
953 lines
44 KiB

//Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
//not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
//a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
//WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
//License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
//under the License.
* Created by xiyu3 on 2/22/16.
'use strict';
.controller('RunStorageCtrl', function ($scope, $timeout, $location, $http, $q, showAlert, ngTableParams, kbCookie, kbHttp, storageMode, color, locationChange) {
this.awesomeThings = [
'HTML5 Boilerplate',
if(kbCookie.getSessionID()==="") $location.path('/Login');
else kbCookie.checkMode('storage');
//---------------------------------top navigation bar---------------------------------
$(window).on('hashchange', locationChange.change());
$("[data-toggle='.container']").click(function() {
var toggle_el = $(this).data("toggle");
swipeStatus:function(event, phase, direction, distance, duration, fingers)
if (phase=="move" && direction =="right") {
return false;
if (phase=="move" && direction =="left") {
return false;
$scope.oneAtATime = false;
$scope.status1 = {
isFirstOpen: true,
isFirstDisabled: false
$scope.status2 = {
isFirstOpen: true,
isFirstDisabled: false
$scope.status1.open = true;
$scope.status2.open = true;
$scope.getRunConfig = function() {
kbHttp.getMethod("/config/running_config/" + $scope.sessionID)
function(response) { // .resolve
$scope.config = response.data;
$scope.current_mode_name = $scope.config.client.storage_tool_configs[0]['mode'];
$scope.current_mode_description = $scope.config.client.storage_tool_configs[0]['description'];
console.log("get & save config");
function(response) { // .reject
console.log("get running config error:");
if($scope.sessionID && !$scope.config)
$scope.setConfig = function(ifRun) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if($scope.status==="READY") {
$scope.config.server.number_tenants = 1;
$scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant = 1;
$scope.config.server.networks_per_router = 1;
$scope.config.server.secgroups_per_network = 1;
$scope.chaCon = {"kb_cfg": {}};
$scope.chaCon.kb_cfg = kbCookie.getConfig();
kbHttp.putMethod("/config/running_config/" + $scope.sessionID, $scope.chaCon)
function (response) { // .resolve
console.log("change running config");
if (ifRun != 1) {
//showAlert.showAlert("Configuration updated successfully!");
function (response) { // .reject
//console.log("change running config error:");
if (ifRun != 1) {
if (response.status == 400)
showAlert.showAlert("Error while parsing configurations! Please check your inputs!");
else if(response.status == 403)
showAlert.showAlert("Cannot update configuration if KloudBuster is busy or in error state");
else if (response.status == -1)
showAlert.showAlert("Error while connecting kloudbuster server!");
else if($scope.status==="STAGED"){
$scope.chaCon = {"kb_cfg": {"client":{"http_tool_configs":{"duration":$scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.duration,"rate_limit":$scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.rate_limit,"connections":$scope.config.client.http_tool_configs.connections,"report_interval":0}}}};
kbHttp.putMethod("/config/running_config/" + $scope.sessionID, $scope.chaCon)
function (response) { // .resolve
console.log("change running config");
if (ifRun != 1) {
//showAlert.showAlert("Configuration updated successfully!");
function (response) { // .reject
//console.log("change running config error:");
if (ifRun != 1) {
if (response.status == 400)
showAlert.showAlert("Error while parsing configurations! Please check your inputs!");
else if(response.status == 403)
showAlert.showAlert("Cannot update configuration if KloudBuster is busy or in error state");
else if (response.status == -1)
showAlert.showAlert("Error while connecting kloudbuster server!");
console.log("config not allow to change now!");
return deferred.promise;
var disabledStagingConfig=false;
var disabledRunningConfig=false;
$scope.disableConfig = function(disableId){
$("#"+disableId).find("input").each(function() {//show Config
$(this).attr("disabled", "disabled");
