//Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may //not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain //a copy of the License at // //http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software //distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT //WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the //License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations //under the License. /** * Created by xiyu3 on 9/8/15. */ 'use strict'; angular.module('kbWebApp') .controller('IntervalCtrl', function ($scope, $http, kbHttp, $q, $location, showAlert, kbCookie, monitorMode, locationChange) { this.awesomeThings = [ 'HTML5 Boilerplate', 'AngularJS', 'Karma' ]; if (kbCookie.getSessionID() === "") $location.path('/Login'); else kbCookie.checkMode('http'); //---------------------------------top navigation bar--------------------------------- $(window).on('hashchange', locationChange.change()); $("[data-toggle='.container']").click(function () { var toggle_el1 = $(this).data("toggle"); $(toggle_el1).toggleClass("open-sidebar"); $("#littleglyph1").toggleClass("glyphicon-triangle-right"); $("#littleglyph1").toggleClass("glyphicon-triangle-left"); //$("#content").toggleClass("content-smaller"); }); $(".swipe-area").swipe({ swipeStatus: function (event, phase, direction, distance, duration, fingers) { if (phase == "move" && direction == "right") { $(".container").addClass("open-sidebar"); return false; } if (phase == "move" && direction == "left") { $(".container").removeClass("open-sidebar"); return false; } } }); $scope.oneAtATime = true; $scope.status1 = { isFirstOpen: true, isFirstDisabled: false }; $scope.status2 = { isFirstOpen: true, isFirstDisabled: false } $scope.status1.open = false; $scope.status2.open = true; $scope.alerts = []; $scope.closeAlert = function (index) { $scope.alerts.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.sessionID = kbCookie.getSessionID(); $scope.status = kbCookie.getStatus(); $scope.config = kbCookie.getConfig(); //$scope.credentials=kbCookie.getCredentials(); $scope.getRunConfig = function () { kbHttp.getMethod("/config/running_config/" + $scope.sessionID) .then( function (response) { // .resolve $scope.config = response.data; kbCookie.setConfig(response.data); console.log("get & save config"); }, function (response) { // .reject console.log("get running config error:"); console.log(response); } ); }; if ($scope.sessionID && !$scope.config) { $scope.getRunConfig(); } $scope.setConfig = function (ifRun) { var deferred = $q.defer(); if ($scope.status === "READY") { $scope.config.client.progression.enabled = false;//!! kbCookie.setConfig($scope.config); $scope.chaCon = {"kb_cfg": {}}; $scope.chaCon.kb_cfg = kbCookie.getConfig(); //$scope.chaCon.kb_cfg.client.progression.enabled = false;//!! //console.log($scope.chaCon); kbHttp.putMethod("/config/running_config/" + $scope.sessionID, $scope.chaCon) .then( function (response) { // .resolve console.log("change running config"); deferred.resolve(1); if (ifRun != 1) { showAlert.showAlert("Configuration updated successfully!"); } }, function (response) { // .reject //console.log("change running config error:"); //console.log(response); deferred.reject(0); if (ifRun != 1) { if (response.status == 400) showAlert.showAlert("Error while parsing configurations! Please check your inputs!"); else if (response.status == 403) showAlert.showAlert("Cannot update configuration if KloudBuster is busy or in error state"); else if (response.status == -1) showAlert.showAlert("Error while connecting kloudbuster server!"); } } ); } else if ($scope.status === "STAGED") { if ($scope.config.client.progression.enabled === true) { alert("Can't Run Monitor Test Now! You have chosen Progression Test. Click Unstage Button First!"); deferred.reject(0); return deferred.promise; } if ($scope.config.client.progression.report_interval === 0) { alert("Can't Run Monitor Test Now! Report interval must be a number no less than 1."); deferred.reject(0); return deferred.promise; } kbCookie.setConfig($scope.config); $scope.chaCon = { "kb_cfg": { "client": { "http_tool_configs": { "duration": $scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.duration, "rate_limit": $scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.rate_limit, "connections": $scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.connections, "report_interval": $scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.report_interval } } } }; console.log($scope.chaCon); kbHttp.putMethod("/config/running_config/" + $scope.sessionID, $scope.chaCon) .then( function (response) { // .resolve console.log("change running config"); deferred.resolve(1); if (ifRun != 1) { //showAlert.showAlert("Configuration updated successfully!"); } }, function (response) { // .reject //console.log("change running config error:"); //console.log(response); deferred.reject(0); if (ifRun != 1) { if (response.status == 400) showAlert.showAlert("Error while parsing configurations! Please check your inputs!"); else if (response.status == 403) showAlert.showAlert("Cannot update configuration if KloudBuster is busy or in error state"); else if (response.status == -1) showAlert.showAlert("Error while connecting kloudbuster server!"); } } ); } else { console.log("config not allow to change now!"); deferred.reject(0); } return deferred.promise; }; var disabledStagingConfig = false; var disabledRunningConfig = false; $scope.disableConfig = function (disableId) { $("#" + disableId).find("input").each(function () {//show Config $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); //$(this).removeAttr("disabled"); }); }; $scope.enableConfig = function (enableId) { $("#" + enableId).find("input").each(function () {//disable Config //$(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(this).removeAttr("disabled"); }); }; $scope.configStatus = function () { if ($scope.status === "READY")//show all config { if (disabledStagingConfig === true) { disabledStagingConfig = false; $scope.enableConfig("stagingConfig"); } if (disabledRunningConfig === true) { disabledRunningConfig = false; $scope.enableConfig("runningConfig"); } } else if ($scope.status === "STAGED") //show running config { if (disabledStagingConfig === false) { disabledStagingConfig = true; $scope.disableConfig("stagingConfig"); } if (disabledRunningConfig === true) { disabledRunningConfig = false; $scope.enableConfig("runningConfig"); } } else//no config can be modified { if (disabledStagingConfig === false) { disabledStagingConfig = true; $scope.disableConfig("stagingConfig"); } if (disabledRunningConfig === false) { disabledRunningConfig = true; $scope.disableConfig("runningConfig"); } } }; var pointNumber = 0; $scope.pointNum = function () { var point = "."; pointNumber = (pointNumber + 1) % 6; for (var x = 0; x < pointNumber; x++) { point = point + " ."; } return point; }; $scope.runButton = "Run Test"; $scope.runStatus = true;//if run Button disabled $scope.setStatus = false;//if settings Button disabled $scope.stageButton = "Stage"; $scope.setUnstage = true;//if Unstage Button disabled $scope.client_vm_count = 0; $scope.server_vm_count = 0; $scope.statusButton = "btn-default"; $scope.checkStatus = function () { if ($scope.sessionID) { kbHttp.getMethod2("/kloudbuster/status/" + $scope.sessionID) .then( function (response) { // .resolve $scope.status = response.data.status; $scope.configStatus(); kbCookie.setStatus($scope.status); if ($scope.status === "READY") { $scope.runButton = "Run Test"; $scope.runStatus = true;//disable button $scope.setStatus = false;//show button $scope.stageButton = "Stage"; $scope.setUnstage = false;//show button $scope.client_vm_count = 0; $scope.server_vm_count = 0; $(".loading").addClass("pause"); $scope.statusButton = "btn-success"; $scope.info = ""; } else if ($scope.status === "STAGING") { $scope.runButton = "Run Test"; $scope.runStatus = true; $scope.setStatus = true; $scope.stageButton = "Stage"; $scope.setUnstage = true; $scope.client_vm_count = response.data.client_vm_count; $scope.server_vm_count = response.data.server_vm_count; $(".loading").removeClass("pause"); $scope.statusButton = "btn-info"; $scope.info = "KloudBuster is Creating VM(s)" + $scope.pointNum(); } else if ($scope.status === "STAGED") { $scope.runButton = "Run Test"; $scope.runStatus = false; $scope.setStatus = false; $scope.stageButton = "Unstage"; $scope.setUnstage = false; $scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants; $scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count; $(".loading").addClass("pause"); $scope.statusButton = "btn-success"; $scope.info = ""; } else if ($scope.status === "RUNNING") { $scope.runButton = "Stop Test"; $scope.runStatus = false; $scope.setStatus = true; $scope.stageButton = "Unstage"; $scope.setUnstage = true; $scope.getSeqReport(); $scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants; $scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count; $(".loading").removeClass("pause"); $scope.statusButton = "btn-info"; $scope.info = "KloudBuster is Running" + $scope.pointNum(); } else