# Copyright 2015 Rackspace # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import compileall import datetime import imp import os import platform import sys import textwrap import getpass import shutil from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from six.moves.configparser import SafeConfigParser import cafe from cafe.engine.config import EngineConfig if not platform.system().lower() == 'windows': import pwd class PackageNotFoundError(Exception): pass class _NamespaceDict(dict): """ A dict-like object that allows dotted access via its top-level keys. Raises an Exception if any keys in self.keys() collide with reserved (internal to dict()) attributes. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) collisions = set(kwargs) & set(dir(self)) if bool(collisions): # Construct proper grammar for Exception message collisions = list(collisions) collisions_string = "key {0} as an attribute".format(collisions[0]) if len(collisions) > 1: collisions_string = ", ".join( ["'{0}'".format(c) for c in collisions[:-1]]) collisions_string = "keys {0} or '{1}' as attributes".format( collisions_string, str(collisions[-1])) raise Exception( "Cannot set {0}. NamespaceDict cannot " "contain any keys that collide with attribute names internal " "to a dict-like object.".format(collisions_string)) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError( "NamespaceDict has no accessible attribute '{0}'".format(name)) class _lazy_property(object): """ Acts like @property, except it sets itself on first access. Property value should represent non-mutable data, as it replaces itself. """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return None value = self.func(obj) setattr(obj, self.func.__name__, value) return value class PlatformManager(object): """ Methods for dealing with the OS cafe is running on """ USING_WINDOWS = (platform.system().lower() == 'windows') USING_VIRTUALENV = hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix') @classmethod def get_current_user(cls): """Returns the name of the current user. For Linux, always tries to return a user other than 'root' if it can. """ real_user = os.getenv("SUDO_USER") effective_user = os.getenv("USER") if not cls.USING_WINDOWS and not cls.USING_VIRTUALENV: if effective_user == 'root' and real_user not in ['root', None]: # Running 'sudo'. return real_user elif cls.USING_WINDOWS: return getpass.getuser() # Return the effective user, or root if all else fails return effective_user or 'root' @classmethod def get_user_home_path(cls): if cls.USING_VIRTUALENV: return sys.prefix else: return os.path.expanduser("~{0}".format(cls.get_current_user())) @classmethod def get_user_uid(cls): if not cls.USING_WINDOWS: working_user = cls.get_current_user() return pwd.getpwnam(working_user).pw_uid @classmethod def get_user_gid(cls): if not cls.USING_WINDOWS: working_user = cls.get_current_user() return pwd.getpwnam(working_user).pw_gid @classmethod def safe_chown(cls, path): if not cls.USING_WINDOWS: uid = cls.get_user_uid() gid = cls.get_user_gid() os.chown(path, uid, gid) @classmethod def safe_create_dir(cls, directory_path): if not os.path.exists(directory_path): os.makedirs(directory_path) class TestEnvManager(object): """Sets all environment variables used by cafe and its implementations. Wraps all internally-set and config-controlled environment variables in read-only properties for easy access. Useful for writing bootstrappers for runners and scripts. Set the environment variable "CAFE_ALLOW_MANAGED_ENV_VAR_OVERRIDES" to any value to enable overrides for derived environment variables. (The full list of these is available in the attribute MANAGED_VARS) NOTE: The TestEnvManager is only responsible for setting these vars, it has no control over how they are used by the engine or its implementations, so override them at your own risk! USAGE HINTS: If you set CAFE_TEST_REPO_PATH, you should also set the CAFE_TEST_REPO_PACKAGE accordingly, as having them point to different things could cause undefined behavior. (The path is normally derived from the package). """ MANAGED_VARS = _NamespaceDict( engine_config_path="CAFE_ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE_PATH", test_repo_package="CAFE_TEST_REPO_PACKAGE", test_repo_path="CAFE_TEST_REPO_PATH", test_data_directory="CAFE_DATA_DIR_PATH", test_root_log_dir="CAFE_ROOT_LOG_PATH", test_log_dir="CAFE_TEST_LOG_PATH", test_config_file_path="CAFE_CONFIG_FILE_PATH", test_logging_verbosity="CAFE_LOGGING_VERBOSITY", test_master_log_file_name="CAFE_MASTER_LOG_FILE_NAME") def __init__( self, product_name, test_config_file_name, engine_config_path=None, test_repo_package_name=None): self.product_name = product_name self.test_config_file_name = test_config_file_name self._overrides_allowed = True if os.environ.get( "CAFE_ALLOW_MANAGED_ENV_VAR_OVERRIDES") is not None else False # Anything passed into the text env manager should take # precedence over environment variables, since the passed-in # parameters are used by runners, and thus are usually set at # runtime. override = self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.test_repo_package) self._test_repo_package_name = test_repo_package_name or override override = self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.engine_config_path) self.engine_config_path = ( engine_config_path or override or EngineConfigManager.ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH) self.engine_config_interface = EngineConfig(self.engine_config_path) def _override(self, env_var_name): """if overrides are allowed, return env var if present.""" override = os.environ.get(env_var_name) return override if self._overrides_allowed else None def finalize(self, create_log_dirs=True): """ Calls all lazy_properties in the TestEnvManager. Sets all lazy_properties to their configured or derived values. To override this behavior, simply don't call finalize(): note that unless you manually set the os environment variables yourself this will result in undefined behavior. Creates all log directories, overridden by making create_log_dirs=False. Checks that all set paths exists, raises exception if they don't. """ def _check(path, msg=None): if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception(msg or '{0} does not exist'.format(path)) def _create(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) _check( self.test_repo_path, "test_repo_path '{0}' does not exist".format(self.test_repo_path)) _check( self.test_data_directory, "test_data_directory '{0}' does not exist".format( self.test_data_directory)) _check( self.test_config_file_path, "test_config_file_path '{0}' does not exist".format( self.test_config_file_path)) if create_log_dirs: _create(self.test_root_log_dir) _create(self.test_log_dir) _check( self.test_root_log_dir, "test_root_log_dir '{0}' does not exist".format( self.test_root_log_dir)) _check( self.test_log_dir, "test_log_dir '{0}' does not exist".format(self.test_log_dir)) # Set environment variables for local_attr, env_var_name in self.MANAGED_VARS.items(): value = getattr(self, local_attr) os.environ[env_var_name] = value @_lazy_property def test_repo_path(self): """ Defaults to the abs path of the package defined by test_repo_package. Intended use: Used by runners for test discovery. """ # This makes sure to return the env override value if it's already set override = self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.test_repo_path) if override: return str(override) module_info = None try: module_info = imp.find_module(self.test_repo_package) except ImportError: raise PackageNotFoundError( "Cannot find test repo '{0}'".format(self.test_repo_package)) return str(module_info[1]) @_lazy_property def test_repo_package(self): """ default_test_repo in engine.config Overridden via CAFE_TEST_REPO_PACKAGE The actual test repo package is never used by any current runners, instead they reference the root path to the tests. For that reason, it sets the CAFE_TEST_REPO_PATH directly as well as CAFE_TEST_REPO_PACKAGE """ # Override happens in __init__ return os.path.expanduser( self._test_repo_package_name or self.engine_config_interface.default_test_repo) @_lazy_property def test_data_directory(self): """ default_test_repo in engine.config Overridden via CAFE_DATA_DIR_PATH Intended use: Absolute path to the location of all test data. """ return ( self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.test_data_directory) or os.path.expanduser(self.engine_config_interface.data_directory)) @_lazy_property def test_root_log_dir(self): """ test_root_log_dir in engine.config Overridden via CAFE_ROOT_LOG_PATH Intended use: The name of the directory under which the test log dir will be created. """ return ( self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.test_root_log_dir) or os.path.expanduser( os.path.join( self.engine_config_interface.log_directory, self.product_name, self.test_config_file_name))) @_lazy_property def test_log_dir(self): """ A join of test_root_log_dir and a date-timestamp The date-timestamp is overridden via CAFE_TEST_LOG_PATH Intended use: The name of the directory inside test_root_log_dir that all test logs will be stored in. """ log_dir_name = str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(" ", "_").replace( ":", "_") return ( os.path.expanduser( os.path.join( self.test_root_log_dir, self._override( self.MANAGED_VARS.test_log_dir) or log_dir_name))) @_lazy_property def test_config_file_path(self): """ A join of config_directory in engine.config, the product_name and test_config_file_name passed in at instantiation. Overridden in its entirety via CAFE_CONFIG_FILE_PATH Intended use: The path to the test config file in use. Used as a default by all cafe configs. """ return ( self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.test_config_file_path) or os.path.expanduser( os.path.join( self.engine_config_interface.config_directory, self.product_name, self.test_config_file_name))) @_lazy_property def test_logging_verbosity(self): """ test_logging_verbosity in engine.config Overridden via CAFE_LOGGING_VERBOSITY Intended use: Controls the verbosity of cafe logs. See cclogging.py Currently supports 'STANDARD' and 'VERBOSE'. """ return ( self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.test_logging_verbosity) or self.engine_config_interface.logging_verbosity) @_lazy_property def test_master_log_file_name(self): """ master_log_file_name in engine.config Overridden via CAFE_MASTER_LOG_FILE_NAME Intended use: The name of the file that cafe's root log filehandler will write to by default. """ return ( self._override(self.MANAGED_VARS.test_master_log_file_name) or self.engine_config_interface.master_log_file_name) class EngineDirectoryManager(object): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( initial_indent="* ", subsequent_indent=" ", break_long_words=False) # .opencafe Directories OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR = os.path.join( PlatformManager.get_user_home_path(), ".opencafe") OPENCAFE_SUB_DIRS = _NamespaceDict( LOG_DIR=os.path.join(OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR, 'logs'), DATA_DIR=os.path.join(OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR, 'data'), TEMP_DIR=os.path.join(OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR, 'temp'), CONFIG_DIR=os.path.join(OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR, 'configs'),) @classmethod def create_engine_directories(cls): print(cls.wrapper.fill('Creating default directories in {0}'.format( cls.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR))) # Create the opencafe root dir and sub dirs PlatformManager.safe_create_dir(cls.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR) print(cls.wrapper.fill('...created {0}'.format(cls.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR))) for _, directory_path in list(cls.OPENCAFE_SUB_DIRS.items()): PlatformManager.safe_create_dir(directory_path) print(cls.wrapper.fill('...created {0}'.format(directory_path))) @classmethod def set_engine_directory_permissions(cls): """Recursively changes permissions default engine directory so that everything is user-owned """ PlatformManager.safe_chown(cls.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cls.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR): for d in dirs: PlatformManager.safe_chown(os.path.join(root, d)) for f in files: PlatformManager.safe_chown(os.path.join(root, f)) @classmethod def build_engine_directories(cls): """Updates, creates, and owns (as needed) all default directories""" cls.create_engine_directories() cls.set_engine_directory_permissions() class EngineConfigManager(object): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( initial_indent="* ", subsequent_indent=" ", break_long_words=False) # Opencafe config defaults ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join( EngineDirectoryManager.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR, 'engine.config') @staticmethod def rename_section( config_parser_object, current_section_name, new_section_name): items = config_parser_object.items(current_section_name) config_parser_object.add_section(new_section_name) for item in items: config_parser_object.set(new_section_name, item[0], item[1]) config_parser_object.remove_section(current_section_name) return config_parser_object @staticmethod def rename_section_option( config_parser_object, section_name, current_option_name, new_option_name): current_option_value = config_parser_object.get( section_name, current_option_name) config_parser_object.set( section_name, new_option_name, current_option_value) config_parser_object.remove_option(section_name, current_option_name) return config_parser_object @staticmethod def read_config_file(path): config = SafeConfigParser() cfp = open(path, 'r') config.readfp(cfp) cfp.close() return config @classmethod def write_config_backup(cls, config): config_backup_location = "{0}{1}".format( cls.ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH, '.backup') print(cls.wrapper.fill( "Creating backup of {0} at {1}".format( cls.ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH, config_backup_location))) cls.write_and_chown_config(config, config_backup_location) @classmethod def update_engine_config(cls): """ Applies to an existing engine.config file all modifications made to the default engine.config file since opencafe's release in the order those modification where added. """ class _UpdateTracker(object): def __init__(self): self._updated = False self._backed_up = False def register_update(self, config=None, backup=True): if not self._backed_up and backup: EngineConfigManager.write_config_backup(config) self._backed_up = True self._updated = True config = None update_tracker = _UpdateTracker() # Read config from current default location ('.opencafe/engine.config) config = config or cls.read_config_file(cls.ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH) # UPDATE CODE GOES HERE if not update_tracker._updated: wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=" ") print(wrapper.fill( "...no updates applied, engine.config is newest version")) return config @classmethod def generate_default_engine_config(cls): config = SafeConfigParser() config.add_section('OPENCAFE_ENGINE') config.set( 'OPENCAFE_ENGINE', 'config_directory', EngineDirectoryManager.OPENCAFE_SUB_DIRS.CONFIG_DIR) config.set( 'OPENCAFE_ENGINE', 'data_directory', EngineDirectoryManager.OPENCAFE_SUB_DIRS.DATA_DIR) config.set( 'OPENCAFE_ENGINE', 'log_directory', EngineDirectoryManager.OPENCAFE_SUB_DIRS.LOG_DIR) config.set( 'OPENCAFE_ENGINE', 'temp_directory', EngineDirectoryManager.OPENCAFE_SUB_DIRS.TEMP_DIR) config.set( 'OPENCAFE_ENGINE', 'master_log_file_name', 'cafe.master') config.set( 'OPENCAFE_ENGINE', 'logging_verbosity', 'STANDARD') config.set( 'OPENCAFE_ENGINE', 'default_test_repo', 'cloudroast') return config @staticmethod def write_and_chown_config(config_parser_object, path): cfp = open(path, 'w+') config_parser_object.write(cfp) cfp.close() PlatformManager.safe_chown(path) @classmethod def build_engine_config(cls): config = None if os.path.exists(cls.ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH): print(cls.wrapper.fill('Checking for updates to engine.config...')) config = cls.update_engine_config() else: print(cls.wrapper.fill( "Creating default engine.config at {0}".format( cls.ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH))) config = cls.generate_default_engine_config() cls.write_and_chown_config(config, cls.ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH) @classmethod def install_optional_configs(cls, source_directory, print_progress=True): if print_progress: twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper( initial_indent='* ', subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=False) print(twrap.fill( 'Installing reference configuration files in ...'.format( EngineDirectoryManager.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR))) twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper( initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=False) _printed = [] for root, sub_folders, files in os.walk(source_directory): for file_ in files: source = os.path.join(root, file_) destination_dir = os.path.join( EngineDirectoryManager.OPENCAFE_ROOT_DIR, root) destination_file = os.path.join(destination_dir, file_) PlatformManager.safe_create_dir(destination_dir) PlatformManager.safe_chown(destination_dir) if print_progress: 'Installing {0} at {1}'.format(source, destination_dir) shutil.copyfile(source, destination_file) if print_progress: if destination_dir not in _printed: print(twrap.fill('{0}'.format(destination_dir))) _printed.append(destination_dir) PlatformManager.safe_chown(destination_file) class EnginePluginManager(object): @classmethod def _plugin_dir(cls): """ TODO: setuptools 31.0.0 introduced a bug that results in __file__ not existing for a namespace packages, in our case, after installing a namespace package in it. This is a workaround/hack to get around the issue for now. Ideally, we should move all the plugins into pypi so that we don't have to install them from a local directory like this. """ cafe_path = None try: cafe_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cafe.__file__), 'plugins') except AttributeError: cafe_path = os.path.join(cafe.__path__[0], 'plugins') return cafe_path @classmethod def list_plugins(cls): """ Lists all plugins currently available in user's .opencafe cache""" plugin_folders = os.walk(cls._plugin_dir()).next()[1] wrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ", break_long_words=False).fill for plugin_folder in plugin_folders: print(wrap('... {name}'.format(name=plugin_folder))) @classmethod def install_plugins(cls, plugin_names): """ Installs a list of plugins into the current environment""" for plugin_name in plugin_names: cls.install_plugin(plugin_name) compileall.compile_dir( cafe.__path__[0], maxlevels=1000, force=1, quiet=1) @classmethod def install_plugin(cls, plugin_name): """ Install a single plugin by name into the current environment""" plugin_dir = os.path.join(cls._plugin_dir(), plugin_name) wrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ", break_long_words=False).fill # Pretty output of plugin name print(wrap('... {name}'.format(name=plugin_name))) # Verify that the plugin exists if not os.path.exists(plugin_dir): print(wrap('* Plugin not found: {0}'.format(plugin_name))) return # Install Plugin process, standard_out, standard_error = None, None, None cmd = 'pip install {name} --upgrade'.format(name=plugin_dir) try: process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) standard_out, standard_error = process.communicate() except Exception as e: msg = '* Plugin install failed {0}\n{1}\n'.format(cmd, e) print(wrap(msg)) # Print failure if we receive an error code if process and process.returncode != 0: print(wrap(standard_out)) print(wrap(standard_error)) print(wrap('* Failed to install plugin: {0}'.format(plugin_name)))