add testcase for instance authorization

Just add instance create and get.
This is also an example for other resource authorization.

Add these testcase in unit tests.
Unit tests will cover more edge cases.

Change-Id: If4d24f4bde56be6bf705d2fe17cda3848b99840c
This commit is contained in:
Shaohe Feng 2016-11-19 00:36:08 +08:00
parent 638bc0c31c
commit f8aa76c4ce
2 changed files with 136 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import pecan
import pecan.testing
@ -208,3 +209,48 @@ class BaseApiTest(base.DbTestCase):
if not expect_errors:
response = response.json
return response
def gen_headers(self, context, **kw):
"""Generate a header for a simulated HTTP request to Pecan test app.
:param context: context that store the client user information.
:param kw: key word aguments, used to overwrite the context attribute.
note: "is_public_api" is not in headers, it should be in environ
variables to send along with the requeste. We can pass it by
extra_environ when we call delete, get_json or other method request.
ct = context.to_dict()
headers = {
'X-User-Name': ct.get("user_name") or "user",
ct.get("user_id") or "8abcdef1-2345-6789-abcd-ef123456abc0",
'X-Project-Name': ct.get("project_name") or "project",
ct.get("project_id") or "1abcdef1-2345-6789-abcd-ef123456abe0",
ct.get("domain_id") or "9abcdef1-2345-6789-abcd-ef123456abc0",
'X-User-Domain-Name': ct.get("domain_name") or "no_domain",
ct.get("auth_token") or "6aff71c33a274bc3ab7f0b29ca1be162",
'X-Roles': ct.get("roles") or "nimble"
return headers
def parser_error_body(self, resp):
"""paser a string response error body to json for a bad HTTP request.
:param body: and response body need to be parsered.
:return: an python dict will be return. such as:
{u'debuginfo': None,
u'faultcode': u'Client',
u'faultstring': u': error reason'}
Note: the error body just one nested json string, so we do not need
a recursive function.
body = jsonutils.loads(resp.body)
return jsonutils.loads(body["error_message"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# Copyright 2016 Intel
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from nimble.tests.functional.api import v1 as v1_test
from nimble.tests.unit.db import utils
def gen_post_body(**kw):
fake_networks = [
"uuid": "c1940655-8b8e-4370-b8f9-03ba1daeca31"
"uuid": "8e8ceb07-4641-4188-9b22-840755e92ee2",
"port_type": "10GE"
return {
"name": kw.get("name", "test_instance"),
"description": kw.get("description", "this is a test instance"),
"instance_type_uuid": kw.get(
"instance_type_uuid", "0607b5f3-6111-424d-ba46-f5de39a6fa69"),
"image_uuid": kw.get(
"image_uuid", "efe0a06f-ca95-4808-b41e-9f55b9c5eb98"),
"networks": kw.get("networks", fake_networks)
class TestInstanceAuthorization(v1_test.APITestV1):
DENY_MESSAGE = "Access was denied to the following resource: nimble:%s"
def setUp(self):
super(TestInstanceAuthorization, self).setUp()
project_id = "0abcdef1-2345-6789-abcd-ef123456abc1"
# evil_project is an wicked tenant, is used for unauthorization test.
self.evil_project = "0abcdef1-2345-6789-abcd-ef123456abc9"
self.instance1 = utils.create_test_instance(
name="T1", project_id=project_id)
def test_instance_post(self, mock_get, mock_rpi_create):
mock_get.side_effect = None
mock_rpi_create.side_effect = None
body = gen_post_body()
self.context.roles = "no-admin"
# we can not prevent the evil tenant, quota will limite him.
# Note(Shaohe): quota is in plan
self.context.project_id = self.evil_project
headers = self.gen_headers(self.context)
self.post_json('/instances', body, headers=headers, status=201)
def test_instance_get_one_by_owner(self):
# not admin but the owner
self.context.project_id = self.instance1.project_id
headers = self.gen_headers(self.context, roles="no-admin")
self.get_json('/instances/%s' % self.instance1.uuid, headers=headers)
def test_instance_get_one_by_admin(self):
# admin but the owner
self.context.project_id = self.instance1.project_id
# when the evil tenant is admin, he can do everything.
self.context.project_id = self.evil_project
headers = self.gen_headers(self.context, roles="admin")
self.get_json('/instances/%s' % self.instance1.uuid, headers=headers)
def test_instance_get_one_unauthorized(self):
# not admin and not the owner
self.context.project_id = self.evil_project
headers = self.gen_headers(self.context, roles="no-admin")
resp = self.get_json('/instances/%s' % self.instance1.uuid,
True, headers=headers)
error = self.parser_error_body(resp)
self.DENY_MESSAGE % 'instance:get')