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# The puppet configures ScaleIO Gateway. Sets the password and connects to MDMs.
$scaleio = hiera('scaleio')
if $scaleio['metadata']['enabled'] {
if ! $scaleio['existing_cluster'] {
if $::managers_ips {
$gw_ips = split($::gateway_ips, ',')
$haproxy_config_options = {
'balance' => 'roundrobin',
'mode' => 'tcp',
'option' => ['tcplog'],
Haproxy::Service { use_include => true }
Haproxy::Balancermember { use_include => true }
class {'::scaleio::gateway_server':
ensure => 'present',
mdm_ips => $::managers_ips,
password => $scaleio['password'],
} ->
notify { "Configure Haproxy for Gateway nodes: ${gw_ips}": } ->
openstack::ha::haproxy_service { 'scaleio-gateway':
order => 201,
server_names => $gw_ips,
ipaddresses => $gw_ips,
listen_port => $::gateway_port,
public_virtual_ip => hiera('public_vip'),
internal_virtual_ip => hiera('management_vip'),
define_backups => true,
public => true,
haproxy_config_options => $haproxy_config_options,
balancermember_options => 'check inter 10s fastinter 2s downinter 3s rise 3 fall 3',
} else {
fail('Empty MDM IPs configuration')
} else {
notify{'Skip deploying gateway server because of using existing cluster': }