# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Iotronic base exception handling. Includes decorator for re-raising Iotronic-type exceptions. SHOULD include dedicated exception logging. """ from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import six from iotronic.common.i18n import _ from iotronic.common.i18n import _LE LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) exc_log_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('fatal_exception_format_errors', default=False, help='Used if there is a formatting error when generating an ' 'exception message (a programming error). If True, ' 'raise an exception; if False, use the unformatted ' 'message.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(exc_log_opts) def _cleanse_dict(original): """Strip all admin_password, new_pass, rescue_pass keys from a dict.""" return dict((k, v) for k, v in original.iteritems() if "_pass" not in k) class IotronicException(Exception): """Base Iotronic Exception To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. """ message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") code = 500 headers = {} safe = False def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs if 'code' not in self.kwargs: try: self.kwargs['code'] = self.code except AttributeError: pass if not message: try: message = self.message % kwargs except Exception as e: # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message # log the issue and the kwargs LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation')) for name, value in kwargs.items(): LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value)) if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors: raise e else: # at least get the core message out if something happened message = self.message super(IotronicException, self).__init__(message) def __str__(self): """Encode to utf-8 then wsme api can consume it as well.""" if not six.PY3: return unicode(self.args[0]).encode('utf-8') return self.args[0] def format_message(self): if self.__class__.__name__.endswith('_Remote'): return self.args[0] else: return six.text_type(self) class NotAuthorized(IotronicException): message = _("Not authorized.") code = 403 class OperationNotPermitted(NotAuthorized): message = _("Operation not permitted.") class Invalid(IotronicException): message = _("Unacceptable parameters.") code = 400 class Conflict(IotronicException): message = _('Conflict.') code = 409 class TemporaryFailure(IotronicException): message = _("Resource temporarily unavailable, please retry.") code = 503 class NotAcceptable(IotronicException): # TODO(deva): We need to set response headers in the API for this exception message = _("Request not acceptable.") code = 406 class InvalidState(Conflict): message = _("Invalid resource state.") class BoardAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A board with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class MACAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A port with MAC address %(mac)s already exists.") class PortAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A port with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class DuplicateName(Conflict): message = _("A board with name %(name)s already exists.") class DuplicateCode(Conflict): message = _("A board with code %(code)s already exists.") class InvalidUUID(Invalid): message = _("Expected a uuid but received %(uuid)s.") class InvalidUuidOrName(Invalid): message = _("Expected a logical name or uuid but received %(name)s.") class InvalidName(Invalid): message = _("Expected a logical name but received %(name)s.") class InvalidIdentity(Invalid): message = _("Expected an uuid or int but received %(identity)s.") class InvalidMAC(Invalid): message = _("Expected a MAC address but received %(mac)s.") class InvalidStateRequested(Invalid): message = _('The requested action "%(action)s" can not be performed ' 'on board "%(board)s" while it is in state "%(state)s".') class PatchError(Invalid): message = _("Couldn't apply patch '%(patch)s'. Reason: %(reason)s") class InstanceDeployFailure(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to deploy instance: %(reason)s") class ImageUnacceptable(IotronicException): message = _("Image %(image_id)s is unacceptable: %(reason)s") class ImageConvertFailed(IotronicException): message = _("Image %(image_id)s is unacceptable: %(reason)s") # Cannot be templated as the error syntax varies. # msg needs to be constructed when raised. class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid): message = _("%(err)s") class MissingParameterValue(InvalidParameterValue): message = _("%(err)s") class Duplicate(IotronicException): message = _("Resource already exists.") class NotFound(IotronicException): message = _("Resource could not be found.") code = 404 class DHCPLoadError(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to load DHCP provider %(dhcp_provider_name)s, " "reason: %(reason)s") class DriverNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not find the following driver(s): %(driver_name)s.") class ImageNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Image %(image_id)s could not be found.") class NoValidHost(NotFound): message = _("No valid host was