
232 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import threading
import traceback
kb_main_path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + "/../../../kloudbuster"
from kb_session import KBSessionManager
from kloudbuster import __version__ as kb_version
from pecan import expose
from pecan import response
LOG = logging.getLogger("kloudbuster")
class KBController(object):
def __init__(self):
self.kb_thread = None
# Decorator to check for missing or invalid session ID
def check_session_id(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not len(args):
response.status = 404
response.text = u"Please specify the session_id."
return response.text
if not KBSessionManager.has(args[0]):
response.status = 404
response.text = u"Session ID is not found or invalid."
return response.text
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def kb_stage_thread_handler(self, session_id):
kb_session = KBSessionManager.get(session_id)
kb_session.kb_status = 'STAGING'
if kb_session.kloudbuster.check_and_upload_images():
kb_session.sync_cfg(["server_cfg", "client_cfg", "topo_cfg", "tenants_list"])
kb_session.kb_status = 'STAGED'
except Exception:
kb_session.kb_status = 'ERROR'
def kb_run_test_thread_handler(self, session_id):
kb_session = KBSessionManager.get(session_id)
kb_session.kb_status = 'RUNNING'
kloudbuster = kb_session.kloudbuster
kloudbuster.run_test(http_test_only=not kb_session.first_run)
kb_session.first_run = False
kb_session.kb_status = 'STAGED'
except Exception:
kb_session.kb_status = 'ERROR'
def kb_cleanup_thread_handler(self, session_id):
kb_session = KBSessionManager.get(session_id)
kb_session.kb_status = 'CLEANING'
kloudbuster = kb_session.kloudbuster
except Exception:
kb_session.first_run = True
kb_session.kb_status = 'READY'
def status(self, *args):
session_id = args[0]
kb_session = KBSessionManager.get(session_id)
status = kb_session.kb_status
kloudbuster = kb_session.kloudbuster
status_dict = {'status': status}
if status == "STAGING":
status_dict['server_vm_count'] =\
getattr(getattr(kloudbuster, 'kloud', None), 'vm_up_count', 0)
status_dict['client_vm_count'] = kloudbuster.testing_kloud.vm_up_count
return json.dumps(status_dict)
def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
session_id = args[0]
offset = kwargs.get('offset', 0)
offset = int(offset)
except ValueError:
response.status = 400
response.text = u"Parameter 'offset' is invalid."
return response.text
kb_session = KBSessionManager.get(session_id)
plog = kb_session.kloudbuster.dump_logs(offset=offset)\
if kb_session.kloudbuster else ""
return json.dumps(plog)
def report(self, *args, **kwargs):
session_id = args[0]
final = True if kwargs.get('final', '').lower() == 'true' else False
preport = [] if final else None
kb_session = KBSessionManager.get(session_id)
if kb_session.kloudbuster and kb_session.kloudbuster.kb_runner:
preport = kb_session.kloudbuster.final_result\
if final else kb_session.kloudbuster.kb_runner.report
return json.dumps(preport)
def version(self):
return kb_version
def stage(self, *args):
response.status = 400
response.text = u"Please POST to this resource."
return response.text
def stage_POST(self, *args):
session_id = args[0]
if KBSessionManager.get(session_id).kb_status != 'READY':
response.status = 403
response.text = u"Unable to stage resources when status is not READY."
return response.text
self.kb_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.kb_stage_thread_handler, args=[session_id])
self.kb_thread.daemon = True
return "OK!"
def run_test(self, *args):
response.status = 400
response.text = u"Please POST to this resource."
return response.text
def run_test_POST(self, *args):
session_id = args[0]
if KBSessionManager.get(session_id).kb_status != 'STAGED':
response.status = 403
response.text = u"Unable to start the tests when status is not at STAGED."
return response.text
self.kb_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.kb_run_test_thread_handler, args=[session_id])
self.kb_thread.daemon = True
return "OK!"
def stop_test(self, *args):
response.status = 400
response.text = u"Please POST to this resource."
return response.text
def stop_test_POST(self, *args):
session_id = args[0]
if KBSessionManager.get(session_id).kb_status != 'RUNNING':
response.status = 403
response.text = u"Unable to stop the tests when status is not at RUNNING."
return response.text
kb_session = KBSessionManager.get(session_id)
kb_session.kb_status = 'STOPPING'
except Exception:
kb_session.kb_status = 'ERROR'
return "OK!"
def cleanup(self, *args):
response.status = 400
response.text = u"Please POST to this resource."
return response.text
def cleanup_POST(self, *args):
session_id = args[0]
allowed_status = ['STAGED', 'ERROR']
if KBSessionManager.get(session_id).kb_status == 'READY':
response.status = 403
response.text = u"No resources has been staged, cleanup is not needed."
return response.text
if KBSessionManager.get(session_id).kb_status not in allowed_status:
response.status = 403
response.text = u"The session you specified is busy, please wait until "\
"current operation is finished."
return response.text
self.kb_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.kb_cleanup_thread_handler, args=[session_id])
self.kb_thread.daemon = True
return "OK!"