAGEMENT = "/usr/bin/virsh"
OVS_MANAGEMENT = "/etc/init.d/openvswitch"
OVS_MANAGEMENT_UBUNTU = "/etc/init.d/openvswitch-switch"
FORMAT = '%(asctime)s :[%(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ def get_mac_by_name(name, namespace = None):
sub_cmd = ""
if namespace:
sub_cmd = "/sbin/ip netns exec %s" %namespace
logger.debug("checking namespace %s" % namespace)
cmd = "%s /sbin/ip link show %s 2> /dev/null | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2} | /usr/bin/head -1'" % (sub_cmd, name)
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
@ -475,16 +477,16 @@ class NicObserver(Observer): = "nic"
#on every port over the bridges one vlan per mac
self.map_mac_2_vlan = {}
# keeps the ports that already scaned in that loop
self.scaned_port = []
# keeps the ports that already scanned in that loop
self.scanned_port = []
self.all_bridges = []
self.first_ovs_br = None
self.known_vlan_macs = {}
def add_to_scaned_list(self, nic):
#self.scaned_port = self.scaned_port.append(nic)
if nic not in self.scaned_port:
def add_to_scanned_list(self, nic):
#self.scanned_port = self.scanned_port.append(nic)
if nic not in self.scanned_port:
#get interface ibx.y and return the index after the dot
def get_index (self, interface):
@ -600,17 +602,41 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
return br
return None
# Make sure that both of the peers are connected.
# each of them should point on the other side as has the other's if_index
def verify_peer_belongs_to_peer(self, first_side_ifindex, second_side_name, namespace = None):
pref = ""
if None != namespace:
pref = "ip netns exec %s" %namespace
cmd = "%s ethtool -S %s 2> /dev/null |grep peer_ifindex |awk -F': ' '{print $2}'" % (pref, second_side_name)
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if rc or len(out) == 0:
self.logger.debug("1. No match between peer_idx %s, and interface:%s (cmd:%s)" % (first_side_ifindex, second_side_name, cmd))
return False
if out.strip() == first_side_ifindex:
self.logger.debug("Match between peer_idx %s, and interface:%s" % (first_side_ifindex, second_side_name))
return True
self.logger.debug("2. No match between peer_idx %s, and interface:%s out: %s (cmd: %s)" % (first_side_ifindex, second_side_name, out, cmd))
return False
# some OS's/Topologies keep the peer interface in different namespaces
# The function searches all the namespaces in order to see where it is located.
def find_peer_by_idx(self, peer_if_idx):
def find_peer_by_idx(self, peer_if_idx, origin_peer):
peer = None
all_ns = None
# find the orignal nic index
cmd = "ip -o link show |egrep %s: | awk -F': ' '{print $1}'" % origin_peer
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if rc or len(out) == 0:
self.logger.debug("Failed to get peer index.origin: %s peer_idx %s, cmd: %s" % (peer_if_idx, origin_peer, cmd))
return (peer, None)
origin_peer_idx = out.strip()
cmd = "ip -o link show |egrep ^%s: | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'" % peer_if_idx
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if rc or len(out) == 0:
if rc or len(out) == 0 or (False == self.verify_peer_belongs_to_peer(origin_peer_idx, out.strip())):
self.logger.debug("Failed to get peer from global namespace peer_idx %s, cmd: %s" % (peer_if_idx, cmd))
#try searching in all other namespaces:
cmd = "ip netns list"
@ -621,7 +647,7 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
for ns in all_ns:
cmd = "ip netns exec %s ip link list |egrep ^%s: | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' " % (ns, peer_if_idx)
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if rc or len(out) == 0:
if rc or len(out) == 0 or (False == self.verify_peer_belongs_to_peer(origin_peer_idx, out.strip(), ns)):
self.logger.debug("No peer in namespace %s for peer_idx %s\n" % (ns, peer_if_idx))
peer = out.strip()
@ -646,10 +672,11 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
if rc or len(out) == 0:
self.logger.debug("cmd:%s. No peer for nic: %s" % (cmd, nic))
return []
peer_if_idx = out.strip()
self.logger.debug("cmd:%s. found peer for nic: %s!! peer: peer_if_idx" % (cmd, nic))
#get the peer name
(peer, ns) = self.find_peer_by_idx(peer_if_idx)
(peer, ns) = self.find_peer_by_idx(peer_if_idx, nic)
if None == peer:
self.logger.warning("Failed to get peer for nic: %s peer_idx %s, cmd: %s" % (nic, peer_if_idx, cmd))
return []
@ -686,11 +713,11 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
