import collections import importlib import os import string import sys import unittest from collections import OrderedDict from six import string_types from six.moves import configparser from types import ModuleType import types from cafe.drivers.unittest.decorators import DataDrivenClass from cafe.common.reporting import cclogging RESERVED_SECTION_NAMES = [ "defaults", "cli-defaults", ] FIXTURE_ATTR = 'fixture_class' DATASETLIST_ATTR = 'dsl' TESTCLASSES_ATTR = 'mixin_test_classes' BREW_SECTION_ATTR_LIST = [FIXTURE_ATTR, DATASETLIST_ATTR, TESTCLASSES_ATTR] REQUIRED_BREW_SECTION_ATTR_LIST = [FIXTURE_ATTR] class RunFileNotFoundError(Exception): pass class RunFileSectionCollisionError(Exception): pass class RunFileIncompleteBrewError(Exception): pass class MalformedClassImportPathError(Exception): pass class ModuleNotImportableError(Exception): pass class ClassNotImportableError(Exception): pass class BrewMissingTestClassesError(Exception): pass class _ImportablePathWrapper(object): """ Provides convenience methods for importing module and class object denoted by a class_import_path string. """ def __init__(self, class_import_path): """Accepts a dotted class path.""" split_path = class_import_path.rsplit(".", 1) if len(split_path) != 2: raise MalformedClassImportPathError( "Path '{cip}' was malformed.\nA dotted path ending in a " "class name was expected.".format(cip=class_import_path)) self.module_path = split_path[0] self.class_name = split_path[1] self._original_class_import_path = class_import_path self._module = None self._class = None def __repr__(self): s = "{ip}.{cn}".format(ip=self.module_path, cn=self.class_name) return s def import_module(self): """Import the module at import_path and return the module object""" if self._module is None: try: self._module = importlib.import_module(self.module_path) except ImportError as ie: msg = "Could not import module from path '{p}: {e}".format( p=self.module_path, e=str(ie)) raise ModuleNotImportableError(msg) return self._module def import_class(self): """Import the module at import_path and extract the class_name class""" if self._class is None: try: self._class = getattr(self.import_module(), self.class_name) except AttributeError as err: msg = ( "Could not import class '{c}' from path '{p}': {e}".format( c=self.class_name, p=self._original_class_import_path, e=str(err))) raise ClassNotImportableError(msg) return self._class class _Brew(object): """ Returns a module object containing all generated classes """ def __init__( self, name, fixture_class=None, dsl=None, mixin_test_classes=None): = name self.fixture_class = None self.dsl = None self.mixin_test_classes = list() if fixture_class is not None: self.fixture_class = _ImportablePathWrapper(fixture_class) if dsl is not None: self.dsl = _ImportablePathWrapper(dsl) if mixin_test_classes is not None: if (not isinstance(mixin_test_classes, collections.Iterable) or isinstance(mixin_test_classes, string_types)): raise BrewMissingTestClassesError( "Brew was instantiated with an uniterable " "mixin_test_classes object of type {t}".format( t=type(mixin_test_classes))) self.mixin_test_classes = [ _ImportablePathWrapper(tc) for tc in mixin_test_classes] self.automodule_name = "{name}_automodule".format( def __repr__(self): return ( "\n{name}:\n\t" "automodule: {automodule_name}\n\t" "{fixture_attr}: {fixture}\n\t" "{dsl_attr}: {dsl}\n\t" "{testclasses_attr}:\n{tcs}\n".format( fixture_attr=FIXTURE_ATTR, dsl_attr=DATASETLIST_ATTR, testclasses_attr=TESTCLASSES_ATTR,, automodule_name=self.automodule_name, fixture=self.fixture_class, dsl=self.dsl, tcs='\n'.join(["\t\t{s}{t}".format( s=" " * 5, t=t) for t in self.mixin_test_classes]))) def _generate_module(self, module_name): """Create the container module for autgenerated classes.""" return types.ModuleType( module_name, "This module was auto-generated as a container for BrewFile-driven" " classes generated at runtime.") def _register_module(self, module_object): """Add the module to sys.modules so that it's importable elsewhere.""" sys.modules[module_object.