#!/usr/bin/env python import logging import netifaces import os import subprocess import tempfile import yaml XS_RSA = '/root/.ssh/xs_rsa' ASTUTE_PATH = '/etc/astute.yaml' ASTUTE_SECTION = '@PLUGIN_NAME@' PLUGIN_NAME = '@PLUGIN_NAME@' LOG_ROOT = '/var/log/@PLUGIN_NAME@' HIMN_IP = '' DIST_PACKAGES_DIR = '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/' LOG = logging.getLogger('@PLUGIN_NAME@') LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class ExecutionError(Exception): pass class FatalException(Exception): pass def reportError(err): LOG.error(err) raise FatalException(err) def detailed_execute(*cmd, **kwargs): cmd = map(str, cmd) _env = kwargs.get('env') env_prefix = '' if _env: env_prefix = ''.join(['%s=%s ' % (k, _env[k]) for k in _env]) env = dict(os.environ) env.update(_env) else: env = None LOG.info(env_prefix + ' '.join(cmd)) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, # nosec stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) prompt = kwargs.get('prompt') if prompt: (out, err) = proc.communicate(prompt) else: (out, err) = proc.communicate() if out: # Truncate "\n" if it is the last char out = out.strip() LOG.debug(out) if err: LOG.info(err) if proc.returncode is not None and proc.returncode != 0: if proc.returncode in kwargs.get('allowed_return_codes', [0]): LOG.info('Swallowed acceptable return code of %d', proc.returncode) else: raise ExecutionError(err) return proc.returncode, out, err def execute(*cmd, **kwargs): _, out, _ = detailed_execute(*cmd, **kwargs) return out def patch(directory, patch_file, level): cwd = os.getcwd() patchset_dir = os.path.join(cwd, "patchset") patches_applied = os.path.join(patchset_dir, "patches_applied") patched = False if os.path.exists(patches_applied): with open(patches_applied) as f: patches = f.read().split('\n') patched = (patch_file) in patches if not patched: # use '--forward' to ignore patches that seem to be reversed or # already applied. ret_code, out, err = detailed_execute( 'patch', '--forward', '-d', directory, '-p%s' % level, '-i', os.path.join(patchset_dir, patch_file), allowed_return_codes=[0, 1]) if ret_code == 1: skip_reason = 'Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!' if skip_reason in out or skip_reason in err: LOG.info('Skipping patching %s: not needed anymore.' % patch_file) else: raise ExecutionError('Failed patching %s' % patch_file) else: LOG.info('%s is applied successfully.' % patch_file) with open(patches_applied, "a") as f: f.write(patch_file + "\n") else: LOG.info("%s is already applied - skipping" % patch_file) def ssh(host, username, *cmd, **kwargs): cmd = map(str, cmd) return execute('ssh', '-i', XS_RSA, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '%s@%s' % (username, host), *cmd, **kwargs) def ssh_detailed(host, username, *cmd, **kwargs): cmd = map(str, cmd) return detailed_execute('ssh', '-i', XS_RSA, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '%s@%s' % (username, host), *cmd, **kwargs) def scp(host, username, target_path, filename): return execute('scp', '-i', XS_RSA, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', filename, '%s@%s:%s' % (username, host, target_path)) def setup_logging(filename): LOG_FILE = os.path.join(LOG_ROOT, filename) if not os.path.exists(LOG_ROOT): os.mkdir(LOG_ROOT) logging.basicConfig( filename=LOG_FILE, level=logging.WARNING, format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') def get_astute(astute_path=ASTUTE_PATH): """Return the root object read from astute.yaml""" if not os.path.exists(astute_path): reportError('%s not found' % astute_path) with open(astute_path) as f: astute = yaml.safe_load(f) return astute def astute_get(dct, keys, default=None, fail_if_missing=True): """A safe dictionary getter""" for key in keys: if key in dct: dct = dct[key] else: if fail_if_missing: reportError('Value of "%s" is missing' % key) return default return dct def get_options(astute, astute_section=ASTUTE_SECTION): """Return username and password filled in plugin.""" if astute_section not in astute: reportError('%s not found' % astute_section) options = astute[astute_section] LOG.info('username: {username}'.format(**options)) LOG.info('password: {password}'.format(**options)) LOG.info('install_xapi: {install_xapi}'.format(**options)) return options['username'], options['password'], \ options['install_xapi'] def eth_to_mac(eth): return netifaces.ifaddresses(eth).get(netifaces.AF_LINK)[0]['addr'] def detect_himn_ip(eths=None): if eths is None: eths = netifaces.interfaces() for eth in eths: ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(eth).get(netifaces.AF_INET) if ip is None: continue himn_local = ip[0]['addr'] himn_xs = '.'.join(himn_local.split('.')[:-1] + ['1']) if HIMN_IP == himn_xs: return eth, ip return None, None def find_eth_xenstore(): domid = execute('xenstore-read', 'domid') himn_mac = execute( 'xenstore-read', '/local/domain/%s/vm-data/himn_mac' % domid) LOG.info('himn_mac: %s' % himn_mac) eths = [eth for eth in netifaces.interfaces() if eth_to_mac(eth) == himn_mac] if len(eths) != 1: reportError('Cannot find eth matches himn_mac') return eths[0] def detect_eth_dhclient(): for eth in netifaces.interfaces(): # Don't try and dhclient for devices an IP address already ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(eth).get(netifaces.AF_INET) if ip: continue # DHCP replies from HIMN should be super fast execute('timeout', '2s', 'dhclient', eth, allowed_return_codes=[0, 124]) try: _, ip = detect_himn_ip([eth]) if ip is not None: return eth finally: execute('dhclient', '-r', eth) def init_eth(): """Initialize the net interface connected to HIMN Returns: the IP addresses of local host and hypervisor. """ eth, ip = detect_himn_ip() if not ip: eth = None try: eth = find_eth_xenstore() except Exception: LOG.debug('Failed to find MAC through xenstore', exc_info=True) if eth is None: eth = detect_eth_dhclient() if eth is None: reportError('Failed to detect HIMN ethernet device') LOG.info('himn_eth: %s' % eth) execute('dhclient', eth) fname = '/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-' + eth s = ('auto {eth}\n' 'iface {eth} inet dhcp\n' 'post-up route del default dev {eth}').format(eth=eth) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(s) LOG.info('%s created' % fname) execute('ifdown', eth) execute('ifup', eth) ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(eth).get(netifaces.AF_INET) himn_local = ip[0]['addr'] himn_xs = '.'.join(himn_local.split('.')[:-1] + ['1']) if HIMN_IP != himn_xs: # Not on the HIMN - we failed here. LOG.info('himn_local: DHCP returned incorrect IP %s' % ip[0]['addr']) ip = None if not ip: reportError('HIMN failed to get IP address from Hypervisor') LOG.info('himn_local: %s' % ip[0]['addr']) return eth, ip[0]['addr'] def add_cron_job(user, job_entry): crontab_cmd = 'crontab' out = execute(crontab_cmd, '-l', '-u', user) entries = [] if out is not None: entries = out.split('\n') if job_entry not in entries: # avoid duplicated entries entries.append(job_entry) else: entries = [job_entry] entries_str = '\n'.join(entries) # the ending '\n' is mandatory for crontab. entries_str += '\n' temp_fd, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(temp_path, 'w') as tmp_file: tmp_file.write(entries_str) execute(crontab_cmd, '-u', user, temp_path) os.close(temp_fd) os.remove(temp_path)