$scope.enableConfig = function(enableId){
$("#"+enableId).find("input").each(function() {//disable Config
//$(this).attr("disabled", "disabled");
$scope.configStatus = function(){
if($scope.status === "READY")//show all config
if(disabledRunningConfig===true) {
disabledRunningConfig = false;
else if($scope.status === "STAGED") //show running config
$("#client_progression_enabled").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#client_progression_vm_start").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if(disabledRunningConfig===true) {
disabledRunningConfig = false;
else//no config can be modified
$("md-checkbox").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if(disabledRunningConfig===false) {
disabledRunningConfig = true;
var pointNumber = 0;
$scope.pointNum = function(){
var point = ".";
pointNumber = (pointNumber+1)%6;
for(var x = 0; x < pointNumber; x++)
point = point + " .";
return point;
$scope.runButton = "Run Test";
$scope.runStatus = true;//if run Button disabled
$scope.setStatus = false;//if settings Button disabled
$scope.stageButton = "Stage";
$scope.setUnstage = true;//if Unstage Button disabled
$scope.client_vm_count = 0;
$scope.server_vm_count = 0;
$scope.statusButton = "btn-default";
$scope.checkStatus = function(){
if($scope.sessionID) {
kbHttp.getMethod2("/kloudbuster/status/" + $scope.sessionID)
function (response) { // .resolve
$scope.status = response.data.status;
if ($scope.status === "READY") {
$scope.runButton = "Run Test";
$scope.runStatus = true;//disable button
$scope.setStatus = false;//show button
$scope.stageButton = "Stage";
$scope.setUnstage = false;//show button
$scope.client_vm_count = 0;
//$scope.server_vm_count = 0;
$scope.statusButton = "btn-success";
else if ($scope.status === "STAGING") {
$scope.runButton = "Run Test";
$scope.runStatus = true;
$scope.setStatus = true;
$scope.stageButton = "Stage";
$scope.setUnstage = true;
$scope.client_vm_count = response.data.client_vm_count;
//$scope.server_vm_count = response.data.server_vm_count;
$scope.statusButton = "btn-info";
$scope.info="KloudBuster is Creating VM(s)"+$scope.pointNum();
else if ($scope.status === "STAGED") {
$scope.runButton = "Run Test";
$scope.runStatus = false;
$scope.setStatus = false;
$scope.stageButton = "Unstage";
$scope.setUnstage = false;
$scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants;
//$scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count;
$scope.statusButton = "btn-success";
else if ($scope.status === "RUNNING") {
$scope.runButton = "Stop Test";
$scope.runStatus = false;
$scope.setStatus = true;
$scope.stageButton = "Unstage";
$scope.setUnstage = true;
$scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants;
//$scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count;
if($scope.config.client.progression.enabled === true) $scope.getReport();
$scope.statusButton = "btn-info";
$scope.info="KloudBuster is Running"+$scope.pointNum();
else if ($scope.status === "ERROR") {
$scope.runButton = "Run Test";
$scope.runStatus = true;
$scope.setStatus = true;
$scope.stageButton = "Unstage";
$scope.setUnstage = false;
$scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants;
//$scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count;
$scope.statusButton = "btn-danger";
else if($scope.status === "CLEANING" || $scope.status === "STOPPING")
$scope.runButton = "Run Test";
$scope.runStatus = true;
$scope.setStatus = true;
$scope.stageButton = "Unstage";
$scope.setUnstage = true;
$scope.client_vm_count = $scope.config.server.routers_per_tenant * $scope.config.server.networks_per_router * $scope.config.server.vms_per_network * $scope.config.server.number_tenants;
//$scope.server_vm_count = $scope.client_vm_count;
$scope.statusButton = "btn-info";
$scope.info="Please Wait"+$scope.pointNum();
function (response) { // .reject
console.log("get status error:");
$scope.status = "NO SESSION ID";
$scope.setStage = function(){
kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/stage/" + $scope.sessionID)
function(response) { // .resolve
//showAlert.showAlert("Staging all resources to run KloudBuster! Please wait...");
function(response) { // .reject