nics = self.get_br_nics(br)
domains = self.get_domains()
self.logger.debug("%s nics list %s" % (br, str(nics)))
for n in nics:
if (n in self.scaned_port):
self.logger.debug("No need to check peer for n: %s Parent %s and scaned_port: %s forced_vlan: %s" % (n, nic, str(self.scaned_port), str(forced_vlan)))
if (n in self.scanned_port):
self.logger.debug("No need to check peer for n: %s Parent %s and scanned_port: %s forced_vlan: %s" % (n, nic, str(self.scanned_port), str(forced_vlan)))
# if slave is not vif it will return its mac
@ -699,21 +726,21 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
self.logger.debug("Guest %s mac %s" % (n, str(mac)))
nic_br = self.get_br_by_nic(n)
vlan = self.get_vlan_by_br_and_nic(nic_br, n)
#if vlan == None:
#vlan = forced_vlan
if mac != None and (not self.map_mac_2_vlan.has_key(mac)):
self.logger.debug("get_nic_vif_macs mac: %s for n %s EXISTS nic: %s scaned_port: %s \n self.map_mac_2_vlan %s forced_vlan %s" % (mac, n, nic, str(self.scaned_port), str(self.map_mac_2_vlan), str(forced_vlan)))
self.logger.debug("get_nic_vif_macs mac: %s for n %s EXISTS nic: %s scanned_port: %s \n self.map_mac_2_vlan %s forced_vlan %s" % (mac, n, nic, str(self.scanned_port), str(self.map_mac_2_vlan), str(forced_vlan)))
self.map_mac_2_vlan[mac] = vlan
#if the nic that connected to the bridge is peer than we need also the peer mac address
# only not over the parent interface:
self.logger.debug("get_nic_vif_macs n: %s nic %s scaned_port: %s \n self.map_mac_2_vlan %s forced_vlan %s" % (n, nic, str(self.scaned_port), str(self.map_mac_2_vlan), str(forced_vlan)))
if (n == nic or (n in self.scaned_port)):
self.logger.debug("No need to check peer for n: %s Parent %s and scaned_port: %s" % (n, nic, str(self.scaned_port)))
self.logger.debug("get_nic_vif_macs n: %s nic %s scanned_port: %s \n self.map_mac_2_vlan %s forced_vlan %s" % (n, nic, str(self.scanned_port), str(self.map_mac_2_vlan), str(forced_vlan)))
if (n == nic or (n in self.scanned_port)):
self.logger.debug("No need to check peer for n: %s Parent %s and scanned_port: %s" % (n, nic, str(self.scanned_port)))
peer_macs = self.get_peer_macs(n, forced_vlan)
if len(peer_macs) != 0:
@ -736,7 +763,7 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
self.first_ovs_br = br
ovs_br.first_ovs_br = self.first_ovs_br
self.logger.debug("Found OVS br %s for port %s." % (br, n))
ovs_br.scaned_port = self.scaned_port
ovs_br.scanned_port = self.scanned_port
macs_ovsbr = list(set(ovs_br.get_nic_vif_macs(n, None)))
if macs_ovsbr:
self.logger.debug("Found macs in OVS over LB port %s: %s" % (n, macs_ovsbr))
@ -783,7 +810,7 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
self.known_vlan_macs[vlan_id] = list(set(self.known_vlan_macs[vlan_id]) - set([mac_to_remove]))
self.logger.debug("Connected interface %s to ovs-br %s macs2vlan: %s." % (n, br, str(self.map_mac_2_vlan)))
return macs
@ -822,6 +849,28 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
i = i + 1
return slave
def set_slave_mode (self, slave, new_mode):
rc = 0
cmd = "ifconfig %s down" % slave
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if rc:
self.logger.warning("cmd failed! (%s)" % cmd)
return rc
cmd = "/bin/echo %s > %s" % (new_mode, "/sys/class/net/" + slave + os.sep + "mode")
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if rc:
self.logger.warning("cmd failed! (%s)" % cmd)
return rc
cmd = "ifconfig %s up" % slave
(rc, out) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if rc:
self.logger.warning("cmd failed! (%s)" % cmd)
return rc
return rc
# create vif if remove flag is clear
def create_vif (self, parent, slave, mac, vlan_id = ""):
rc = 0
@ -856,6 +905,7 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
self.logger.warning("Failed to create child, index: (%s)" % slave_index)
return rc"Clone nic %s was created" % slave)
rc = self.set_slave_mode(slave, "connected")
rc = rc or self.create_vif(parent, slave, mac)
return rc
@ -926,8 +976,8 @@ class VirtualNicObserver(NicObserver):
def update (self):
self.logger.debug("Updating virtual nic (parent=%s)" %
# no ports in the already scaned list:
self.scaned_port = []
# no ports in the already scanned list:
self.scanned_port = []
vif_macs = [self.parent.mac] + self.get_nic_vif_macs( #the macs of all the virtual interfaces connected to the bridge
slaves_macs = self.parent.get_parent_slave_macs() # the macs of all parent slaves