__name__] = module_object def _generate_test_class(self, module_name=None): """ Create the aggregate test class by generating a new class that inherits from the fixture and all the test classes. The generated class's __module__ attribute will be set to module_name """ # Import and append the test class objects to the bases list bases = list() # Make sure the fixture is first in the method resolution order if self.fixture_class is not None: bases.append(self.fixture_class.import_class()) for tc in self.mixin_test_classes: bases.append(tc.import_class()) # Create the new test class from the bases list and register it as a # member of the automodule so that it can be properly imported later # (type requires that bases be a tuple) class_dict = {} if module_name: class_dict['__module__'] = module_name return type(, tuple(bases), class_dict) def __call__(self): """Generates a module to contain the generated test fixture and all data generated test classes. Returns the module object""" # Generate the automodule automodule = self._generate_module(self.automodule_name) # add it to sys.modules self._register_module(automodule) # Generate the aggregate test class test_class = self._generate_test_class( module_name=self.automodule_name) if self.dsl is not None: # Instantiate the DataDrivenClass decorator with an instance of the # dsl_class dsl_class = self.dsl.import_class() # Generate final data driven class aggregate by decorating the # aggregate test_class with the the dsl_class-driven # DataDrivenClass decorator. test_class = DataDrivenClass(dsl_class())(test_class) # Add the ddtest_class to the automodule setattr(automodule, test_class.__name__, test_class) return automodule class BrewFile(object): def __init__(self, files): """Accepts mutiple (config-like) run files and generates a consolidated representation of them, enforcing rules during parsing. A BrewFile is a SafeConfigParser file, except: The section 'cli-defaults' is special and can only be used for defining defaults for optional command-line arguments. (NOTE: This feature is not yet implemented) All keys in any given section must be unique. All section names across all files passed into BrewFile must be unique, with the exception of 'defaults' and 'cli-defaults', which are special and not vetted. The section 'cli-defaults' should only appear once across all files passed into BrewFile. """ self._log = cclogging.getLogger( cclogging.get_object_namespace(self.__class__)) self.files = files self._data = self._validate_runfiles(files) def __repr__(self): files = self._files_string() brews = self._brews_string() return "Files:\n{files}Brews:{brews}".format(files=files, brews=brews) @property def cli_defaults(self): return dict(self._data.items('cli-defaults')) def _brews_string(self): sub_brews = "\n\t".join( ["\n\t".join(str(b).splitlines()) for b in self.iterbrews()]) return "{brews}\n".format(brews=sub_brews) def brews_to_strings(self): return self._brews_string().splitlines() def _files_string(self): return "{files}\n".format( files='\n'.join(["{space}{file}".format( space="\t", file=f)for f in self.files])) def brew_list(self): return [ s for s in self._data.sections() if s.lower() not in RESERVED_SECTION_NAMES] def iterbrews(self): """ Iterates through runfile sections and yields each individual section as a Brew object. You have to call .brew() on the individual Brews to get them to generate a module that contains the aggregate test class, so these should be safe to store in a list regardless of dataset size. """ for s in self.brew_list(): attr_dict = dict(name=s) for attr in BREW_SECTION_ATTR_LIST: try: attr_dict[attr] = self._data.get(s, attr) except Exception: attr_dict[attr] = None attr_dict[TESTCLASSES_ATTR] = (attr_dict.get( TESTCLASSES_ATTR) or "").strip().splitlines() b = _Brew(**attr_dict) yield b def brew_modules(self): """Returns a list of generated modules each with mixin_test_classes inside, based on the BrewFile's contents. For a large enough dataset this could be memory intensive, so it's recommended to use iterbrews and yield the module/mixin_test_classes to your runner one at a time. """ modules = list() for brew in self.iterbrews(): module = brew() modules.append(module) return modules @staticmethod def _validate_runfiles(files): """ Enforces the BrewFile rules on all provided files. If all files pass validation, a SafeConfigParser is returned. """ # Validate the config files individually for f in files: # Make sure the file is actually there since config parser # fails silently when loading non-existant files if not os.path.isfile(f): msg = "Could not locate file '{f}'".format(f=f) raise RunFileNotFoundError(msg) # TODO: Add checks for duplicate sections among multiple files cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser() # Check for incomplete sections, excluding reserved # sections. for section in [ s for s in cfg.sections() if s not in RESERVED_SECTION_NAMES]: for attr in REQUIRED_BREW_SECTION_ATTR_LIST: try: cfg.get(section, attr) except configparser.NoOptionError: msg = ( "\nSection '{sec}' in runfile '{filename}' is " "missing the '{attr}' option".format( filename=f, sec=s, attr=attr)) raise RunFileIncompleteBrewError(msg) # config files are valid, return aggregate config parser object cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser() return cfg