console.log("set stage error:");
showAlert.showAlert("Unable to stage resources!");
$scope.CleanUp = function(){
if($scope.sessionID && ($scope.status==="ERROR"||$scope.status==="STAGED")) {
kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/cleanup/" + $scope.sessionID)
function(response) { // .resolve
//showAlert.showAlert("Cleanup KloudBuster!");
function(response) { // .reject
console.log("clean error:");
console.log("Cannot cleanup!");
$scope.stage = function(){
else if($scope.status==="READY"){
var promise = $scope.setConfig(1);
promise.then(function () {
$scope.runKb = function(){
kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/run_test/" + $scope.sessionID)
function(response) { // .resolve
//showAlert.showAlert("Successfully start to run KloudBuster! Please wait...");
function(response) { // .reject
console.log("running error:");
showAlert.showAlert("Unable to start test!");
$scope.stopKb = function(){
kbHttp.postMethod("/kloudbuster/stop_test/" + $scope.sessionID)
function(response) { // .resolve
//showAlert.showAlert("Stoping the KloudBuster tests...");
function(response) { // .reject
console.log("stop error:");
showAlert.showAlert("Unable to stop test!");
$scope.scaleTest = function(){
else if($scope.status==="STAGED"){
var promise = $scope.setConfig(1);
promise.then(function () {
//$scope.modes = [
// {title: "Rand Read", icon: "", id: "randread", init: "",y_axis:"IOPs/VM",y_label:"RATE IOPs Per VM"},
// {title: "Rand Write", icon: "", id: "randwrite", init: "",y_axis:"IOPs/VM",y_label:"RATE IOPs Per VM"},
// {title: "Seq Read", icon: "", id: "read", init: "",y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)",y_label:"RATE BW Per VM"},
// {title: "Seq Write", icon: "", id: "write", init: "",y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)",y_label:"RATE BW Per VM"}
//$scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[0];
//var content = "";
////draw_chart($scope, ngTableParams, content);
//$scope.handleEvent = function(event, index) {
// $scope.current_index = index;
// $scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[index];
// $scope.refreshChart();
// if (storageMode.getResult().length>0)
// $scope.draw(storageMode.getResult());
$scope.modes = {
"randread": {
title: "Rand Read",
group: ["rand", "read"],
y_axis: "IOPs/VM",
y_label: "RATE IOPs Per VM"
"randwrite": {
title: "Rand Write",
group: ["rand", "write"],
y_axis: "IOPs/VM",
y_label: "RATE IOPs Per VM"
"read": {
title: "Seq Read",
group: ["seq", "read"],
y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)",
y_label: "RATE BW Per VM"
"write": {
title: "Seq Write",
group: ["seq", "write"],
y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)",
y_label: "RATE BW Per VM"
"randrw": {
title: "Rand Read/Write",
group: ["rand", "mix"],
y_axis: "IOPs/VM",
y_label: "RATE IOPs Per VM"
"rw": {
title: "Seq Read/Write",
group: ["seq", "mix"],
y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)",
y_label: "RATE BW Per VM"
//$scope.current_mode_name = "randread";
//$scope.current_mode_name = $scope.config.client.storage_tool_configs[0]['mode'];
//$scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[$scope.current_mode_name];
//var content = "";
//draw_chart($scope, ngTableParams, content);
$scope.current_index = 0;
$scope.getCurrentMode = function(modeName, formix, readpct){
if (modeName == 'rw'){
if(formix == '') formix='read';
$scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[formix];
if (formix=='read') $scope.current_title = '- ' +readpct +'% Read';
else $scope.current_title = '- ' +(100-readpct) +'% Write';
else if (modeName == 'randrw'){
if(formix == '') formix='read';
$scope.current_mode = $scope.modes['rand'+formix];
if (formix=='read') $scope.current_title = '- ' +readpct +'% Read';
else $scope.current_title = '- ' +(100-readpct) +'% Write';
$scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[$scope.current_mode_name];
$scope.current_title = '';
$scope.current_mode_name = $scope.config.client.storage_tool_configs[0]['mode'];
$scope.current_mode_description = $scope.config.client.storage_tool_configs[0]['description'];
$scope.handleEvent = function(event, index, formix) {