# make sure no duplicate macs here.
@ -1040,7 +1090,7 @@ class VirtualVlanObserver(VirtualNicObserver):
current_vlans = self.get_vlan_interfaces_per_parent(
self.logger.debug("%s has vlans: %s" % (, current_vlans))
all_vlans = list(set(self.known_vlans + current_vlans))
self.scaned_port = []
self.scanned_port = []
# run over all the vlans, add slave per node:
for vlan in all_vlans:
self.logger.debug("taking care at vlan: %s" % vlan)
@ -1333,7 +1383,7 @@ class KVMOvsNicObserver(VirtualNicObserver, KVMDomain):
def update (self):
self.logger.debug("Updating parent=%s" %
self.map_mac_2_vlan = {}
self.scaned_port = []
self.scanned_port = []
# update the name of the ovs that this parent attaches to it:
self.ovs_name = self.get_br_by_nic(
@ -1404,7 +1454,7 @@ class KVMOvsNicObserver(VirtualNicObserver, KVMDomain):
peer_if_idx = out.strip()
#get the peer name
(peer, ns) = self.find_peer_by_idx(peer_if_idx)
(peer, ns) = self.find_peer_by_idx(peer_if_idx, nic)
if None == peer:
self.logger.warning("Failed to get peer for nic: %s peer_idx %s, cmd: %s" % (nic, peer_if_idx, cmd))
return []
@ -1466,9 +1516,9 @@ class KVMOvsNicObserver(VirtualNicObserver, KVMDomain):
if None != mac:
self.map_mac_2_vlan[mac] = vlan
if m[0] in self.scaned_port:
if m[0] in self.scanned_port:
return []
macs = self.get_nic_vif_macs(m[0], vlan)
if macs != None:
if mac != None:
@ -1647,24 +1697,24 @@ class DaemonRunner:
def get_environment (self):
# If xenstore is avaiable, use it
# (OVS/XS do not have libvirt, but has xenstore)
if os.path.exists(XEN_MANAGMENT):
if os.path.exists(XEN_MANAGEMENT):
self.supported_observers = ["bond","vlan","nic"]
logger.debug("Running on XEN environment")
self.env_type = XEN_ENV
return XenEnvironment()
# if not (e.g. KVM) then we require virsh (via libvirt)
if os.path.exists(VIRSH_MANAGMENT) or os.path.exists(OVS_MANAGMENT):
if os.path.exists(VIRSH_MANAGEMENT) or os.path.exists(OVS_MANAGEMENT) or os.path.exists(OVS_MANAGEMENT_UBUNTU):
#self.supported_observers = ["bond","vlan","nic","ovs-nic","ovs-vlan","ovs-bond"]
self.supported_observers = ["bond","vlan","nic","ovs-nic"]
self.logger.debug("Running on KVM environment")
if os.path.exists(VIRSH_MANAGMENT):
if os.path.exists(VIRSH_MANAGEMENT):
self.env_type = KVM_ENV
# overwrite kvm with ovs
if os.path.exists(OVS_MANAGMENT):
self.logger.debug("Running on OVS environment")
self.env_type = OVS_ENV
return KVMEnvironment()
self.logger.debug("NO MANAGMENT: this is a native server")
self.logger.debug("NO MANAGEMENT: this is a native server")
self.supported_observers = ["bond","vlan","nic"]
self.logger.debug("Running on Native environment")
self.env_type = NONE_ENV

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ name: mellanox-plugin
title: Mellanox Openstack features
# Plugin version
version: 2.0.12
version: 2.0.13
# Description
description: Enable features over Mellanox hardware