Suggest a workflow based on halt/up rather than destroying vms.

Change-Id: If5f9d191857f067ced0c76f2cb7d88f9beff0507
This commit is contained in:
Tim Kuhlman 2014-11-18 13:44:32 -07:00
parent 0ddeb83959
commit 2b8ca1a6d9
1 changed files with 8 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ ansible-galaxy install -r ansible_roles -p ./roles
# Using mini-mon
## Starting mini-mon
- After installing to start just run `vagrant up`. The first run will download required vagrant boxes.
- When done you can run `vagrant halt` to stop the boxes and later run `vagrant up` to turn them back on. To destroy
and rebuild run `vagrant destroy -f`. It is typically fastest to use halt/up than to rebuild your vm.
- Run `vagrant help` for more info on standard vagrant commands.
## Smoke test
@ -79,13 +81,13 @@ Alternatively a very simple playbook is available for running the test, `ansible
- The keystone credentials used are mini-mon/password in the mini-mon project. The keystone services in on standard ports.
## Updating
When someone updates the config, this process should allow you to bring up an updated VM, though not every step is needed at all times.
When someone updates the config, this process should allow you update the VMs, though not every step is needed at all times.
- `git pull`
- `ansible-galaxy install -r ansible_roles -p ./roles -f`
- `vagrant box update` Only needed rarely
- `vagrant destroy <vm>` Where `<vm>` is the name of the VM being updated, for example 'mini-mon'
- `vagrant up`
- `vagrant provision`, if the vms where halted run `vagrant up` first.
- It is also possible to Ansible directly to update just parts of the system. See [Ansible Development](#ansible-development) for more info.
## Improving Provisioning Speed
@ -100,8 +102,9 @@ sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
## Ansible Development
To edit the Ansible roles I suggest downloading the full git source of the role and putting it in
your ansible path. Then though you can rerun `vagrant provision` to test your changes, often it is
easier to run ansible directly. For this to work smoothly add these vagrant specific settings to
your ansible path. Then though you can rerun `vagrant provision` to test your changes. Often it is
easier to run ansible directly and specify tags, ie `ansible-playbook mini-mon --tags api,persister`.
For this to work smoothly add these vagrant specific settings to
your local ansible configuration (~/.ansible.cfg):