$scope.current_index = index;
$scope.current_mode_name = $scope.config.client.storage_tool_configs[index]['mode'];
$scope.getCurrentMode($scope.current_mode_name, formix,
if (storageMode.getResult().length>0)
$scope.tabledata =[];
$scope.cols = [
field: "seq", title: "SEQ", sortable: "seq", show: true
field: "mode", title: "Mode", sortable: "mode", show: true
field: "total_client_vms", title: "Client VMs", sortable: "total_client_vms", show: true
field: "block_size", title: "Block Size", sortable: "block_size", show: true
field: "iodepth", title: "IO Depth", sortable: "iodepth", show: true
field: "rate_iops", title: "Requested IOPS", sortable: "rate_iops", show: true
field: "read_iops", title: "Read IOPS", sortable: "read_iops", show: true
field: "write_iops", title: "Write IOPS", sortable: "write_iops", show: true
field: "rate", title: "Requested BW", sortable: "rate", show: true
field: "read_bw", title: "Read BW", sortable: "read_bw", show: true
field: "write_bw", title: "Write BW", sortable: "write_bw", show: true
$scope.tableParams = new ngTableParams({sorting: {name: "asc"}, "count": 10}, {
counts: [],
data: $scope.tabledata
$scope.options = {
series: [
{y: 'IOPS', color: '#F44336', type: 'column', striped: true, label:"RATE IOPS/BW PER VM"
//, label: $scope.current_mode["y_label"]
y: 'requested_rate',
color: '#696969',
drawDots: false,
thickness: '1px',
label: 'Requested Rate',
lineMode: "dashed"
y: 'latency1',
axis: 'y2',
color: '#673AB7',
drawDots: true,
dotSize: 4,
thickness: '3px',
label: 'Latency(ms)--90%'
y: 'latency2',
axis: 'y2',
color: '#03A9F4',
drawDots: true,
dotSize: 4,
thickness: '3px',
label: 'Latency(ms)--99%'
y: 'latency3',
axis: 'y2',
color: '#E91E63',
drawDots: true,
dotSize: 4,
thickness: '3px',
label: 'Latency(ms)--99.9%'
axes: {
x: {key: 'x', type: 'linear', ticks: $scope.xaxisList, ticksFormatter: function(x) {
if($.inArray(x, $scope.xaxisList)!=-1) {
if (x == 0) return "1";
else return x;
else return "";
y: {
type: 'linear',
ticksFormat: 'd',
innerTicks: true,
//max: max * 1.0005,
min: 0
y2: {
type: 'log',
ticksFormat: 'd',
innerTicks: false,
grid: true
//min: get_min_hist($scope.results) / 1000
tooltip: {
mode: 'scrubber', formatter: function (x, y, series) {
return series.label + ":" + y;
tension: 0.8,
lineMode: "cardinal",
columnsHGap: 45
$scope.initChart = function() {
$scope.data = [];
//$scope.options.series = [{}];
$scope.isDely = false;
$scope.tabledata.length = 0;
$scope.isDely = false;
countRep = 0;
var countRep = 0;
$scope.refreshChart = function() {
$scope.data = [];
//$scope.options.series = [{}];
$scope.isDely = false;
$scope.tabledata.length = 0;
$scope.getReport = function(){
function(response) { // .resolve
//response.data = JSON.parse(response.data);
if(response.data["kb_result"].length>0 && countRep < response.data["kb_result"].length) {
console.log("get report totally:"+response.data["kb_result"].length);
countRep = response.data["kb_result"].length;
function(response) { // .reject
console.log("get report error:");
$scope.draw = function(results){
$scope.results = results["kb_result"];
var countRep = $scope.results.length;
var countRep2 = $scope.results[0].length;
var mode = $scope.current_mode['name'];
var max;
$scope.xaxisList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < countRep; i++) {
for (var k = 0; k < countRep2; k++) {
$scope.perrow = $scope.results[i][k];
if ($scope.perrow["mode"] == $scope.current_mode_name && $scope.perrow["description"] == $scope.current_mode_description) {
if($scope.perrow.total_client_vms == 1 && countRep!=1) $scope.xaxis = 0;
else $scope.xaxis = $scope.perrow.total_client_vms;
//----chart data----
if (mode == "randread") {
x: $scope.xaxis,
"IOPS": $scope.perrow.read_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms,
"latency1": $scope.perrow.read_hist[2][1] / 1000,
"latency2": $scope.perrow.read_hist[3][1] / 1000,
"latency3": $scope.perrow.read_hist[4][1] / 1000,
"requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms
max = $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms;
if (mode == "randwrite") {
x: $scope.xaxis,
