
168 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import division
from kb_runner_base import KBException
from kb_runner_base import KBRunner
import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KBInitVolumeException(KBException):
class KBRunner_Storage(KBRunner):
Control the testing VMs on the testing cloud
def __init__(self, client_list, config, expected_agent_version):
KBRunner.__init__(self, client_list, config, expected_agent_version, single_cloud=True)
def header_formatter(self, stage, vm_count):
rr_iops = vm_count * self.config.storage_tool_configs[0].rate_iops
rw_iops = vm_count * self.config.storage_tool_configs[1].rate_iops
sr_tp = self.config.storage_tool_configs[2].rate.upper()
ex_unit = sr_tp[-1] if sr_tp[-1] in ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T'] else None
sr_tp = (str(vm_count * int(sr_tp[:-1])) + ex_unit) if ex_unit else vm_count * int(sr_tp)
sw_tp = self.config.storage_tool_configs[3].rate.upper()
ex_unit = sw_tp[-1] if sw_tp[-1] in ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T'] else None
sw_tp = (str(vm_count * int(sw_tp[:-1])) + ex_unit) if ex_unit else vm_count * int(sw_tp)
msg = "Stage %d: %d VM(s), %d/%d(r/w) Expected IOPS, %sB/%sB(r/w) Expected Throughput" %\
(stage, vm_count, rr_iops, rw_iops, sr_tp, sw_tp)
return msg
def init_volume(self, active_range, timeout=30):
func = {'cmd': 'init_volume', 'active_range': active_range,
'parameter': str(self.config.volume_size) + 'GB'}
self.send_cmd('EXEC', 'storage', func)
cnt_succ = self.polling_vms(timeout)[0]
if cnt_succ != len(self.client_dict):
raise KBInitVolumeException()
def run_storage_test(self, active_range, tool_config):
func = {'cmd': 'run_storage_test', 'active_range': active_range,
'parameter': tool_config}
self.send_cmd('EXEC', 'storage', func)
# Give additional 30 seconds for everybody to report results
timeout = tool_config['runtime'] + 30
cnt_pending = self.polling_vms(timeout)[2]
if cnt_pending != 0:
LOG.warning("Testing VMs are not returning results within grace period, "
"summary shown below may not be accurate!")
# Parse the results from storage benchmarking tool
for key, instance in self.client_dict.items():
self.result[key] = instance.perf_client_parser(**self.result[key])
def single_run(self, active_range=None, test_only=False):
if not test_only:
LOG.info("Initilizing volume and setting up filesystem...")
if self.config.prompt_before_run:
print "Press enter to start running benchmarking tools..."
test_count = len(self.config.storage_tool_configs)
perf_tool = self.client_dict.values()[0].perf_tool
self.tool_result = []
vm_count = active_range[1] - active_range[0] + 1\
if active_range else len(self.full_client_dict)
for idx, cur_config in enumerate(self.config.storage_tool_configs):
LOG.info("Runing test case %d of %d..." % (idx + 1, test_count))
self.report = {'seq': 0, 'report': None}
self.result = {}
self.run_storage_test(active_range, dict(cur_config))
# Call the method in corresponding tools to consolidate results
tc_result = perf_tool.consolidate_results(self.result.values())
tc_result['mode'] = cur_config['mode']
tc_result['block_size'] = cur_config['block_size']
tc_result['iodepth'] = cur_config['iodepth']
if 'rate_iops' in cur_config:
tc_result['rate_iops'] = cur_config['rate_iops']
if 'rate' in cur_config:
tc_result['rate'] = cur_config['rate']
tc_result['total_client_vms'] = vm_count
tc_result['total_server_vms'] = tc_result['total_client_vms']
except KBInitVolumeException:
raise KBException("Could not initilize the volume.")
def run(self, test_only=False):
if not test_only:
# Resources are already staged, just re-run the storage benchmarking tool
if self.config.progression.enabled:
self.tool_result = {}
self.last_result = None
start = self.config.progression.vm_start
step = self.config.progression.vm_step
limit = self.config.progression.storage_stop_limit
vm_list = self.full_client_dict.keys()
vm_list.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(int(x[x.rfind('I') + 1:]), int(y[y.rfind('I') + 1:])))
self.client_dict = {}
cur_stage = 1
while True:
tc_flag = False
cur_vm_count = len(self.client_dict)
target_vm_count = start + (cur_stage - 1) * step
if target_vm_count > len(self.full_client_dict):
for idx in xrange(cur_vm_count, target_vm_count):
self.client_dict[vm_list[idx]] = self.full_client_dict[vm_list[idx]]
description = "-- %s --" % self.header_formatter(cur_stage, len(self.client_dict))
self.single_run(active_range=[0, target_vm_count - 1], test_only=test_only)
LOG.info('-- Stage %s: %s --' % (cur_stage, str(self.tool_result)))
cur_stage += 1
if self.tool_result and self.last_result:
for idx, cur_tc in enumerate(self.config.storage_tool_configs):
if cur_tc['mode'] in ['randread', 'read']:
last_iops = self.last_result[idx]['read_iops'] / cur_vm_count
last_bw = self.last_result[idx]['read_bw'] / cur_vm_count
cur_iops = self.tool_result[idx]['read_iops'] / target_vm_count
cur_bw = self.tool_result[idx]['read_bw'] / target_vm_count
last_iops = self.last_result[idx]['write_iops'] / cur_vm_count
last_bw = self.last_result[idx]['write_bw'] / cur_vm_count
cur_iops = self.tool_result[idx]['write_iops'] / target_vm_count
cur_bw = self.tool_result[idx]['write_bw'] / target_vm_count
degrade_iops = (last_iops - cur_iops) * 100 / last_iops
degrade_bw = (last_bw - cur_bw) * 100 / last_bw
if ((cur_tc['mode'] in ['randread', 'randwrite'] and degrade_iops > limit)
or (cur_tc['mode'] in ['read', 'write'] and degrade_bw > limit)):
LOG.warning('KloudBuster is stopping the iteration because the result '
'reaches the stop limit.')
tc_flag = True
if tc_flag:
self.last_result = self.tool_result
yield self.tool_result
yield self.tool_result