#!/usr/bin/env python import os from logging import debug, info, warning, DEBUG, basicConfig from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import yaml from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkstemp, mkdtemp from socket import inet_ntoa from struct import pack import netifaces import re ASTUTE_PATH = '/etc/astute.yaml' ASTUTE_SECTION = 'fuel-plugin-xenserver' LOG_ROOT = '/var/log/fuel-plugin-xenserver' LOG_FILE = 'compute_post_deployment.log' HIMN_IP = '' if not os.path.exists(LOG_ROOT): os.mkdir(LOG_ROOT) basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(LOG_ROOT, LOG_FILE), level=DEBUG) def reportError(err): warning(err) raise Exception(err) def execute(*cmd, **kwargs): cmd = map(str, cmd) info(' '.join(cmd)) proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) if 'prompt' in kwargs: prompt = kwargs.get('prompt') proc.stdout.flush() (out, err) = proc.communicate(prompt) else: out = proc.stdout.readlines() err = proc.stderr.readlines() (out, err) = map(' '.join, [out, err]) (out, err) = (out.replace('\n', ''), err.replace('\n', '')) if out: debug(out) if proc.returncode is not None and proc.returncode != 0: reportError(err) return out def ssh(host, username, password, *cmd, **kwargs): cmd = map(str, cmd) return execute('sshpass', '-p', password, 'ssh', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '%s@%s' % (username, host), *cmd, prompt=kwargs.get('prompt')) def scp(host, username, password, target_path, filename): return execute('sshpass', '-p', password, 'scp', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', filename, '%s@%s:%s' % (username, host, target_path)) def get_astute(astute_path): """Return the root object read from astute.yaml""" if not os.path.exists(astute_path): reportError('%s not found' % astute_path) astute = yaml.load(open(astute_path)) return astute def astute_get(dct, keys, default=None, fail_if_missing=True): """A safe dictionary getter""" for key in keys: if key in dct: dct = dct[key] else: if fail_if_missing: reportError('Value of "%s" is missing' % key) return default return dct def get_options(astute, astute_section): """Return username and password filled in plugin.""" if not astute_section in astute: reportError('%s not found' % astute_section) options = astute[astute_section] info('username: {username}'.format(**options)) info('password: {password}'.format(**options)) info('install_xapi: {install_xapi}'.format(**options)) return options['username'], options['password'], \ options['install_xapi'] def get_endpoints(astute): """Return the IP addresses of the endpoints connected to storage/mgmt network. """ endpoints = astute['network_scheme']['endpoints'] endpoints = dict([( k.replace('br-', ''), endpoints[k]['IP'][0] ) for k in endpoints]) info('storage network: {storage}'.format(**endpoints)) info('mgmt network: {mgmt}'.format(**endpoints)) return endpoints def init_eth(): """Initialize the net interface connected to HIMN Returns: the IP addresses of local host and XenServer. """ domid = execute('xenstore-read', 'domid') himn_mac = execute( 'xenstore-read', '/local/domain/%s/vm-data/himn_mac' % domid) info('himn_mac: %s' % himn_mac) _mac = lambda eth: \ netifaces.ifaddresses(eth).get(netifaces.AF_LINK)[0]['addr'] eths = [eth for eth in netifaces.interfaces() if _mac(eth) == himn_mac] if len(eths) != 1: reportError('Cannot find eth matches himn_mac') eth = eths[0] info('himn_eth: %s' % eth) ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(eth).get(netifaces.AF_INET) if not ip: execute('dhclient', eth) fname = '/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-' + eth s = ('auto {eth}\n' 'iface {eth} inet dhcp\n' 'post-up route del default dev {eth}').format(eth=eth) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(s) info('%s created' % fname) execute('ifdown', eth) execute('ifup', eth) ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(eth).get(netifaces.AF_INET) if ip: himn_local = ip[0]['addr'] himn_xs = '.'.join(himn_local.split('.')[:-1] + ['1']) if HIMN_IP == himn_xs: info('himn_local: %s' % himn_local) return eth, himn_local reportError('HIMN failed to get IP address from XenServer') def check_hotfix_exists(himn, username, password, hotfix): out = ssh(HIMN_IP, username, password, 'xe patch-list name-label=%s' % hotfix) if not out: reportError('Hotfix %s has not been installed' % hotfix) def install_xenapi_sdk(): """Install XenAPI Python SDK""" execute('cp', 'XenAPI.py', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/') def create_novacompute_conf(himn, username, password, public_ip): """Fill nova-compute.conf with HIMN IP and root password. """ template = '\n'.join([ '[DEFAULT]', 'compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver', 'force_config_drive=always', 'novncproxy_base_url=https://%s:6080/vnc_auto.html', 'vncserver_proxyclient_address=%s', '[xenserver]', 'connection_url=http://%s', 'connection_username="%s"', 