"IOPS": $scope.perrow.write_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms,
"latency1": $scope.perrow.write_hist[2][1] / 1000,
"latency2": $scope.perrow.write_hist[3][1] / 1000,
"latency3": $scope.perrow.write_hist[4][1] / 1000,
"requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms
max = $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms;
if (mode == "read") {
x: $scope.xaxis,
"IOPS": $scope.perrow.read_bw / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms,
"latency1": $scope.perrow.read_hist[2][1] / 1000,
"latency2": $scope.perrow.read_hist[3][1] / 1000,
"latency3": $scope.perrow.read_hist[4][1] / 1000,
"requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms
max = $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms;
if (mode == "write") {
x: $scope.xaxis,
"IOPS": $scope.perrow.write_bw / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms,
"latency1": $scope.perrow.write_hist[2][1] / 1000,
"latency2": $scope.perrow.write_hist[3][1] / 1000,
"latency3": $scope.perrow.write_hist[4][1] / 1000,
"requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms
max = $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms;
//-------table data-------
var pickColor = color.getColor();
var chName = "mode-" + $scope.perrow.mode + "_VM-" + $scope.perrow.total_client_vms;
$scope.pushTableData(chName, $scope.perrow, pickColor)
$scope.options.axes.y["max"]=max * 1.0005;
$scope.options.axes.y2["min"]=get_min_hist($scope.results) / 1000;
$scope.options.series[0]["label"]= $scope.current_mode["y_label"];
function get_min_hist(results) {
var min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
results.forEach(function (rr) {
rr.forEach(function (d) {
if ('write_hist' in d) {
min = Math.min(min, d.write_hist[0][1]);
if ('read_hist' in d) {
min = Math.min(min, d.read_hist[0][1]);
return min;
$scope.pushChartData = function(chName,chData,pickColor){
//console.log("chart date"+ chName);
if ($scope.isDely === false) {
$scope.isDely = true;
y: chName,
label: chName,
color: pickColor,
dotSize: "3",
thickness: "2px"
//console.log( $scope.options.series);
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
$scope.data[i][chName] = chData.latency_stats[i][1] / 1000;
//console.log( $scope.data[i]["chName"]);
$scope.pushTableData = function (taName, taData, pickColor) {
"seq": taName,
"mode": taData.mode,
"total_client_vms": taData.total_client_vms,
"block_size": taData.block_size,
"iodepth": taData.iodepth,
"rate_iops": taData.rate_iops,
"read_bw": taData.read_bw,
"write_bw": taData.write_bw,
"read_iops": taData.read_iops,
"write_iops": taData.write_iops,
"rate": taData.rate,
"color": pickColor
function downloadFile(fileName, content){
var aLink = document.createElement('a');
var blob = new Blob([content]);
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("click", false, false);//initEvent
aLink.download = fileName;
aLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
$scope.saveResult = function(){
var date = new Date();
var m = to2(date.getMonth()+1);//month (0-11,0 = Jan., remember to add 1)
var d = to2(date.getDate());//day(1-31)
var h = to2(date.getHours());//hour(0-23)
var min = to2(date.getMinutes());//minute(0-59)
var filename = ""+m+d+h+min+".html";
var saveData = storageMode.getResult();
var myresult = '<!--Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.--> <!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may--> <!--not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain--> <!--a copy of the License at--> <!--http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0--> <!--Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software--> <!--distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT--> <!--WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 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var colorList = ["#F44336", "#673AB7", "#03A9F4", "#4CAF50", "#FFEB3B", "#BF360C", "#795548", "#E91E63", "#3F51B5", "#00BCD4", "#CDDC39", "#FF9800", "#9E9E9E", "#9C27B0", "#009688"]; var length = colorList.length; function get_color() { num = (num + 1) % length; return colorList[num]; } var modes = { "randread": { name:"randread", title: "Rand Read", group: ["rand", "read"], y_axis: "IOPs/VM", y_label: "RATE IOPs Per VM" }, "randwrite": { name:"randwrite", title: "Rand Write", group: ["rand", "write"], y_axis: "IOPs/VM", y_label: "RATE IOPs Per VM" }, "read": { name:"read", title: "Seq Read", group: ["seq", "read"], y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)", y_label: "RATE BW Per VM" }, "write": { name:"write", title: "Seq Write", group: ["seq", "write"], y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)", y_label: "RATE BW Per VM" }, "randrw": { name:"randrw", title: "Rand Read/Write", span:"caret", group: ["rand", "mix"], y_axis: "IOPs/VM", y_label: "RATE IOPs Per VM" }, "rw": { name:"rw", title: "Seq Read/Write", span:"caret", group: ["seq", "mix"], y_axis: "BW/VM(KB/s)", y_label: "RATE BW Per VM" } }; var storage_target = {"volume":"Cinder Volume","ephemeral":"Ephemeral Disk"}; angular.module("app", ["n3-line-chart", "ngTable"]).controller("MainCtrl", function ($scope, ngTableParams) { $scope.current_index = 0; $scope.modes = modes; $scope.storage_target = storage_target; $scope.from_outside ='+JSON.stringify(saveData)+'; content = $scope.from_outside["kb_result"]; $scope.titleList = []; get_title($scope,content); draw_chart($scope, ngTableParams, content); $scope.handleEvent = function(event, index, formix) { $scope.current_index = index; $scope.current_mode_name = $scope.titleList[index]["mode"]; $scope.current_mode_description = $scope.titleList[index]["description"]; getCurrentMode($scope, $scope.current_mode_name, formix, content[0][index]["rwmixread"]); draw_chart($scope, ngTableParams, content); }; }); function get_title($scope, content){ for( var item in content[0]) { $scope.titleList.push({"mode": content[0][item]["mode"], "description": content[0][item]["description"]}); } $scope.current_mode_name = $scope.titleList[0]["mode"]; $scope.current_mode_description = $scope.titleList[0]["description"]; $scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[$scope.current_mode_name]; getCurrentMode($scope, $scope.current_mode_name, "",content[0][0]["rwmixread"]); } function getCurrentMode($scope, modeName, formix, readpct){ if (modeName == "rw"){ if(formix == "") formix="read"; $scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[formix]; if (formix=="read") $scope.current_title = "- " +readpct +"% Read"; else $scope.current_title = "- " +(100-readpct) +"% Write"; } else if (modeName == "randrw"){ if(formix == "") formix="read"; $scope.current_mode = $scope.modes["rand"+formix]; if (formix=="read") $scope.current_title = "- " +readpct +"% Read"; else $scope.current_title = "- " +(100-readpct) +"% Write"; } else{ $scope.current_mode = $scope.modes[$scope.current_mode_name]; $scope.current_title = ""; } } function get_min_hist(results) { var min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; results.forEach(function (rr) { rr.forEach(function (d) { if ("write_hist" in d) { min = Math.min(min, d.write_hist[0][1]); } if ("read_hist" in d) { min = Math.min(min, d.read_hist[0][1]); } }); }); return min; } function draw_chart($scope, ngTableParams, results) { $scope.results = results; var countRep = $scope.results.length; var countRep2 = $scope.results[0].length; var mode = $scope.current_mode["name"]; $scope.tabledata = []; $scope.cols = [ { field: "seq", title: "SEQ", sortable: "seq", show: true }, { field: "mode", title: "Mode", sortable: "mode", show: true }, { field: "total_client_vms", title: "Client VMs", sortable: "total_client_vms", show: true }, { field: "block_size", title: "Block Size", sortable: "block_size", show: true }, { field: "iodepth", title: "IO Depth", sortable: "iodepth", show: true }, { field: "rate_iops", title: "Requested IOPS", sortable: "rate_iops", show: true }, { field: "read_iops", title: "Read IOPS", sortable: "read_iops", show: true }, { field: "write_iops", title: "Write IOPS", sortable: "write_iops", show: true }, { field: "rate", title: "Requested BW", sortable: "rate", show: true }, { field: "read_bw", title: "Read BW", sortable: "read_bw", show: true }, { field: "write_bw", title: "Write BW", sortable: "write_bw", show: true }]; $scope.tableParams = new ngTableParams({sorting: {name: "asc"}, "count": 10}, { counts: [], data: $scope.tabledata }); $scope.pushTableData = function (taName, taData, pickColor) { $scope.tabledata.push({ "seq": taName, "mode": taData.mode, "total_client_vms": taData.total_client_vms, "block_size": taData.block_size, "iodepth": taData.iodepth, "rate_iops": taData.rate_iops, "read_bw": taData.read_bw, "write_bw": taData.write_bw, "read_iops": taData.read_iops, "write_iops": taData.write_iops, "rate": taData.rate, "color": pickColor }); $scope.tableParams.reload() }; var max; $scope.xaxisList = []; $scope.data = []; for (var i = 0; i < countRep; i++) { for (var k = 0; k < countRep2; k++) { $scope.perrow = $scope.results[i][k]; if ($scope.perrow["mode"] == $scope.current_mode_name && $scope.perrow["description"] == $scope.current_mode_description) { if($scope.perrow.total_client_vms == 1 && countRep!=1) $scope.xaxis = 0; else $scope.xaxis = $scope.perrow.total_client_vms; $scope.xaxisList.push($scope.xaxis); if (mode == "randread") { $scope.data.push({ x: $scope.xaxis, "IOPS": $scope.perrow.read_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms, "latency1": $scope.perrow.read_hist[2][1] / 1000, "latency2": $scope.perrow.read_hist[3][1] / 1000, "latency3": $scope.perrow.read_hist[4][1] / 1000, "requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms }); max = $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms; } if (mode == "randwrite") { $scope.data.push({ x: $scope.xaxis, "IOPS": $scope.perrow.write_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms, "latency1": $scope.perrow.write_hist[2][1] / 1000, "latency2": $scope.perrow.write_hist[3][1] / 1000, "latency3": $scope.perrow.write_hist[4][1] / 1000, "requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms }); max = $scope.perrow.rate_iops / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms; } if (mode == "read") { $scope.data.push({ x: $scope.xaxis, "IOPS": $scope.perrow.read_bw / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms, "latency1": $scope.perrow.read_hist[2][1] / 1000, "latency2": $scope.perrow.read_hist[3][1] / 1000, "latency3": $scope.perrow.read_hist[4][1] / 1000, "requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms }); max = $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms; } if (mode == "write") { $scope.data.push({ x: $scope.xaxis, "IOPS": $scope.perrow.write_bw / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms, "latency1": $scope.perrow.write_hist[2][1] / 1000, "latency2": $scope.perrow.write_hist[3][1] / 1000, "latency3": $scope.perrow.write_hist[4][1] / 1000, "requested_rate": $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms }); max = $scope.perrow.rate / $scope.perrow.total_client_vms; } var pickColor = get_color(); var chName = "mode-" + $scope.perrow.mode + "_VM-" + $scope.perrow.total_client_vms; $scope.pushTableData(chName, $scope.perrow, pickColor) } } } $scope.options = { series: [ {y: "IOPS", color: "#F44336", type: "column", striped: true, label: $scope.current_mode["y_label"]}, { y: "requested_rate", color: "#696969", drawDots: false, thickness: "1px", label: "Requested Rate", lineMode: "dashed" }, { y: "latency1", axis: "y2", color: "#673AB7", drawDots: true, dotSize: 4, thickness: "3px", label: "Latency(ms)--90%" }, { y: "latency2", axis: "y2", color: "#03A9F4", drawDots: true, dotSize: 4, thickness: "3px", label: "Latency(ms)--99%" }, { y: "latency3", axis: "y2", color: "#E91E63", drawDots: true, dotSize: 4, thickness: "3px", label: "Latency(ms)--99.9%" } ], axes: { x: {key: "x", type: "linear", ticks: $scope.xaxisList, ticksFormatter: function(x) { if($.inArray(x, $scope.xaxisList)!=-1) { if (x == 0) return "1"; 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downloadFile(filename, myresult);
else showAlert.showAlert("No result to save!");
},1000);// 1 sec
$(function () {
function to2(num){
if (num < 10)
return "0" + num;
else if (num < 99)
return "" + num;
else return -1;
.service('storageMode', function() {
var self = this;
var result=[];
this.getResult = function(){
return result;
this.setResult = function(res){
result = res;
return result;