found. Reason: %(reason)s") class InstanceNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Instance %(instance)s could not be found.") class BoardNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Board %(board)s could not be found.") class BoardNotConnected(Invalid): message = _("Board %(board)s is not connected.") class BoardAssociated(InvalidState): message = _("Board %(board)s is associated with instance %(instance)s.") class PortNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Port %(port)s could not be found.") class FailedToUpdateDHCPOptOnPort(IotronicException): message = _("Update DHCP options on port: %(port_id)s failed.") class FailedToGetIPAddressOnPort(IotronicException): message = _("Retrieve IP address on port: %(port_id)s failed.") class InvalidIPv4Address(IotronicException): message = _("Invalid IPv4 address %(ip_address)s.") class FailedToUpdateMacOnPort(IotronicException): message = _("Update MAC address on port: %(port_id)s failed.") class NoDriversLoaded(IotronicException): message = _("Conductor %(conductor)s cannot be started " "because no drivers were loaded.") class ConductorNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Conductor %(conductor)s could not be found.") class ConductorAlreadyRegistered(IotronicException): message = _("Conductor %(conductor)s already registered.") class WampAgentNotFound(NotFound): message = _("WampAgent %(wampagent)s could not be found.") class WampRegistrationAgentNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No Wamp Registration Agent could not be found.") class WampAgentAlreadyRegistered(IotronicException): message = _("WampAgent %(wampagent)s already registered.") class PowerStateFailure(InvalidState): message = _("Failed to set board power state to %(pstate)s.") class ExclusiveLockRequired(NotAuthorized): message = _("An exclusive lock is required, " "but the current context has a shared lock.") class BoardMaintenanceFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to toggle maintenance-mode flag " "for board %(board)s: %(reason)s") class BoardConsoleNotEnabled(Invalid): message = _("Console access is not enabled on board %(board)s") class BoardInMaintenance(Invalid): message = _("The %(op)s operation can't be performed on board " "%(board)s because it's in maintenance mode.") class IPMIFailure(IotronicException): message = _("IPMI call failed: %(cmd)s.") class AMTConnectFailure(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to connect to AMT service.") class AMTFailure(IotronicException): message = _("AMT call failed: %(cmd)s.") class MSFTOCSClientApiException(IotronicException): message = _("MSFT OCS call failed.") class SSHConnectFailed(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to establish SSH connection to host %(host)s.") class SSHCommandFailed(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to execute command via SSH: %(cmd)s.") class UnsupportedObjectError(IotronicException): message = _('Unsupported object type %(objtype)s') class OrphanedObjectError(IotronicException): message = _('Cannot call %(method)s on orphaned %(objtype)s object') class UnsupportedDriverExtension(Invalid): message = _('Driver %(driver)s does not support %(extension)s ' '(disabled or not implemented).') class IncompatibleObjectVersion(IotronicException): message = _('Version %(objver)s of %(objname)s is not supported') class GlanceConnectionFailed(IotronicException): message = _("Connection to glance host %(host)s:%(port)s failed: " "%(reason)s") class ImageNotAuthorized(NotAuthorized): message = _("Not authorized for image %(image_id)s.") class InvalidImageRef(Invalid): message = _("Invalid image href %(image_href)s.") class ImageRefValidationFailed(IotronicException): message = _("Validation of image href %(image_href)s failed, " "reason: %(reason)s") class ImageDownloadFailed(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to download image %(image_href)s, reason: %(reason)s") class KeystoneUnauthorized(IotronicException): message = _("Not authorized in Keystone.") class KeystoneFailure(IotronicException): pass class CatalogNotFound(IotronicException): message = _("Service type %(service_type)s with endpoint type " "%(endpoint_type)s not found in keystone service catalog.") class ServiceUnavailable(IotronicException): message = _("Connection failed") class Forbidden(IotronicException): message = _("Requested Iotronic API is forbidden") class BadRequest(IotronicException): pass class InvalidEndpoint(IotronicException): message = _("The provided endpoint is invalid") class CommunicationError(IotronicException): message = _("Unable to communicate with the server.") class HTTPForbidden(NotAuthorized): message = _("Access was denied to the following resource: %(resource)s") class Unauthorized(IotronicException): pass class HTTPNotFound(NotFound): pass class ConfigNotFound(IotronicException): message = _("Could not find config at %(path)s") class BoardLocked(Conflict): message = _("Board %(board)s is locked by host %(host)s, please retry " "after the current operation is completed.") class BoardNotLocked(Invalid): message = _("Board %(board)s found not to be locked on release") class NoFreeConductorWorker(TemporaryFailure): message = _('Requested