# Copyright 2016 Midokura, SARL. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. notice('MODULAR: midonet-edge-router-setup-bgp-gw.pp') include ::stdlib # Extract data from hiera $access_data = hiera_hash('access') $management_address = hiera('management_vip') $keystone_admin_tenant = $access_data['tenant'] $net_metadata = hiera_hash('network_metadata') $gw_hash = get_nodes_hash_by_roles($net_metadata, ['midonet-gw']) $gw_keys = keys($gw_hash) $neutron_settings = hiera('neutron_config') $external_net_name = $neutron_settings['default_floating_net'] $tenant_net_name = $neutron_settings['default_private_net'] $predefined_nets = $neutron_settings['predefined_networks'] $tenant_net = $predefined_nets[$tenant_net_name] $external_net = $predefined_nets[$external_net_name] $username = $access_data['user'] $password = $access_data['password'] $tenant_name = $access_data['tenant'] # Plugin settings data (overrides $external_net l3 values) $midonet_settings = hiera_hash('midonet') $tz_type = $midonet_settings['tunnel_type'] $floating_range_start = $midonet_settings['floating_ip_range_start'] $floating_range_end = $midonet_settings['floating_ip_range_end'] $floating_cidr = $midonet_settings['floating_cidr'] $floating_gateway_ip = $midonet_settings['gateway'] $bgp_local_as = $midonet_settings['bgp_local_as'] $bgp_neighbors = $midonet_settings['bgp_neighbors'] $edge_router = 'edge-router' $allocation_pools = "start=${floating_range_start},end=${floating_range_end}" # Create one subnet per each network used. $myhostname = $::fqdn $ports_to_bind = generate_router_interfaces_list($bgp_neighbors) package { 'python-neutronclient': ensure => latest } -> file { 'create router interfaces script': ensure => present, path => '/tmp/create_router_interfaces.sh', content => template('/etc/fuel/plugins/midonet-9.2/puppet/templates/create_router_interfaces.sh.erb'), } -> # Finally, execute the script exec { 'run create router interfaces script': command => '/bin/bash -x /tmp/create_router_interfaces.sh 2>&1 | tee /tmp/ri-create.out', returns => ['0', '7'], } -> midonet_gateway_bgp { 'edge-router': ensure => present, bgp_local_as_number => $bgp_local_as, username => $username, password => $password, tenant_name => $tenant_name, midonet_api_url => "http://${management_address}:8181/midonet-api", bgp_advertised_networks => $floating_cidr, bgp_neighbors => generate_bgp_neighbors_for_gateway_bgp($bgp_neighbors) }