'connection_password="%s"' ]) mgmt_if = netifaces.ifaddresses('br-mgmt') if mgmt_if and mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET) \ and mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET)[0]['addr']: mgmt_ip = mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET)[0]['addr'] else: reportError('Cannot get IP Address on Management Network') s = template % (public_ip, mgmt_ip, himn, username, password) fname = '/etc/nova/nova-compute.conf' with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(s) info('%s created' % fname) def restart_nova_services(): """Restart nova services""" execute('stop', 'nova-compute') execute('start', 'nova-compute') execute('stop', 'nova-network') execute('start', 'nova-network') def route_to_compute(endpoints, himn_xs, himn_local, username, password): """Route storage/mgmt requests to compute nodes. """ out = ssh(himn_xs, username, password, 'route', '-n') _net = lambda ip: '.'.join(ip.split('.')[:-1] + ['0']) _mask = lambda cidr: inet_ntoa(pack( '>I', 0xffffffff ^ (1 << 32 - int(cidr)) - 1)) _routed = lambda net, mask, gw: re.search(r'%s\s+%s\s+%s\s+' % ( net.replace('.', r'\.'), gw.replace('.', r'\.'), mask ), out) endpoint_names = ['storage', 'mgmt'] for endpoint_name in endpoint_names: endpoint = endpoints.get(endpoint_name) if endpoint: ip, cidr = endpoint.split('/') net, mask = _net(ip), _mask(cidr) if not _routed(net, mask, himn_local): params = ['route', 'add', '-net', net, 'netmask', mask, 'gw', himn_local] ssh(himn_xs, username, password, *params) sh = 'echo \'%s\' >> /etc/sysconfig/static-routes' \ % ' '.join(params) ssh(himn_xs, username, password, sh) else: info('%s network ip is missing' % endpoint_name) def install_suppack(himn, username, password): """Install xapi driver supplemental pack. """ # TODO: check if installed scp(himn, username, password, '/tmp/', 'novaplugins-kilo.iso') out = ssh( himn, username, password, 'xe-install-supplemental-pack', '/tmp/novaplugins-kilo.iso', prompt='Y\n') ssh(himn, username, password, 'rm', '/tmp/novaplugins-kilo.iso') def forward_from_himn(eth): """Forward packets from HIMN to storage/mgmt network. """ execute('sed', '-i', 's/#net.ipv4.ip_forward/net.ipv4.ip_forward/g', '/etc/sysctl.conf') execute('sysctl', '-p', '/etc/sysctl.conf') endpoint_names = ['br-storage', 'br-mgmt'] for endpoint_name in endpoint_names: execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'POSTROUTING', '-o', endpoint_name, '-j', 'MASQUERADE') execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD', '-i', endpoint_name, '-o', eth, '-m', 'state', '--state', 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED', '-j', 'ACCEPT') execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD', '-i', eth, '-o', endpoint_name, '-j', 'ACCEPT') execute('iptables', '-t', 'filter', '-S', 'FORWARD') execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-S', 'POSTROUTING') execute('service', 'iptables-persistent', 'save') def forward_port(eth_in, eth_out, target_host, target_port): """Forward packets from eth_in to eth_out on target_host:target_port. """ execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'PREROUTING', '-i', eth_in, '-p', 'tcp', '--dport', target_port, '-j', 'DNAT', '--to', target_host) execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD', '-i', eth_out, '-o', eth_in, '-m', 'state', '--state', 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED', '-j', 'ACCEPT') execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD', '-i', eth_in, '-o', eth_out, '-j', 'ACCEPT') execute('iptables', '-t', 'filter', '-S', 'FORWARD') execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-S', 'POSTROUTING') execute('service', 'iptables-persistent', 'save') def install_logrotate_script(himn, username, password): "Install console logrotate script" scp(himn, username, password, '/root/', 'rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh') ssh(himn, username, password, 'mkdir -p /var/log/xen/guest') ssh(himn, username, password, '''crontab - << CRONTAB * * * * * /root/rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh CRONTAB''') if __name__ == '__main__': install_xenapi_sdk() astute = get_astute(ASTUTE_PATH) if astute: username, password, install_xapi = get_options(astute, ASTUTE_SECTION) endpoints = get_endpoints(astute) himn_eth, himn_local = init_eth() public_ip = astute_get( astute, ('network_metadata', 'vips', 'public', 'ipaddr')) if username and password and endpoints and himn_local: check_hotfix_exists(HIMN_IP, username, password, 'XS65ESP1013') route_to_compute( endpoints, HIMN_IP, himn_local, username, password) if install_xapi: install_suppack(HIMN_IP, username, password) forward_from_himn(himn_eth) # port forwarding for novnc forward_port('br-mgmt', himn_eth, HIMN_IP, '80') create_novacompute_conf(HIMN_IP, username, password, public_ip) restart_nova_services() install_logrotate_script(HIMN_IP, username, password)