diff --git a/contrib/post_test_hook.sh b/contrib/post_test_hook.sh index ba36af3..3757bc2 100755 --- a/contrib/post_test_hook.sh +++ b/contrib/post_test_hook.sh @@ -28,19 +28,13 @@ TESTS_LIST_REGEX=( TESTS_LIST=( 'Certificates API [It] should support building a client with a CSR' - 'DNS [It] should provide DNS for ExternalName services' - 'DNS [It] should provide DNS for pods for Hostname and Subdomain Annotation' - 'DNS [It] should provide DNS for services [Conformance]' + 'Downward API volume [It] should update annotations on modification [Conformance] [Volume]' 'DNS [It] should provide DNS for the cluster [Conformance]' - 'Kubectl client [k8s.io] Guestbook application [It] should create and stop a working application [Conformance]' - 'Kubectl client [k8s.io] Simple pod [It] should handle in-cluster config' 'Kubectl client [k8s.io] Simple pod [It] should support exec through an HTTP proxy' - 'Kubernetes Dashboard [It] should check that the kubernetes-dashboard instance is alive' 'Networking [It] should provide Internet connection for containers [Conformance]' 'PersistentVolumes [Volume] [k8s.io] PersistentVolumes:NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs [It] create a PV and a pre-bound PVC: test write access' 'PersistentVolumes [Volume] [k8s.io] PersistentVolumes:NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs [It] should create a non-pre-bound PV and PVC: test write access' 'PersistentVolumes [Volume] [k8s.io] PersistentVolumes:NFS with multiple PVs and PVCs all in same ns [It] should create 4 PVs and 2 PVCs: test write access' - 'PreStop [It] should call prestop when killing a pod [Conformance]' 'Projected [It] should update labels on modification [Conformance] [Volume]' 'Services [It] should create endpoints for unready pods' 'StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] [It] should adopt matching orphans and release non-matching pods' @@ -147,6 +141,10 @@ sudo -E PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH make all WHAT=vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkg # e2e test does not work with 1.8, so fall back to 1.7 source $DEST/.gimme/envs/go1.7.5.env +# open up access for containers +sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens3 -s -j MASQUERADE +sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens3 -s -j MASQUERADE + sudo -E PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH make all WHAT=test/e2e/e2e.test sudo -E PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --test --test_args="--ginkgo.trace=true --ginkgo.seed=1378936983 --logtostderr --v 4 --report-dir=/opt/stack/logs/ --ginkgo.v --ginkgo.skip=$(test_names)" popd >/dev/null