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#This class is intended to deploy VPNaaS in HA mode.
class vpnaas::ha {
include vpnaas::params
include neutron::params
$fuel_settings = parseyaml($astute_settings_yaml)
$access_hash = $fuel_settings['access']
$neutron_config = $fuel_settings['quantum_settings']
$primary_controller = $fuel_settings['role'] ? { 'primary-controller'=>true, default=>false }
$debug = true
$verbose = true
$syslog = $fuel_settings['use_syslog'] ? { default=>true }
$plugin_config = '/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini'
file {'q-agent-cleanup.py':
path => '/usr/bin/q-agent-cleanup.py',
mode => '0755',
owner => root,
group => root,
source => "puppet:///modules/vpnaas/q-agent-cleanup.py",
file { "${vpnaas::params::vpn_agent_ocf_file}":
mode => 644,
owner => root,
group => root,
source => "puppet:///modules/vpnaas/ocf/neutron-agent-vpn"
class {'vpnaas::common':}
class {'vpnaas::agent':
manage_service => true,
enabled => false,
service {'p_neutron-l3-agent':
enable => true,
ensure => stopped,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
provider => 'pacemaker',
Service['p_neutron-l3-agent'] -> Class['vpnaas::agent']
$csr_metadata = undef
$csr_complex_type = 'clone'
$csr_ms_metadata = { 'interleave' => 'true' }
cluster::corosync::cs_with_service {'vpn-and-ovs':
first => "clone_p_${neutron::params::ovs_agent_service}",
second => "clone_p_${neutron::params::vpnaas_agent_service}"
cluster::corosync::cs_service {'vpn':
ocf_script => 'neutron-agent-vpn',
csr_parameters => {
'debug' => $debug,
'syslog' => $syslog,
'plugin_config' => $plugin_config,
'os_auth_url' => "http://${fuel_settings['management_vip']}:35357/v2.0/",
'tenant' => 'services',
'username' => undef,
'password' => $neutron_config['keystone']['admin_password'],
'multiple_agents' => $multiple_agents,
csr_metadata => $csr_metadata,
csr_complex_type => $csr_complex_type,
csr_ms_metadata => $csr_ms_metadata,
csr_mon_intr => '20',
csr_mon_timeout => '10',
csr_timeout => '60',
service_name => $neutron::params::vpnaas_agent_service,
package_name => $neutron::params::vpnaas_agent_package,
service_title => 'neutron-vpnaas-service',
primary => $primary_controller,
hasrestart => false,
#fuel-plugins system doesn't have 'primary-controller' role so
#we have to separate controllers' deployment here using waiting cycles.
if ! $primary_controller {
exec {'waiting-for-vpn-agent':
tries => 30,
try_sleep => 10,
command => "pcs resource show p_neutron-vpn-agent > /dev/null 2>&1",
path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
Exec['waiting-for-vpn-agent'] -> Cluster::Corosync::Cs_service["vpn"]
File['q-agent-cleanup.py'] -> Cluster::Corosync::Cs_service["vpn"]
File["${vpnaas::params::vpn_agent_ocf_file}"] -> Cluster::Corosync::Cs_service["vpn"] ->
Cluster::Corosync::Cs_with_service['vpn-and-ovs'] -> Class['vpnaas::common']