if ($scope.status === "ERROR") { $scope.runButton = "Run Test"; $scope.runStatus = true; $scope.setStatus = true; $scope.stageButton = "Unstage"; $scope.setUnstage = false; $scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants; $scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count; $(".loading").addClass("pause"); $scope.statusButton = "btn-danger"; $scope.info = ""; } else if ($scope.status === "CLEANING" || $scope.status === "STOPPING") { $scope.runButton = "Run Test"; $scope.runStatus = true; $scope.setStatus = true; $scope.stageButton = "Unstage"; $scope.setUnstage = true; $scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants; $scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count; $(".loading").removeClass("pause"); $scope.statusButton = "btn-info"; $scope.info = "Please Wait" + $scope.pointNum(); } }, function (response) { // .reject console.log("get status error:"); console.log(response); } ); } else { $scope.status = "NO SESSION ID"; } }; $scope.checkStatus(); $scope.setStage = function () { kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/stage/" + $scope.sessionID) .then( function (response) { // .resolve //$scope.checkStatus(); //showAlert.showAlert("Staging all resources to run KloudBuster! Please wait..."); }, function (response) { // .reject console.log("set stage error:"); console.log(response); showAlert.showAlert("Unable to stage resources!"); } ); }; $scope.CleanUp = function () { $scope.initChart(); if ($scope.sessionID && ($scope.status === "ERROR" || $scope.status === "STAGED")) { kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/cleanup/" + $scope.sessionID) .then( function (response) { // .resolve $scope.checkStatus(); //showAlert.showAlert("Cleanup KloudBuster!"); }, function (response) { // .reject console.log("clean error:"); console.log(response); } ); } else { console.log("Cannot cleanup!"); } }; $scope.stage = function(){ if($scope.status==="ERROR"||$scope.status==="STAGED"){ //$scope.initChart(); $scope.CleanUp(); } else if($scope.status==="READY"){ var promise = $scope.setConfig(1); promise.then(function () { $scope.setStage(); }); } }; $scope.runKb = function () { kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/run_test/" + $scope.sessionID) .then( function (response) { // .resolve //$scope.checkStatus(); //showAlert.showAlert("Successfully start to run KloudBuster! Please wait..."); }, function (response) { // .reject console.log("running error:"); console.log(response); showAlert.showAlert("Unable to start test!"); } ); }; $scope.stopKb = function () { kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/stop_test/" + $scope.sessionID) .then( function (response) { // .resolve //$scope.checkStatus(); //showAlert.showAlert("Stoping the KloudBuster tests..."); }, function (response) { // .reject console.log("stop error:"); console.log(response); showAlert.showAlert("Unable to stop test!"); } ); }; $scope.scaleTest = function () { if ($scope.status === "RUNNING") { //$scope.initChart(); $scope.stopKb(); } else { var promise = $scope.setConfig(1); promise.then(function () { if ($scope.status === "STAGED") { if ($scope.config.client.progression.enabled === true) { showAlert.showAlert("Can't Run Monitor Test Now! You have chosen Progression Test. Clean Up First!"); } else if ($scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.report_interval === 0) { showAlert.showAlert("Can't Run Monitor Test Now! Report interval must be a number no less than 1."); } else { $scope.initChart(); $scope.runKb(); } } else { } }); } }; //$scope.scaleTest = function () { // if ($scope.status === "RUNNING") { // //$scope.initChart(); // $scope.stopKb(); // } // else { // var promise = $scope.setConfig(1); // promise.then(function () { // if ($scope.status === "READY") { // $scope.setStage(); // } // else if ($scope.status === "STAGED") { // if ($scope.config.client.progression.enabled === true) { // showAlert.showAlert("Can't Run Monitor Test Now! You have chosen Progression Test. Clean Up First!"); // } // else if ($scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.report_interval === 0) { // showAlert.showAlert("Can't Run Monitor Test Now! Report interval must be a number no less than 1."); // } // else { // $scope.initChart(); // $scope.runKb(); // } // } // else { // } // }); // } //}; //---------------------------chart--------------------------- $scope.data = [ {x: new Date()} ]; $scope.isDely = false; var count = 0; $scope.initChart = function () { $scope.data = [ {x: new Date()} ]; $scope.isDely = false; count = 0; monitorMode.setResult(""); }; //$scope.initChart(); //$scope.data = [ // { // x: new Date(), // val_0: 23, // val_1: 4, // val_2: 16, // val_3: 270, // val_4: 8, // val_5: 97, // val_6: 57 // } //]; $scope.options = { axes: { x: {type: "date"}, y: {type: 'log', ticksFormat: 'd', innerTicks: true, grid: true} }, series: [ {y: "val_6", label: "99.999%", type: "area", color: "#2e4174", dotSize: "0", thickness: "2px", visible: false}, {y: "val_5", label: "99.99%", type: "area", color: "#084594", dotSize: "0", thickness: "2px", visible: false}, {y: "val_4", label: "99.9%", type: "area", color: "#0074D9", dotSize: "0", thickness: "2px"}, {y: "val_3", label: "99%", type: "area", color: "#79afe1", dotSize: "0", thickness: "2px"}, {y: "val_2", label: "90%", type: "area", color: "#9ecae1", dotSize: "0", thickness: "2px"}, {y: "val_1", label: "75%", type: "area", color: "#c6dbef", dotSize: "0", thickness: "2px", visible: false}, {y: "val_0", label: "50%", type: "area", color: "#eff3ff", dotSize: "0", thickness: "2px"} ], tooltip: { mode: 'scrubber', formatter: function (x, y, series) { return series.label + ":" + y; } }, tension: 0.9, lineMode: "cardinal" }; $scope.data.forEach(function (row) { row.x = new Date(row.x); }); $scope.getSeqReport = function () { kbHttp.getMethod2("/kloudbuster/report/" + $scope.sessionID) .then( function (response) { // .resolve $scope.result = response.data.report; $scope.seq = response.data.seq; console.log("get seq report:" + $scope.seq); //console.log(response.data); if ($scope.seq && $scope.seq > count) { count = $scope.seq; if ($scope.data.length > 40) $scope.data.shift(); $scope.pushChartData("SEQ_" + $scope.seq, $scope.result); } else { } }, function (response) { // .reject console.log("get seq report error:"); console.log(response); } ); }; $scope.pushChartData = function (chName, chData) { //console.log("chart date"+ chName); if ($scope.isDely === false) { $scope.data.shift(); $scope.isDely = true; } $scope.data.push({ x: new Date(), val_0: chData.latency_stats[0][1] / 1000, val_1: chData.latency_stats[1][1] / 1000, val_2: chData.latency_stats[2][1] / 1000, val_3: chData.latency_stats[3][1] / 1000, val_4: chData.latency_stats[4][1] / 1000, val_5: chData.latency_stats[5][1] / 1000, val_6: chData.latency_stats[6][1] / 1000 }); monitorMode.setResult($scope.data); //console.log($scope.data); }; if (monitorMode.getResult()) { $scope.data = monitorMode.getResult(); } //$scope.aaa = '{"report":{"latency_stats":[[50,1800],[75,2255],[90,2607],[99,3135],[99.9,3487],[99.99,3647],[99.999,3647]],"tool":"wrk2","http_rps":519,"http_throughput_kbytes":16752,"http_sock_timeout":0,"http_total_req":2600,"http_sock_err":0},"seq":5}'; //$scope.pushChartData("SEQ_",JSON.parse($scope.aaa).report); function downloadFile(fileName, content) { var aLink = document.createElement('a'); var blob = new Blob([content]); var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("click", false, false);//initEvent aLink.download = fileName; aLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); aLink.dispatchEvent(evt); } //$scope.saveResult = function () { // var date = new Date(); // var m = date.getMonth() + 1;//month (0-11,0 = Jan., remember to add 1) // var d = date.getDate();//day(1-31) // var h = date.getHours();//hour(0-23) // var min = date.getMinutes();//minute(0-59) // var filename = m + d + h + min + ".json"; // console.log(filename); // if (monitorMode.getResult() != "") // downloadFile(filename, JSON.stringify(monitorMode.getResult())); // else console.log("no file to save"); //}; $scope.saveResult = function () { var date = new Date(); var m = to2(date.getMonth()+1);//month (0-11,0 = Jan., remember to add 1) var d = to2(date.getDate());//day(1-31) var h = to2(date.getHours());//hour(0-23) var min = to2(date.getMinutes());//minute(0-59) var filename = "" + m + d + h + min + ".html"; console.log(filename); console.log(monitorMode.getResult()); if (monitorMode.getResult() != "") { var myresult = ' KloudBuster Report

KloudBuster HTTP Monitoring Test Report


KloudBuster HTTP Monitoring Test Configuration

'; downloadFile(filename, myresult); } else showAlert.showAlert("No result to save!"); }; function to2(num){ if (num < 10) return "0" + num; else if (num < 99) return "" + num; else return -1; } setInterval(function () { $scope.checkStatus(); }, 900); }) .service('monitorMode', function () { //var self = this; var result = ""; this.getResult = function () { return result; }; this.setResult = function (res) { result = res; return result; }; });