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# Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from nova.i18n import _LW
from nova.scheduler import filters
from nova.scheduler.filters import extra_specs_ops as ops
from nova.scheduler.filters import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_SCOPE = 'aggregate_instance_extra_specs'
FORCE_METADATA_CHECK = 'force_metadata_check'
TILDE = '~'
OR = '<or>'
class AggregateInstanceTypeFilter(filters.BaseHostFilter):
"""AggregateInstanceTypeFilter works with InstanceType records."""
# Aggregate data and instance type does not change within a request
run_filter_once_per_request = True
def _read_sentinels(value):
"""Read sentinel values.
:param value: value or set of values contained in a dictionary entry of
host aggregate metadata or instance extra specs.
:type value: set or string, no other types will be allowed.
Flavor extra specs values can contain also the following sentinel
* (asterisk): may be used to specify that any value is valid, can be
used alone or inside a <or> junction.
~ (tilde): may be used to specify that a key may optionally be omitted,
can be used alone or inside a <or> junction.
! (exclamation): may be used to specify that the key must not be
present, it's exclusive.
if not isinstance(value, (set, basestring)):
LOG.warning(_LW("Value passed to '_read_sentinels' is not valid: "
"%(value)s"), {'value': value})
return False, None
if not isinstance(value, set):
value = {value}
sentinels = set()
other_values = set()
for val in [val for val in value if val]:
words = val.split(' ')
op = words.pop(0)
if op == OR:
sentinels |= set([word for word in words
if word in SENTINELS])
other_values |= set([word for word in words if
word not in SENTINELS + [OR]])
if EXCLAMATION in sentinels and len(sentinels) > 1:
LOG.warning(_LW("Sentinel value '!' is exclusive and "
"cannot be joint with other values"))
return False, None
elif op in SENTINELS:
return sentinels, other_values
def _execute_sentinel_actions(self, check_val, req_val):
"""Execute the filter actions depending on the possible sentinel values
:param check_val: set of values for a key stored in aggregate metadata
or flavor extra specs
:type check_val: set
:param req_val: string value of a key, stored in aggregate metadata or
in flavor extra specs, containing sentinel values
:type req_val: str
sentinels, other_values = self._read_sentinels(req_val)
if sentinels is False:
return False
if EXCLAMATION in sentinels:
if check_val is None:
return True
return False
if TILDE in sentinels and (not req_val or
(req_val and not other_values)):
return True
if ASTERISK in sentinels:
if check_val is not None and len(check_val) > 0:
return True
return False
return None
def _split_values(value):
ret_value = set()
if not value:
return None
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = {value}
for element in value:
words = element.split()
if words and words[0] == OR:
ret_value |= set([v.strip()
for v in element.split(OR) if v])
return ret_value
def _check_by_instance_type(self, host_state, spec_obj, metadata):
"""Checks if the image extra_specs are satisfied in the HA metadata
:param host_state: host information
:type host_state: class nova.scheduler.host_manager.HostState
:param spec_obj: filter_properties
:type spec_obj: class nova.objects.request_spec.RequestSpec
:param metadata: aggregate metadata
:type metadata: dict of sets
:return: True if the aggregate metadata fulfills the conditions defined
in the flavor extra specs.
instance_type = spec_obj.flavor
if not instance_type.get('extra_specs', None):
return True
LOG.debug("Instance extra specs: %s", instance_type.extra_specs)
LOG.debug("Host aggregate metadata: %s", metadata)
for key, especs_vals in six.iteritems(instance_type.extra_specs):
scope = key.split(':', 1)
scoped = False
if len(scope) > 1:
if scope[0] == _SCOPE:
key = scope[1]
scoped = True
aggregate_vals = self._split_values(metadata.get(key))
ret = self._execute_sentinel_actions(aggregate_vals, especs_vals)
if ret is True:
elif ret is False:
return ret
if not aggregate_vals and not scoped:
LOG.debug("%(host_state)s fails instance type extra specs "
"requirements. Extra spec %(key)s is not in "
"aggregate metadata.",
{'host_state': host_state, 'key': key})
return False
elif not aggregate_vals and scoped:
LOG.debug("Not mandatory extra_spec %(key)s is not in "
"aggregate metadata.", {'key': key})
if not aggregate_vals:
LOG.debug("%(host_state)s fails instance type extra specs "
"requirements. Extra spec %(key)s is not in "
"aggregate.", {'host_state': host_state, 'key': key})
return False
for aggregate_value in aggregate_vals:
if ops.match(aggregate_value, especs_vals):
LOG.debug("%(host_state)s fails instance type extra specs "
"requirements. '%(aggregate_vals)s' do not "
"match '%(req)s'",
{'host_state': host_state, 'req': especs_vals,
'aggregate_vals': aggregate_vals})
return False
return True
def _check_by_aggregate(self, host_state, spec_obj, metadata):
"""Checks if the HA metadata is satisfied in the image extra_specs
:param host_state: host information
:type host_state: class nova.scheduler.host_manager.HostState
:param spec_obj: filter_properties
:type spec_obj: class nova.objects.request_spec.RequestSpec
:param metadata: aggregate metadata
:type metadata: dict of sets
:return: True if the flavor extra specs fulfills the conditions defined
in the aggregate metadata.
if not metadata:
return True
instance_type = spec_obj.flavor
extra_specs = instance_type.get('extra_specs', {})\
LOG.debug("Instance extra specs: %s", extra_specs)
LOG.debug("Host aggregate metadata: %s", metadata)
for key, aggregate_vals in six.iteritems(metadata):
scope = key.split(':', 1)
scoped = False
if len(scope) > 1:
if scope[0] == _SCOPE:
key = scope[1]
scoped = True
especs_vals = self._split_values(extra_specs.get(key))
ret = self._execute_sentinel_actions(especs_vals, aggregate_vals)
if ret is True:
elif ret is False:
return ret
if not especs_vals and not scoped:
LOG.debug("%(host_state)s fails instance type extra specs "
"requirements. Aggregate metadata key %(key)s is "
"not in extra specs",
{'host_state': host_state, 'key': key})
return False
elif not especs_vals and scoped:
LOG.debug("Not mandatory aggregate metadata key %(key)s is "
"not in instance type extra specs", {'key': key})
if not especs_vals:
LOG.debug("%(host_state)s fails instance type extra_specs "
"requirements. Aggregate metadata key %(key)s is "
"not in instance type extra specs.",
{'host_state': host_state, 'key': key})
return False
for aggregate_value in aggregate_vals:
for specs_value in especs_vals:
if ops.match(specs_value, aggregate_value):
LOG.debug("%(host_state)s fails instance type extra specs "
"requirements. '%(aggregate_vals)s' do not "
"match '%(req)s'",
{'host_state': host_state, 'req': especs_vals,
'aggregate_vals': aggregate_vals})
return False
return True
def host_passes(self, host_state, spec_obj):
"""Checks host in aggregate metadata key/value match image properties
metadata = utils.aggregate_metadata_get_by_host(host_state)
if FORCE_METADATA_CHECK in six.iterkeys(metadata):
return self._check_by_aggregate(host_state, spec_obj, metadata)
return self._check_by_instance_type(host_state, spec_obj, metadata)