action cannot be performed due to lack of free ' 'conductor workers.') code = 503 # Service Unavailable (temporary). class VendorPassthruException(IotronicException): pass class ConfigInvalid(IotronicException): message = _("Invalid configuration file. %(error_msg)s") class DriverLoadError(IotronicException): message = _("Driver %(driver)s could not be loaded. Reason: %(reason)s.") class ConsoleError(IotronicException): pass class NoConsolePid(ConsoleError): message = _("Could not find pid in pid file %(pid_path)s") class ConsoleSubprocessFailed(ConsoleError): message = _("Console subprocess failed to start. %(error)s") class PasswordFileFailedToCreate(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to create the password file. %(error)s") class IBootOperationError(IotronicException): pass class IloOperationError(IotronicException): message = _("%(operation)s failed, error: %(error)s") class IloOperationNotSupported(IotronicException): message = _("%(operation)s not supported. error: %(error)s") class DracRequestFailed(IotronicException): pass class DracClientError(DracRequestFailed): message = _('DRAC client failed. ' 'Last error (cURL error code): %(last_error)s, ' 'fault string: "%(fault_string)s" ' 'response_code: %(response_code)s') class DracOperationFailed(DracRequestFailed): message = _('DRAC operation failed. Message: %(message)s') class DracUnexpectedReturnValue(DracRequestFailed): message = _('DRAC operation yielded return value %(actual_return_value)s ' 'that is neither error nor expected %(expected_return_value)s') class DracPendingConfigJobExists(IotronicException): message = _('Another job with ID %(job_id)s is already created ' 'to configure %(target)s. Wait until existing job ' 'is completed or is canceled') class DracInvalidFilterDialect(IotronicException): message = _('Invalid filter dialect \'%(invalid_filter)s\'. ' 'Supported options are %(supported)s') class FailedToGetSensorData(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to get sensor data for board %(board)s. " "Error: %(error)s") class FailedToParseSensorData(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to parse sensor data for board %(board)s. " "Error: %(error)s") class InsufficientDiskSpace(IotronicException): message = _("Disk volume where '%(path)s' is located doesn't have " "enough disk space. Required %(required)d MiB, " "only %(actual)d MiB available space present.") class ImageCreationFailed(IotronicException): message = _('Creating %(image_type)s image failed: %(error)s') class SwiftOperationError(IotronicException): message = _("Swift operation '%(operation)s' failed: %(error)s") class SNMPFailure(IotronicException): message = _("SNMP operation '%(operation)s' failed: %(error)s") class FileSystemNotSupported(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to create a file system. " "File system %(fs)s is not supported.") class IRMCOperationError(IotronicException): message = _('iRMC %(operation)s failed. Reason: %(error)s') class VirtualBoxOperationFailed(IotronicException): message = _("VirtualBox operation '%(operation)s' failed. " "Error: %(error)s") class HardwareInspectionFailure(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to inspect hardware. Reason: %(error)s") class BoardCleaningFailure(IotronicException): message = _("Failed to clean board %(board)s: %(reason)s") class PathNotFound(IotronicException): message = _("Path %(dir)s does not exist.") class DirectoryNotWritable(IotronicException): message = _("Directory %(dir)s is not writable.") class PluginNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Plugin %(plugin)s could not be found.") class InjectionPluginNotFound(NotFound): message = _("InjectionPlugin could not be found.") class InvalidPluginAction(Invalid): message = _("Invalid Action %(action)s for the plugin.") class NeedParams(Invalid): message = _("Action %(action)s needs parameters.") class ErrorExecutionOnBoard(IotronicException): message = _("Error in the execution of %(call)s on %(board)s: %(error)s") class ServiceNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Service %(Service)s could not be found.") class ServiceAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A Service with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class ServiceAlreadyExposed(Conflict): message = _("A Service with UUID %(uuid)s already exposed.") class ExposedServiceNotFound(NotFound): message = _("ExposedService %(uuid)s could not be found.") class NoExposedServices(NotFound): message = _("No exposed services on the board %(uuid)s.") class NoPorts(NotFound): message = _("No ports exist on the board %(uuid)s.") class NoPortsManaged(NotFound): message = _("No ports are managed by the wamp agent %(id)s.") class NetworkError(IotronicException): message = _("Network operation failure.") class DatabaseVersionTooOld(IotronicException): _msg_fmt = _("Database version is too old") class FleetNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Fleet %(Fleet)s could not be found.") class FleetAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A Fleet with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class FleetAlreadyExposed(Conflict): message = _("A Fleet with UUID %(uuid)s already exposed.")