#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import os import os.path import sys import jinja2 import six from six.moves import configparser from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse def escape(buff): """Because otherwise Firefox is a sad panda.""" return buff.replace(',', '%2c').replace('-', '%2D') def generate_dashboard_url(dashboard): """Generate a dashboard URL from a given definition.""" try: title = dashboard.get('dashboard', 'title') except configparser.NoOptionError: raise ValueError("option 'title' in section 'dashboard' not set") try: foreach = dashboard.get('dashboard', 'foreach') except configparser.NoOptionError: raise ValueError("option 'foreach' in section 'dashboard' not set") try: baseurl = dashboard.get('dashboard', 'baseurl') except configparser.NoOptionError: baseurl = 'https://review.openstack.org/#/dashboard/?' url = baseurl url += escape(urllib_parse.urlencode({'title': title, 'foreach': foreach})) for section in dashboard.sections(): if not section.startswith('section'): continue try: query = dashboard.get(section, 'query') except configparser.NoOptionError: raise ValueError("option 'query' in '%s' not set" % section) title = section[9:-1] encoded = escape(urllib_parse.urlencode({title: query})) url += "&%s" % encoded return url def get_options(): """Parse command line arguments and options.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create a Gerrit dashboard URL from specified dashboard ' 'definition files') parser.add_argument('dashboard_paths', nargs='+', metavar='dashboard_path', help='Path to a dashboard definition file or a ' 'directory containing a set of dashboard ' 'definition files with the file suffix .dash.') parser.add_argument('--check-only', default=False, action="store_true", help='Only check the syntax of the specified ' 'dasbhoard files') parser.add_argument('--template', default='single.txt', help='Name of template') parser.add_argument('--template-directory', default="templates", help='Directory to scan for template files') parser.add_argument('--template-file', default=None, help='Location of a specific template file') return parser.parse_args() def read_dashboard_file(dashboard_file): """Read and parse a dashboard definition from a specified file.""" if (not os.path.isfile(dashboard_file) or not os.access(dashboard_file, os.R_OK)): raise ValueError("dashboard file '%s' is missing or " "is not readable" % dashboard_file) dashboard = configparser.ConfigParser() dashboard.readfp(open(dashboard_file)) return dashboard def load_template(template_file=None, template_directory=None, template_name=None): """Load the specified template.""" if template_file: template_name = os.path.basename(template_file) template_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(template_file)) try: loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_directory) environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) template = environment.get_template(template_name) except (jinja2.exceptions.TemplateError, IOError) as e: print("error: opening template '%s' failed: %s" % (template_name, e.__class__.__name__)) return return template def get_configuration(dashboard): """Returns the configuration of a dashboard as string.""" configuration = six.StringIO() dashboard.write(configuration) result = configuration.getvalue() configuration.close() return result def generate_dashboard_urls(dashboards, template): """Prints the dashboard URLs of a set of dashboards.""" result = 0 for dashboard_file in dashboards: dashboard = dashboards[dashboard_file] try: url = generate_dashboard_url(dashboard) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("generating dashboard '%s' failed: %s" % (dashboard_file, e)) result = 1 continue variables = { 'url': url, 'title': dashboard.get('dashboard', 'title') or None, 'description': dashboard.get('dashboard', 'description') or None, 'configuration': get_configuration(dashboard) } print(template.render(variables)) return result def load_dashboards(paths): """Load specified dashboards from files or directories.""" dashboards = {} for dashboard_path in paths: dashboard_files = [] if os.path.isdir(dashboard_path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dashboard_path): for file in files: if file.endswith('.dash'): dashboard_files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) else: dashboard_files.append(dashboard_path) for dashboard_file in dashboard_files: try: dashboards[dashboard_file] = read_dashboard_file( dashboard_file ) except configparser.Error as e: raise ValueError("dashboard file '%s' cannot be " "parsed: %s" % (dashboard_file, e)) return dashboards def main(): """Entrypoint.""" opts = get_options() template = None if not opts.check_only: template = load_template( template_file=opts.template_file, template_directory=opts.template_directory, template_name=opts.template ) try: dashboards = load_dashboards(opts.dashboard_paths) if not opts.check_only and template: generate_dashboard_urls(dashboards, template) elif not opts.check_only and not template: return 1 except ValueError as e: print("error: %s" % e) return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())